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The Four Year Gap 126-130 PPF

Session 3.7   Index   Session 4.1


Damien does a number of things during the gap:


During the gap, Ibrahim does various things:



Over the gap, Tamarind:


Tristan spends the gap years doing a number of things:


Ibrahim introduces his sister Phoenix to his sister Jaheira, and tries to ensure that they get on well. Before they do so a subtle suggestion is be made to Jaheira that Phoenix was really surprised to see horses when we turned up on them.

They ride out to Jaheira's ranch near Forest Arden, where Jaheira welcomes them. Refreshments are served. "How are you finding Amber," Jaheira asks Phoenix.

"Strange. Very strange," replies Phoenix.

Ibrahim mentions that Jaheira spent a lot of time helping their home shadow get back on its feet after being hit by shadow storms, much as Phoenix was doing with Requiem.

Jaheira suggests that Phoenix might like to visit Kieri at some point.

Phoenix replies that she would certainly like to, but that Jaheira postpone any return visit to Requiem until it has had a chance to improve a bit more.

Jaheira offers to pick out a horse for Phoenix, and as part of this they tour her ranch.

Phoenix offers to provide 'adjustments' to the horse breeding stock using her Shapeshifting at the genetic level. Jaheira seems to think that this is a good idea.

Ibrahim wonders if one could introduce genetic traits from (for example) the shadow-shifting sabre-toothed cats. Perhaps...

Phoenix and Jaheira find that they have quite a lot in common. Jaheira invites her back to help in the breeding of improved equine stock.

Ibrahim and Phoenix also perform some research into different toxins to find out their antidotes, plus to find a few toxins that work in Amber.



Beltaine also has some plans, which move on over the gap years. They change quite a lot after Tamarind tells her about discovering Ossian, though.


Brand grows up, perhaps faster than time in Amber might normally allow. Deirdre also grows up, at a more normal (for Amber) rate.

Brand apologises to Dworkin for ruining his Pattern. Dworkin accepts this apology. He, Brand and Chalice begin to form a definite clique.

Corwin has Castle Rosa rebuilt to match Castle Moebius on the other side of his Pattern. That is, a fortress that is defensible against attacks coming both from outside or through the Pattern.

He also has had the rocket ship we used to escape from the monstrous Dworkin-blob, and in which we crash-landed on the slopes of Kolvir, raised onto a launch pad on the site of his tomb.

Dworkin begins to once again live in his cave next to the Primal Pattern. He commutes to and from the rest of the universe via the Pattern.

Various Girasolians visit Amber. Various Amberites, in return, visit Girasol. Embassies are exchanged between the two realms. Thomas is appointed as the Girasolian ambassador to Amber while Deirdre becomes Random's ambassador to Girasol (after she walks the Pattern, of course).

When Deirdre goes to take up her ambassadorship in Girasol, Tamarind takes her there. On the way, he tries to find out who his father was. He is more curious than dying to know.

"Corwin is not your father," she says emphatically. After some more probing by Tamarind she tells him that his father's name was Valerian, and that he came from one of her shadows. She thinks he is probably dead of old age by now, but does not seem too bothered by this.

Random offers the Girasolians attunement to the Jewel of Judgement. They all accept this offer.

We track down Dworkin's old body in shadow, with the assistance of Dworkin himself.

When we find it, it is still alive, floating in a shadow of void. Dworkin basically reabsorbs it into himself and dissipates the excess mass back into gas.

Tamarind suggests that we should keep some, to help make new bodies for people, such as Nicholas of Girasol. This seems a sensible plan, so Dworkin keeps some and Trumps it away for safe-keeping.

As time passes, Ibrahim's sister Jaheira, newly young again, cuts a swathe through Amberite society. She is having to beat potential suitors off with a stick.

Towards the end of the gap period, in 129 PPF, King Daniel of shadow Kintar in the Golden Circle comes to visit her, and after a while they become an item.

Kintar is a grassy, largely flat shadow with a great many horses.


Following his first expedition to the Primal Pattern Tristan enquires whether anyone else is interested in coming along on a second expedition there, including a sea voyage. He points out that this could be dangerous since the sea suffers from the hypnotic hyper-Reality sensory overload effect even more than the land does, due to its movement...

On the second expedition, Tristan brings blinkers for himself to try and cut down the hyper-Reality hypnosis effect. He also tests whether clockwork works there, thinking that if it does then one can come up with some ingenious timer which blocks one's sight entirely every hour or so. Something on those lines using a burning down candle could also be used - so long as you didn't mind wandering around looking like some kind of birthday cake.
Unfortunately, he finds that blocking sight doesn't help - the blinkers themselves become the objects of fascination instead. And clockwork turns out not to work at the Primal Pattern. Candles, being moving things, are also fascinating in their own right. Even if one closes ones eyes, the few sounds that there are fascinating too. And if one plugs up ones ears one can still feel the Reality of the place...
Importing some boredom, such as elevator music, accountancy text books, Harp beer, Little and Large joke books and so on, on the theory that they might be a counterpoint to the truly fascinating stuff there, also does not work. Unfortunately, the imported things suffer the same hyper-Real fascination problem when they brought there, regardless of how dull they might be elsewhere.

Tristan also attempts to find out whether, if you take seeds there, they will grow. He discovers that they will not. Things seem to decay very, very slowly at the Primal Pattern, and nothing seems able to reproduce there.

For everyone who goes on Tristan's second expedition to the Primal Pattern, the place is as previously described. Barren and hypnotically Real (though this does not become obvious until after we have been there for a few days, when we notice ourselves starting to be fascinated by rocks and so on for a few seconds at a time; this time increases the longer we stay there).

But we have a boat. We set sail, and off we go.

As speculated, the sea is even more hypnotic than the land, what with its glittering and constant movement. With the very close horizon, we quickly lose sight of land, and with no horizon visible - the sea and sky seem to simply join, seamlessly - it appears almost as if we are floating in the middle of the sky.

Lying in the bottom of the boat so that one cannot see the particularly hypnotic motion of the sea helps a little, as the sky is less distractingly hypnotic than the sea, but it, and indeed the boat itself, are hypnotic in their own right, so it does not stop the hypnotic effect. Having other people along to nudge those who are becoming 'tripped out' does help, though.

Impossigon power neither helps nor hinders one in resisting the hyper-Reality effect.

Navigation is mainly done by way of the sun, as the geometric patterns of the stars make navigating ambiguous - one could be sailing in any of a number of directions. A rope with knots in dangled over the back initially allows a good estimate of how far we've travelled during the day.

At night the geometric stars twinkle and glitter overhead and are reflected in the sea. We again feel almost as if we are suspended in the middle of the sky rather than floating on the sea.

It is all very hypnotic.

And eventually we end up just drifting, fascinated by the sea and its Reality, until, very, very hungry we bump back into land again, breaking up the boat on the rocks, which snaps us all out of it as our survival instincts kick in, and we crawl back onto land not far from the Primal Pattern...

...and that concludes this Tristan Enterprises Holiday. We will fully understand if you never travel with us again.

"Woah. Like bummer, man. That boat was like - cool." Ibrahim now has a deeper insight into what it means to be Caleb than he ever wanted...

Phoenix questions Tristan regarding his warning to her that Damien would probably try to take her on one of his 'mad' expeditions. Tristan claims that he was just trying to give Phoenix more evidence that he is not in fact a god....

And so everyone returns to Amber...


Damien shows Dworkin the various Chaos Tomes that we have been singularly failing to translate for some time now. And he proves to be able to read them. Hurrah!

Some of them are dull accounts of the running of a noble family in the Courts of Chaos. There is a great deal of trading in demons, as if they are a form of currency. There are also hints that the main use of Trumps in the Courts of Chaos is for assassination.

"From what the texts say," says Dworkin. "Someone called Prometheus invented the Trumps. A legendary King of Chaos."

Some of the other tomes are indeed religious and/or mythical in nature. There is a great deal of material that Dworkin was previously unaware of in them.

From them, it seems that Su-Chan of the Mira was the very first King of the Demons, and was the Chosen of the Nameless, who taught them Shapeshifting and Magic. The demons grew powerful and enslaved the human race. Su-Chan eventually died of old age.

Then Prometheus, a human, stole the secrets of Shapeshifting and magic from demonkind with the aid of an entity referred to as the Lion, and using these powers humanity rose up and overthrew the demons, enslaving them in turn. The Nameless was killed by the Lion, and Prometheus became the first King of Chaos. Under his rule, Chaos because a mighty empire, based on the use of the 'Power'.

From what we have learned before, Anurerishkigal was killed by an entity called the Nameless, presumably the Unicorn, who later returned as the Lion.

Then another human named Typhon overthrew Prometheus. Prometheus fled into the wilderness, never to be seen again, and Typhon became the new King of Chaos.

Another tome refers to the 'Power' being crippled by the creation of a new power, the Pattern. A mighty force was sent against Amber in retribution. It is not stated what became of them.


Over the years a there are a few disappearances among mid-to-high ranking officials working in Castle Amber as part of the administration of it or Amber City.

Tamarind draws a Trump of one he knew vaguely, and tries it, but to him the subject seems to be dead.

Otherwise there is no sign of what happened to them.

Upon further investigation the disappearances seem to have nothing in common. The vanished people are not essential to the running of the Castle or City.

Flora is puzzled. She does not think the use of the Trump was involved in their vanishings.

Ibrahim investigates, searching for secret passages but finding none.

Tristan does not think the Pattern was involved either.

As far as anyone can tell, these people simply went missing overnight and were then not seen again.

Phoenix checks for scents, but finds nothing out of the ordinary. All of the disappeared were sleeping alone on the night they vanished. Phoenix does sense fear in the scents of a couple of the vanished, but most seem to have been asleep when they disappeared.

Damien brings Sebek in as a consultant, but he cannot detect any sign of Tristan's criminals.

Finndo, Flora and Random all deny that the disappearances are part of any official or unofficial Black Op.

By the end of the gap period some two dozen people have gone missing, and the last disappearance occurs some three months before the end of the gap.


Tamarind suggests to Random that if he is bothered about the Unicorn's Joke (that is, that fact that his being King is its little jest), he hold a referendum on his rule.

Random considers this then, oddly, does it. All of Amber's citizens have a say and thus, for the first time, Amber is exposed to democracy. Members of the Royal Family are also eligible to vote.

Phoenix and Owen do not vote. Julian also abstains.

Damien, Esmée, Margot, Flora, Deirdre, Finndo, Corwin and Ibrahim all vote for Random.

Tamarind votes for Random but also submits a form listing advice for the improvement of policy in Amber.

When the votes (all taken via a secret ballot) are counted it is found, not too surprisingly, that the citizens of Amber definitely approve of Random's rule. Although there is definitely a big 'he is not Oberon/Bleys/Eric/Corwin' factor (select name as appropriate), there is more to it than that. In general the people seem to approve of the way that since Random became King, freedom, trade and prosperity are up, while wars and disasters are down.

As a result of the referendum there are a few changes to Amber's social policies.


Damien goes out on various expeditions into shadow.

One of them is to the ancient city in which the Unicorn had imprisoned Dworkin. He invites everyone else along on this one too, as well as Angelique and Sebek.

Upon arrival, we find that the ruins are now more ruinous than they were. Not surprisingly given the effects of the Big Fight between Dworkin and the Unicorn.

Scouting the place, and analysing samples from the ruins, we find that the city is large, and also incredibly ancient, some ten to twenty million Amber years old. Given its age it has weathered well.

The whole place seems to have been invaded and sacked a very long time ago, after which it was abandoned. There are a few fossilised remains to be found, and a few faint frescoes on a few walls. The inhabitants seem to have been human, and the invaders demonic.

We do find one building which is better preserved than the rest, apparently by some residual power. It is a temple, uncovered by the Big Fight, in the form of a three-storey high six-sided pyramid. Inside is a six-sided altar, above which hovers a statue of ... something ... a swirling shape, rather like milk swirling into coffee, but in three dimensions.

There is magical power protecting and warding the place. This is self-regenerating, and because of this the temple, and its wall decorations, are much more intact that elsewhere in the city. The six wall panels show a variety of images, in the following sequence:

The style of art is representational, but also somewhat stylised, as though the images are of generic rather than specific occurrences of the events in question.

On the pointed ceiling of the temple overhead, six large human faces look down into the temple. Alternating male and female, like the people visible in the frescos they all have mid-brown skin, bright green eyes and medium-brown hair. They all seem to be in early middle age. The faces are quite detailed and realistic, enough so that one could recognise the people depicted from their paintings.

The enchantment on the altar proves to be different from the rest of the magic on the temple. We consider this.

Then Ibrahim Trumps Tristan, and, when he gets through, asks to borrow the Life-Force Lens from him. Tristan passes it through and the link is dropped, with Ibrahim's thanks.

Through the Life-Force Lens it can be seen that the swirling statue over the altar has no life force in it. However, it is full of black memory sparks...

Examining the swirling statue shows that magic is holding them trapped within it.

Ibrahim thinks that stepping into it would result in the life-force being sucked out of one.

All of that being so, the object is left in situ for study, and not removed to the museum as so many other artefacts are. Damien keeps Sebek away from it.

From what we can tell, the stone swirl kills a person placed on the altar and holds their spirit as the life-force drains away, leaving just the memory-spark. It does not beam the Life-Force away to anywhere.

Ibrahim uses Fiona's spark-manipulating equipment to extract a memory-spark from the swirl-device, destroy it, and read the memories.

The selected memory-spark reveals memories of a priest named Naf-Kalu. A very devout man growing up in a stern, austere theocracy inhabited by a long-lived people. Naf-Kalu was very devout, and the memories show him growing up in the city and entering the priesthood who are responsible for all aspects of life there. From what Naf-Kalu knew, everyone in the city had some education, but only the priests knew magic, which made everything work. They also had to use magic continually to keep their shadow from dissolving away under them. Magic was given to the priests by their god, Rutiostom.

The disposal of the dead, Ibrahim learns, was intended to preserve something of the deceased. People were brought to the temple when they were dying so that their spirit would go into the stone swirl. Criminals - ones guilty of serious crimes - were exiled so that they could not be preserved. People who died in accidents and who could not be brought to the temple in time and so who were entirely lost were considered great tragedies.

Naf-Kalu lived in the city for tens of thousands of years, implying the same sort of lifespan as we have - an Amberite lifespan - and he was brought to the temple when dying, being absorbed into the swirl.

Ibrahim reports all of this to the rest of us.

Damien concludes, quite rightly, that it is a form of psychic mummification.

And we go our separate ways...


About eighteen months into the gap period [when they're how old?], one of the children's nurses rushes in as we are having dinner. "Eleanor has had an attack and Angelique is unconscious!" she exclaims.

We follow her at a run back to their quarters, where we can hear that Eleanor is screaming.

En route, Tamarind Trumps both girls. When he gets through, as he quickly does, both Eleanor and Angelique are panicking. Tamarind can sense that Eleanor is in the children's sitting room, while Angelique is ... nowhere.

He tries to hold on to Angelique and calm her.

From what he gathers from the pair of them, Eleanor became cross with Angelique and accidentally pulled off the soul-sucking trick on her.

Eleanor is upset. "Angelique's inside me!" she wails.

We all arrive at the children's sitting room, Tamarind telling us what has happened.

Eleanor is standing next to the collapsed and comatose body of Angelique.

Tamarind begins to do what he can to talk Eleanor through putting Angelique back into her body while Ibrahim helps to calm her.

Damien Trumps Brand.

Phoenix watches what is going on.

After a while, Damien gets through to Brand, who seems to be in his tent by the Abyss. Damien explains the situation and then brings him through.

Brand looks at the scene. "Oh, she's a Souleater," he says.

"What!?!" exclaims Eleanor, overhearing this.

"Shh!" Damien tells Brand.

After some little time, with Eleanor concentrating all the while, an aetheric, ectoplasmic Angelique emerges from Eleanor's eyes and stands palely in the middle of the room, not looking terribly happy.

Tamarind encourages Eleanor to move Angelique back into Angelique's body.

Eleanor nods, and shakily re-absorbs the ectoplasmic spirit of Angelique through her eyes, then expels it again back into her comatose body.

Angelique wakes up.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" wails Eleanor.

"It wasn't your fault," says Angelique.

Then they hug each other and both burst into tears.

With the immediate panic over, we find out what happened. It seems, as we had already suspected, that Eleanor activated her Souleater power without knowing what she was doing. She does not like being able to do this.

Tamarind points out that there is a good side to this - she can save people who are otherwise about to die.

Eleanor perks up a bit when this is suggested.

Ibrahim suggests that she should be taught how to control her new power.

"Yes, please!" she says.

Thus, over the next couple of years, some significant time is spent teaching Eleanor how to control her new power, both student and teachers learning about the power as they go. Her ability to manifest an absorbed spirit as an ectoplasmic form is something we have not seen before from the late Aximia Kwandril, the only other Souleater we have ever encountered. The ectoplasmic forms seem to be stable and semi-independent of Eleanor.


Ibrahim asks Random about Rebma, and what has been happening there in recent years. For example to Moins, Moire, Llewella and so on.

Random tells Ibrahim that Tristan has already arranged a meeting between Llewella and the Unicorn (in the form of 'Miranda') on a boat, but that he does not know what they said to one another.

Tristan seems not to have consulted Random before doing this.

Ibrahim sends letters to Llewella, trying to treat her like a human being. She replies to these, though initially in a very formal manner. However, a correspondence develops, consisting mainly of news of the Family and the Amber court.


At the age of sixteen (the very end of 129 PPF) the eight children all walk the Pattern in Amber.

Eleanor almost doesn't make it, taking a very long time to make her way around the design, and falling unconscious after pushing through the Third Veil at the end. Random uses the Jewel of Judgement to teleport to the centre of the Pattern and fetch her back.

Octavius also has to work hard to successfully make his way around the Pattern.

Duncan has the least trouble with it of all the children.

When the children have all recovered from walking the Pattern, they are also attuned to the Jewel of Judgement.

When they have recovered from this, Tamarind gives them all Trump decks, and there is, in general, a great giving of presents.

There is a ceremony in the Great Hall of Castle Amber in which all of the children except for Chalice swear loyalty to King Random.

With that done, we teach the children how to use their new Pattern powers.

When they are reasonably familiar with them, they head out from Amber and are currently off exploring in shadow. Ibrahim has sent out some birds of desire to keep a discrete eye on them and return to him if the children are ever in serious danger.

Sebek is not happy at not being allowed to walk the Pattern, so Damien has him attune to the Impossigon instead. It takes him about as long as it took Klerothos the Red. Sebek also receives presents upon doing so.

With Sebek able to travel through shadow on his own, Agrippina also insists on attuning to the Impossigon, so that she can keep an eye on him. This Damien does.

He shows them both the overland shadow routes to shadows Plinius and Memphis.



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