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Information on the Game Itself

Just a few bits on tone, and how I intend things to go in terms of pacing, sequence and the like.

The tone of the game will be dark (I hope), though that doesn't necessarily mean totally bad things will be happening.

My plan is for the game to be somewhat episodic - there will be some episodes making up a 'story arc', then a largish gap (up to years in length) between it and the next arc. My plan is that it will allow things (the plot, basically) to grow gradually (and, perhaps, in some cases, from small beginnings) rather than everything suddenly leaping full-grown out of the shadows to menace Amber, all at (roughly) the same time, which is something I, at least, find very unconvincing.

I have no objection to people doing stuff in the gaps between 'story arcs', but it is my intention that this should be done via email or some other out-of-game means, so the actual game sessions are the party's doings, not just catching up on things individual characters are doing. Also, things which happen in the gaps probably won't be things of major consequence.

I do see the game as having a definite end point, though how long it'll take to reach said point I'm not even going to begin to estimate at this stage...

I reserve the right to change my rules take etc. up to when the game starts. At that point the rules and background (for this game, at least) will be frozen in their current state unless there are real problems with them which show up later. Things may still be added to them (in clarification or expansion) after the game starts, though...

There is no Logrus is this game; the cross-shadow powers of the Courts are limited to the Black Pathways power.

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