Son of Corwin

My character for the game entitled 'The Crow Road', run at AmberCon UK 1998. It was a game set in Corwin's universe, where all the player characters were Corwin's children. This page is divided up into the following sections:

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Walker is a tall, wiry, sharp-featured black man, apparently in his mid-30's (subjectively he is over 100 years old). His eyes are golden (usually with a cynical glint in them) and he has long black hair in a ponytail, with a roughly-trimmed beard. He has a piratical earring in his right earlobe. In terms of clothing he wears garments (a shirt, a sweater, trousers, boots) which are fairly old and worn, and which have obviously seen better days. On his belt are a couple of daggers, and a hip flask. Over the top he usually wears a long dusty mud-spattered coat and on his head an equally disreputable-looking broad-brimmed hat. There is usually dirt and grime under his fingernails, and he wears a couple of tarnished silver rings on his fingers. At least part of his apparent age arises from the fact that he looks so dirty and disreputable.

He carries a staff which is about two metres long, of grey wood with silver tracery, and dark grey metal end caps. The wood of which it is made is tougher than any metal, and almost impervious to damage. It is used both for storing spells, and as a weapon in combat.

In terms of attitude he is somewhat aloof, and an outsider. He is generally not particularly caring, with a Zen/'fated' attitude to things, and places little significance on power, land or physical possessions.


Walker (as he now calls himself) is the son of Katina, a beautiful gypsy sorceress (when Corwin met her she was about twenty, with black skin, dark eyes, very long black hair, big hoop earrings and a nose ring) from a shadow named Lugansk, a place which vaguely resembles 18th century Europe. Corwin passed through the place on some of his early wanderings through shadow, and had a brief fling with Katina before going on to other places. Little did he know at the time that he had fathered a child on Katina.

And so the child, who was named Korasca by his mother, was raised as part of Katina's gypsy tribe, wandering Lugansk with them, untrusted by the locals but part of the close-knit tribal structure. He learnt his mothers sorcerous skills, assorted skills from the various members of the tribe, and how to fight.

He was always the best at essentially anything he tried (some people in the tribe whispered about how good he was behind his back, but he didn't care), and was admired by many in the tribe for it. He was loyal to the tribe, very good at fiddling outsiders out of their cash and valuables, and at pulling scams in general, but not a man to cross, though honourable with those he deemed worthy.

He always enjoyed the wandering life, considering it the best part of his existence. He gained the nickname 'Walker' because of his love for it.

Then Corwin came back unexpectedly, appearing from nowhere and claiming Korasca as his son. Katina confirmed that Corwin was indeed his father. After some discussion concerning his 'true heritage', Walker went away with Corwin to Avalon, on the way having his eyes opened to the variety there was in shadow as they went. In Avalon he walked the Pattern and came into his true heritage as a child of Avalon. From what Corwin told him of his past, he came to quite like Corwin, being of the opinion that he could have had a considerably worse father.

He spent some time in Avalon, poking about, but the pull of shadow soon came upon him, and off he went.

He spent many years exploring shadow, just wandering about and seeing things. The Pattern was the best thing that ever happened to Walker as far as this was concerned. It was during this time that he acquired the staff he has carried to this day.

Eventually he returned to Lugansk, but things had changed. His mother had long since died of a wasting disease. The wandering days of the tribe had been curtailed by the rise of an oppressive government in Lugansk, which had forced them to settle in a squalid slum.

And some members of the tribe, seeing how he had not aged at all in the long years since they had last seen him, accused him of being in league with the devil, making a deal and selling his soul. Their words convinced the tribe, and they shunned him.

Walker left. He was saddened, but not particularly so. His last ties to the tribe had been cut, and he was free to do as he pleased.

As he wandered more, he couldn't help but notice the way things seemed to be becoming corrupt and decayed throughout shadow, and when he returned to Avalon, and then Perilese, he couldn't help but see the way Corwin had deteriorated. His former mild admiration for Corwin has turned to contempt and pity at the state of his father.

And so he continues to wander shadow...


PSYCHE21Basic Pattern50
ENDURANCE6Good Stuff+1
WARFARE42Staff [Rack Named and Numbered Spells 2, Double Damage 2]1
POINTS SPENT = (11 + 11 + 6 + 42) + 50 + 1 + 15 + 4 = 150
(Counting a 10 point bonus for an early character)


In terms of what he knows, he is good at magic, and in addition is knowledgeable in slight of hand and stage magical skills, stealth and crime skills, athletics/acrobatics, first aid, survival and combat skills. He knows how to ride, but prefers not to do so.


Walker's Sorcery is basically something like gypsy magic with a few extra bits and bobs on top. This gives him the spells which cover a range of effects:

His staff acts a reservoir for his magical power.

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