
No recognisable instruments are used anywhere in the world, although the various categories of instrument (strings, woodwind, percussion, synthesized) do still exist. Dance and music are also unrecognisable.

Most Roman-influenced areas still have the arena as the most popular form of public entertainment. Although initially it started out as a forum for violent events, it became less violent and more sporting before the Nex, and although in most areas in did become violent again during the interregnum, it has become civilised again as the world has rebuilt itself. Rumours and reports of 'real' violent illegal secret arenas do surface from time to time.


Like music and dance food (apart from the actual basic types of foodstuff) is almost unrecognisable. In fact some dishes considered the finest delicacies would be totally repulsive to someone from the real world.


Rome and the areas influenced by it still uses the toga as the main male garment. However this has been modified by time and contacts with other cultures so now trousers and shirts are often worn underneath, especially in colder weather. For formal occasions, however, the full traditional toga still holds sway. Female attire still consists of the dress, although there has been a lot of blurring of what is allowable in different areas, with women often wearing trousers and clothing similar to male attire. Military wear consists mainly of trousers and jackets, although ceremonial attire is basically identical to the ancient Roman Legionnaire (although with more modern weaponry and armour of modern materials).

Chinese attire consists, for both sexes, of shirts and trousers for the lower classes, and robes for the upper classes. Again military dress is trousers and jackets.

Indian dress is fairly similar to Indian dress in the real world.

In the nations of the Triple Alliance, both sexes, although descended from Rome, wear almost exclusively trousers and jackets.

Most of the Atlantean nations, and many African nations have considerable fewer nudity taboos than the European nations, although they do generally cover up when in those countries which would be offended by their exposing themselves. However, most Roman-influenced areas do still maintain the public baths as an area for socialising.

Handshakes are the common form of greeting in most Roman-influenced areas. The forearm clasp is used in more formal situations.


Most cities, regardless of the area of the world, tend to be low and sprawling rather than using towering skyscrapers. This is because, with the beginning of the reconstruction, only natural materials like stone, brick and concrete were available, and even as technology advanced the lack of metal prevented the building of very large structures. More recently buildings have started to grow large once again with the use of structural plastics and ceramics rather than metal. These are especially used in large housing blocks for poorer people.

Many older buildings carry wind turbines on their roofs, as a hold-over from the days before fusion power was re-developed.

Again because of the shortage of metals most cities have little private transport (although some people use animals), relying instead upon efficient public transport systems.

Most Roman cities have a police force which is a branch of local government rather than part of the military (although military police are used in some of the more unsettled areas). Public health care and looking after the unemployed is also handled on a local basis, so it can vary widely from area to area.

All cities have their poorer areas, many of them consisting of huge housing projects containing thousand of people, but in most of Rome and Nue Germania the problems of the poor tend to be ignored or swept under the carpet.

Sexism, racism, social deprivation and mental illnesses of all kinds are still problems on Tellus. Many of the problems of the poorer sections of the populace could be solved with the application of only a small part of Tellus' wealth, but most governments have their priorities set somewhat differently, so nothing is done.

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