Money Money


Some Thoughts

'Amber is not noted for manufacture, and agriculture has never been our forte. But our ships sail the shadows, plying between anywhere and anywhere, dealing in anything. Just about every male Amberite, noble or otherwise, spends some time in the fleet.'

Corwin, in 'The Hand of Oberon', Chapter 4

Economics in Amber is quite a complex thing.

Corwin states, in 'The Hand of Oberon', that Amber is almost entirely dependant on outside sources of goods for its survival. This implies that its main economic function is as a market or clearing house of goods from across the range of shadow paths that link out into shadow. It also implies that these shadow paths do not cross-link out in shadow (although they may branch), so that traders who want to trade across shadow paths have to come through Amber, putting it in a strategically advantageous position.

Taking all this together it could be imagined that Amber plus all the shadow linked to it by shadow paths form a closed economic system, not unlike that of the world of shadow Earth, where the rules of supply and demand apply.

However, there is an extra factor in Amber which can utterly upset the economy, and that is the Royal Family. Any one of them can, if they choose, bring back goods from shadows which are utterly inaccessible via the shadow paths that form the normal trading routes to and from Amber. And there appears to be no reason why Amberites cannot find shadows where fortunes in gold and gems (for example) are there for the taking. Or vast quantities of any kind of commodity. This would have a drastic effect on the economy of shadow Earth. So how do things work in Amber?

As I see it, there are several options:

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