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The Caladbolg System

Caladbolg | 1329 | B-365776-A | Sc | Ag, Ri | 710 | Im | F7V M0D M4D

F7V  Fergus
     [Mass 1.196, Luminosity 1.242; a greenish-yellow star]

0    G-s00229-A  Uliad  Re, Sc
     [Settlement named Gorias which forms the People's Republic of Uliad]

1    Y-100000-0  Alba

2    M0D  Connachta
     [Mass 1.11, Luminosity 0.07]

     0    Y-s00000-0  Ferdiad

     1    F-s00218-9  Cuchulain  Sc

4    B-365776-A  Caladbolg  Sc, Ri, Ag
     [Governments are the Republic of Erin (type 4, law 3, Undivided
      law; 3-way division of authority; representative authority a ruler,
      the legislative branch; executive an elite council; judicial a
      ruler) and the Republic of Tara (type 4, law 9, Undivided law;
      3-way division of authority; representative authority an elite
      council, the Judicial branch; executive an elite council; legislative
      a ruler)]
     [Population divided between a city of 30 million (New Ulster; the
      capital of the Republic of Erin, situated near the south pole),
      20 million (Emain Macha; the second city of the Republic of Tara, 
      situated near the north pole), 10 million (Tralee; the capital of
      the Republic of Tara, also situated near the north pole), 12 of
      population 5, 40 of population 4, 503 of population 3 and lots of
      population 2; all with Irish names; the largest cities are all
      situated near the poles of Caladbolg and are large enough that,
      given Caladbolg's small size, the buildings on one side of the
      city stand at a noticeably different angle to those on the other
      side (though each is still locally vertical)]
     [There are four orbital stations, Sailor's Grave Station (from which
      the X-Boats and their tenders operate), Throne Station (owned and
      run by the Republic of Erin), Bricriu's Feast Station (a joint
      venture between the two nations of Caladbolg) and Mabinogion station
      (owned and run by the Republic of Tara)]
     [Molten core; density 0.92, mass 0.0485, gravity 0.345]
     [Seismic stress 3; 17 notable volcanoes]
     [Base Temperature 315K (42 degrees C); +12/-28 degrees from latitude;
      +14/-24 degrees from axial tilt]
     [Day 25.7 hours; year 1.85 years]
     [24 degree axial tilt, 0.005 orbital eccentricity]
     [5 major continents, 7 minor continents,
      10 major islands, 7 archipelagoes]
     [Very green and lush; rains a lot, with violent weather (which means
      skyscrapers tend to be streamlined and possess stabilising strakes);
      land masses are named after Irish counties and other locations]
     [Native life; 4-limbed, bilateral symmetry, 2 sexes; the obvious
      native life-forms as large but spindly-seeming dinosaur-like creatures
      known as Dinosaura, and a variety of large flying creatures,
      particularly the pterodactyl-like and carnivorous Roc]

5    F-454626-9  Gae Bolga  Sc
     [Government is the People's Republic of Gae Bolga (territorial law;
      2-way division of authority; representative authority Demos, the
      executive and judicial branches; legislative and elite council]
     [Population of 1 million people, divided between 15 cities of
      population 4, 37 of population 3, 91 of population 2 and 195 of
      population 1; all with Irish names; there is a single orbital station]
     [Molten core; density 1.04, mass 0.13, gravity 0.52]
     [Seismic stress 6; 20 notable volcanoes]
     [Base Temperature 226K (-47 degrees C); +15/-35 degrees from latitude;
      +10/-17 degrees from axial tilt]
     [Day 25.4 hours; year 4.28 years]
     [17 degree axial tilt, 0.0 orbital eccentricity]
     [5 major oceans, 6 minor oceans, 10 small seas, 9 major lakes]
     [Native life; 4-limbed, bilateral symmetry, 2 sexes; mostly small and
      hardy; clustered around geothermal areas]

6    G-000565-9  Cualigna (Cooley) Belt  Sc, Co
     [300m/10km; n-10, m-80, c-10; 1 AU wide]

17   M4D  Dyfed
     [Mass 1.11, Luminosity 0.07]

     0    Y-s00000-0  Rhiannon

     1    Y-400000-0  Pwyll

          7r   Y-s00000-0  Arawn

     2    H-8A1135-A  Pryderi  Re
          [Settlement named and forms Falias Free State]

          9r   Y-6A0000-0  Cigfa

Goods: Agricultural, Ores, Agroproducts, Non-Metals, Durables, Recordings,
       Art-forms, Software

Progressive and Indifferent
Unaggressive and Peaceable
Discordant and Friendly

Because of its position at the edge of the Imperium, and as a vital link
to the detached portion of the Imperium in the Five Sisters sub-sector, 
the Scout base at Caladbolg is defended by a deep-site factor-N meson 
gun facility in addition to the other defences of Caladbolg, laser 
batteries, emplaced missile bays and the like, which are largely built 
at the local tech level. The planetary defences are run by a factor-9 
computer, and there are large numbers of concealed and obvious sensor 
sites dotted about the planet.

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