Cost : 10 points

PRE-REQUISITES : Basic Empowerment, Advanced Pattern to the level of controlling Pattern emanations or Advanced Logrus to the level of channelling power.

Invulnerable Armour and Deadly Damage weapons cannot be created with basic Empowerment. This is not to say they do not exist, but they can only be created by Real Empowerment, which gives on the ability to create items which are charged with Real power, for example Pattern Blades. Needless to say, it is very hard to find someone who will teach these skills, and it is also not trivial to learn them.

Making items with Real powers takes ten times longer than normal Empowerment of the same abilities and is very tiring.. That is:

It allows items to be constructed which will function even in anti-magical areas, because they have Real rather than magical powers.

Invulnerability counts as a 4 point Quality; Pattern in a blade gives it what is effectively Deadly Damage and counts as an 8 point Quality and may also imbue the item with other Pattern-related powers, such as Greyswandir's ability to allow interaction with the ghosts of Tir-Na Nog'th.

Real character points must be spent on any Real item as it is created because it is Real and thus automatically becomes part of the Reality of the Empowerer, or the person for whom it is being made (as long as the person it is being made for is also Real; otherwise it remains part of its creator's Reality). These points will be drained from Psyche if necessary. Of course, PCs will probably not initially be aware of this aspect of higher empowerment.

Oberon and Dworkin are the only ones who really understand the full intricacies of Real Empowerment.

Go to the Pattern, Logrus, Alternatives to Logrus, Shapeshifting, Trump, or Magic Pages.

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