As It Exists In The Amberverse Of The First Rakhmon

The Logrus is surrounded by a cult-like Priesthood with a marked Steampunkish, Brazil-like flavour. It's a pseudo-technical device of unknown depth, but which functions like the one in the Books.

Different Schools exist in Thelbane for the initiation into, study and operation of the Logrus. You study it, like a programming language, combined with some physiolinguistic indoctrination exercises (painful, involving lots of flashing lights, dark rooms and IVs), putting you into a Deeper Understanding of the Logrus' pervolutions, whorls, and subtle interrelationships. Formulaic practice, ancient methodologies, an entire canon of study rather stultifying and limiting, tending to produce generations of uninspired operators, analysts, commentators, venerators, critics, documentators, annotators and the occasional, rare, dangerous Initiate. Of these remarkable people, most are shut away in offices and laboratories, or drafted into the service of the King, or left to wander the Universe in search of their personal Truth. Most major Houses has an Initiate or two, some have more, a few have none. These are powerful people who are well-regarded in Thelbane society, but often misunderstood.

The rarest of these Initiates continues in his research to enter an even deeper understanding of the Logrus. becoming a Master.

These are the most dangerous, feared, misunderstood and worshipped of all students of the Logrus. They are pop culture icons, names to be conjured with, people to be venerated with abject fear and desire. Hot stuff.

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