Daily Life

Most of the Human societies of the Solar System are at least somewhat influenced by the society which was constructed by the Amazon in Minerva. All sentients are free to live their own lives almost entirely as they please, with the UN providing for them if they have no desire to work. All public areas are monitored, and all private areas can be monitored if necessary. Crime is seen as a form of mental illness which is treated by effective psychotherapy.

Unfortunately, the coming of the Hounds has frayed the social structure somewhat - the trauma's and displacements of the war have led to an alarming rise in many forms of mental illness, though not to anywhere near 20th century levels as yet. It has also led to the rebirth of organised crime in the form of the Omerta organisation.

The war has also led to people falling through the UN's fingers and effectively becoming an almost invisible underclass, which the UN's stretched human resources are as yet unable to do much about. Although the underclass is small, the people who make it up are often the most mentally ill, and the most embittered against the UN. The presence of sometimes very large unmonitored abandoned areas on the fringes of most settlements almost encourages the underclass, and has provided rich recruiting grounds for both Omerta and DEMON.

With the coming of the Hounds, the number of nations across the Solar System has greatly fallen, from more than thirty thousand in 2240, to only a little more than a thousand in 2335. Also, current nations tend to have less extreme sizes than those before the War; very small nations tend to have been wiped out, or to have merged with other nations for protection; very large ones tend to have been decimated by the War.

As a side effect of this, with the coming of the Hounds the cultural diversity of humanity has greatly decreased. Even so, in most reasonably cosmopolitan settlements there will be a great variety of humans, AI's, near-humans and non-humans. Some of these, in particular AI's and the less human types, are rather strange. Some of the AI societies, in particular those heavily involved in controlling space vessels, have a number of unusual traditions, such as the performance of complex mourning dances using the ships they run to commemorate those of their number who die for whatever reason (they also have other such dances performed for other reasons, but these days these are seen less often than the mourning dances).

The more untouched settlements still look much as they did before the coming of the Hounds - large brightly lit rooms and corridors in a variety of colours, with plenty of greenery (both natural plants and genetically engineered types forming part of the life support system) in planters, and holographic 'windows' looking out on a variety of scenes (these used to include many of the Earth, but these have generally been phased out for obvious reasons). Most settlements have generated gravity. Emergency doors and life support systems are silent and invisible.

Most settlements still resemble this, but many have been more heavily damaged in Hound attacks. Even with nano-machine self-repair systems some holo-windows are broken or off, the lights are dimmer, and in some places are broken; the walls show obvious signs of repair and in many cases also show signs of hastily-installed replacement life-support systems. Depending on the level of damage the emergency doors to abandoned parts of the settlement will be closed, and sometimes permanently sealed shut.

Abandoned areas of settlements bear almost no resemblance to their former selves. If they are uninhabited they will be dark, empty and airless, all useful or potentially useful items having been removed before the section was sealed. Inhabited parts of abandoned sections are usually run from improvised generators which power improvised lighting, life support systems and airlocks (either built from scratch or modified from damaged ships). They all have emergency exits. The lights are usually dim, the life support systems relatively noisy, and the air smells. All the furniture and fittings will either be improvised or stolen. Even so, given nano-technological construction capabilities they can still be of very high quality. Many abandoned areas are run by what are effectively warlords, usually superhuman, with their own personal superhuman guards. In some cases these warlords are simple thugs (sometimes in the pay of Omerta), in others they are elected leaders, and in others they run their fiefdoms according to some larger philosophy which they adhere to. The UN rarely ventures into these areas, though they often watch from a distance, and in the larger of these areas use agents to observe the situation.

In most settlements informative (some would say propaganda) displays and advertisements encouraging people to join the UN are both common sights.

A variety of different clothing styles exist in different areas of the Solar System. The skin-tight UN uniform (royal blue with white, silver and gold trim), which also acts as an emergency space-suit, is a familiar sight across the Solar System. Other forms of skin-tight clothing (some of which can act as space-suits, some of which can't) are also quite common in the more advanced areas. In many areas inhabited mainly by superhumans, who have no need for protection from the elements, the need for a nudity taboo has been removed, so apart from equipment belts and similar items only clothing necessary for the task at hand, such as armour, is worn. In other areas people tend to wear more utilitarian clothing, and the materials used for clothing are becoming more basic as the facilities to manufacture more advanced materials are damaged or destroyed. In some of the abandoned areas people have been reduced to wearing rags, though the leaders usually seem to be well dressed.

By 2335 there is only one banking system in the Solar System - the UN CEntral BAnking System (UNCEBAS), which was formed by the UN from the remains of all the other banks whose central offices were destroyed with the coming of the Hounds, or which have since been nationalised. Everyone has life-force profile and account information recorded on the banking systems of every settlement, with the information continually updated. When a customer makes a purchase or withdraws cash the shop or bank machine reads the persons life-force profile and compares it to the stored profile and account details before confirming or denying the transaction. Updated account details are transmitted by screened scrambled psi-link to all other branches and settlements.

Many people also carry their recorded life-force profile and account details on a card, piece of jewellery or small implant (a 'pill' which painlessly self-implants after being swallowed). These also confirm transactions and carry account information.

Despite these advanced credit systems cash is still totally legal in the UN. This is partly to help avoid creating an underground black market outside of the UN's control and partly because some people just prefer using cash.

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