Ernsts rooms in Castle Amber are furnished in a fairly simple style - walls panelled to about waist height with light coloured wood and white above that, furniture of the same wood, pale grey carpet, a few rugs, various paintings and sketches of Ernsts on the walls, plus a few object d'art from shadow on side tables and cabinets. All her rooms are south facing and so have good light. There are five rooms in the suite - bedroom, bathroom, living room, study and studio. The living room has a sizeable drinks cabinet plus two sofas and several armchairs in deep red leather, plus the door to the rest of the castle. The living room and study have a (connecting) balcony. The studio has artists materials, unfinished paintings and the like scattered around. This room also has several shelves full of sketch pads containing Ernsts renderings of various people and places. The study has bookshelves (still mostly empty), a desk and a few other chairs, plus a pair of crossed Black Wolves battle standards on one wall.

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