Part 17 - After the Pattern

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I think ... I like Rebma. It is no larger than Timashkurabad, and the buildings are very different to those there. And of course, living underwater is rather strange. But. It is not half-destroyed. It has no Ruined Quarter. No ruins at all, in fact. And ... best of all ... there is not the sense of fear hanging over the place that there was - still is, I suppose - in Timashkurabad. That death waited, only held off by the whim of the invaders. True, there are patrols, but they do not seem to inspire the terror of the Oricarian patrols, and compared to them the Rebman patrols are infrequent, and lax. There are some rough areas, but they are just like home. Natural ground to me. They say Rebma is the mirror of Amber, so perhaps I shall like Amber, too.

I do not really like being called 'Your Highness'. It makes me uncomfortable. Makes me stand out when I want to blend in. And more ... I have not earned it, or anything else, and after having to fight for everything for so long, well, I think I am rather suspicious of things - respect - which is handed to one on a plate. Well, at least, for me, anonymity is an option when I wish it.

It seems wasteful to me. So many servants to look after so few, doing all kinds of tiny, trivial tasks. Is Llewella, and the other nobles, proud of their inability to look after themselves? I hope I never turn into someone like that.

I had to drive them away from me. From the room I am using. And even so they come in when I am not there, to clean and tidy up. I don't like it. If I had anything other than what I carry on me, I might dislike it even more. But as I do not even sleep in the bed (though of course, I make it look like I have) but a different hidey hole each night, why should I care?

There is one thing to like here as Llewella's daughter, though. The food. I have not eaten so much in so little time ... ever, that I can remember. But eat now. There may be lean times ahead...

And also my status here let me replace the coat I lent to Crystal. A coat is far too useful thing not to have - for concealing things under, if nothing else...

I am glad I had this chance to learn a little of magic. It feels as if a vast gaping hole in my education has been (at least partly) filled. And ... I enjoyed the learning with Master Harner. It reminded me of the days learning with Alakhan, or, more, with the old man who taught me control of my shapeshifting. But without the smell, or the insanity, or the pain. Generally, much more pleasant lessons than those. But profitable. Perhaps being known to be the daughter of the Queen of Rebma does have its advantages, after all.

I have not seen Llewella much this week, while I have been learning. I wonder what she is busy with? The defence of Amber perhaps? There were definitely some indications that she was doing that. Or is she merely assisting with Rune's upcoming coronation?

I hope this week-long absence has not soured the others - my friends, I think - against me. But there is only one way to find the answer to that question for certain...

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