'Dragon' VTOL Vectored-thrust Troop Transport

Description : Dragons have four vectoring jet nozzles ('legs'), which scream as they fly, are mottled green (in camouflage patterns) and have a mirrored cockpit window at the front of the body.

The Vehicle

Statistic | Value          | Points
Size      | 5 x 2.5 Hexes  |   35
Mass      | 12.5 Tons      |    -          OCV : 4+ with Combat Pilot,
Strength  | 45             |    -                3  with Computer
KNB       | -7"            |    -          DCV : 1
Body      | 17             |    -
Defence   | 5              |    9
Dexterity | 14             |   12
Speed     | 4              |   16          Phases : 3, 6, 9, 12
          | Total          |   72

Powers                                                        | Pts
-5" Running (1" Total)                                        | -10
11" Flight                                                    |  22
 x 8 non-combat (422.4 kph)                                   |  15
4d6 RKA, AE[cone: 13" sides] (+1), 16 Charges (-0),           |  34
  No Range (-1/2), No KNB (-1/4), Reduced by Range (-1/4),    |
  60_ Arc of Fire (-1/2), Bulky OIF (-1) - Flamethrower       |
1d6+1 RKA, Autofire [5 targets] (+1/2), 250 Charges (+1),     |  27
  No Range Modifier (+1/2), 180_ Arc of Fire (-1/4),          |
  Bulky OIF (-1) - Minigun                                    |
Two Miniguns                                                  |   5
Change Environment (Light), 2" radius, 0 End (+1/2),          |   7
  Bulky OIF (-1) - Spotlight                                  |
Four Spotlights                                               |  10
IR Vision                                                     |  3*
High Range Radio Hearing                                      |  6*
360 Degree Radar Sense                                        | 14*
5 pts Visual Flash Defence                                    |  3*
5 pts Radio Flash Defence                                     |  3*
LS : Self-contained                                           |  5*
LS : Immune to Disease                                        |  2*
LS : Immune to Radiation                                      |  2*
Total                                                         | 146

* Bulky IIF (-3/4)

Disadvantages                                                   | Pts
Watched (Dragonyoung leaders, more, NCI, 8-)                    |  10
Distinctive Features (not concealable, major reaction) - Dragon |  20
Total                                                           |  30

Total Points      = 220
Cost as a Vehicle = (146 + 72 - 30) / 5 = 38

Dragon's Computer

VALUE | STAT |Pts || SKILLS                |Pts || PROGRAMS             |Pts
8     | Int  | -2 || Combat Pilot 11-      |  3 || Fire Weapons         |  1
8     | Dex  | -6 || Sensor Operations 11- |  3 || Fly from A to B      |  1
2     | Spd  |  2 || Navigation 11-        |  3 || Respond Verbally     |  1
      |      |    || Mechanics 11-         |  3 || Search for Targets   |  1
      |      |    || WF : Vehicle Weapons  |  1 || Diagnose Malfunction |  1
      |      |    || Language (basic Conv) |  1 ||                      |
       Total | -6 ||                 Total | 14 ||                Total |  5

OCV = 3
Intelligence Roll = 11-, Dexterity Roll = 11-, Perception Roll = 11-

Total Points       = 13
Cost as a Follower = (-6 + 14 + 5) / 5 = 3

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