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The Treece System

Treece | 2311 | D-232866-8 | Na, Po, O:2410 | 610 | Im | M1V

M1V  Jalla
     [Luminosity 0.418, mass 0.4574]

0    D-232866-8  Treece
     [Rocky body, density 0.6, mass 0.0094, gravity 0.15]
     [Base temperature 300K]
     [No oceans, 8 small seas, 8 scattered lakes]
     [Native life, though just micro-organisms]
     [There is an orbital station owned by Inthe]
     [Largest cities have millions of people; settlements consist
      mainly of sealed buildings, with some airtight domes; most
      settlements have visible signs of war damage, and some have
      been abandoned altogether]

1    G-000267-8  Oskoi Belt  Ml
     [1km/1000km; n-20, m-60, c-20; 0.05 AU wide]

2    Y-8A6000-0  Kulla
     [Atmosphere is an irritant, chlorine and nitrogen at
      1.1 atmospheres]
     9r   Y-300000-0  Cliat
     10r  Y-400000-0  Ossay
     60r  Y-740000-0  Drell

Conservative and Advancing
Competitive and Neutral
Harmonious and Xenophobic

Ruled by the neighbouring world of Inthe.

Representative authority is several councils with no division of
authority; this is a ruling council appointed by a coalition of
Inthean nations.

Personal law.

Roughly a hundred years ago Treece suffered a rather nasty civil war followed by a crash of their civilisation. The Imperium was forced to step in to restore order, and now subsidises the nations of Inthe to rule Treece while they get back on their feet. When Treece is adjudged to be capable of self-government they will be given their independence again, within the Imperium. Unfortunately, the aftermath of Imperial intervention and outside rule has made the people of Treece rather xenophobic, so there are constant problems with terrorism. This has led to Inthe stationing warships there, placing many observation satellites in orbit, and holds back the day when Treece will be able to govern itself.

TV at Treece is light and entertaining with some educational content too. Local news is very light; there is not much of it, and what there is, is inoffensive and harmless. Off-world news is less censored.

Starships are allowed to refuel at a point in the centre of the Western Sea, the largest body of water on Treece. This is to avoid problems with the xenophobic locals.

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