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The Saurus System

Saurus | 1320 | D-888588-7 | Ag, Ni, Tp | 820 | Im | A8V K9V

A8V   Zhorif
      [Luminosity 1.814, mass 1.86]

2     K9V  Idram
      [Luminosity , mass ]

      0  Y-s00000-0  Jimu

      1  Y-s00000-0  Hunu

2.3   Y-600000-0  Dorau

4     Y-000000-0  Fachea Belt
      [50km/50km; n-50, m-40, c-10; 0.5 AU wide]

5     D-888588-7  Saurus
      [Molten core, density 0.94, mass 0.95, gravity 0.94]
      [Base temperature 308K, atmospheric pressure 2.2 atmospheres]
      [Axial tilt 27 degrees, orbital eccentricity 0.02]
      [Orbital period 3.44 years, rotation period 29.7 hours]
      [No major or minor continents, 9 major islands, 7 archipelagoes]
      [Native life with 8 limbs, radial symmetry, and hermaphrodism;
       vegetation is violet in colour]
      [Largest cities have hundreds of thousands of people]
      6r  G-692367-6  Geckani
          [Base temperature 289K; orbital period 20.74 hours]

4     Y-000000-0  Esno Belt
      [100m/100m; n-10, m-20, c-70; 0.01 AU wide]

6.2   Y-604000-0  Cleopnus

Progressive and advancing
Unaggressive and Neutral
Discordant and Aloof

Goods: Agricultural, crystals, agroproducts, non-metals, recordings, documents

Representative authority is several councils, with no division of authority.

Personal law.

A young colony.

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