The Black Hood

Real Name : Victoria Matsoele

Nom de Guerre : The Black Hood

Identity : Public

Age : 17

Sex : Female

Description : You are a pretty black girl of seventeen with very short hair. When being the Black Hood you wear a black body-suit and hooded mask.

Nationality : South African

Base of Operations : Mobile

Group Affiliation : None


Value | Stat | Cost | Points       
13    | Str  | x1   |    3         Endurance cost for Strength : 1
20    | Dex  | x3   |   30         Maximum Lift with Strength  : 150 kg
20    | Con  | x2   |   20         
14    | Body | x2   |    8         OCV (Dex/3) : 7
18    | Int  | x1   |    8         DCV (Dex/3) : 7
23    | Ego  | x2   |   26         ECV (Ego/3) : 8
10    | Pre  | x1   |    0         
14    | Com  | x1/2 |    2         Dex Roll (9+Dex/5)    : 13-
4+    | PD   | x1   |    1         Int Roll (9+Int/5)    : 13-
4+    | ED   | x1   |    0         Ego Roll (9+Ego/5)    : 14-
5     | Spd  | x10  |   20         Percep Roll (9+Int/5) : 13-
10    | Rec  | x2   |    6         Con Roll (9+Con/5)    : 13-
40    | End  | x1/2 |    0         
32    | Stun | x1   |    0         Phases : 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
             | Total|  124

Powers / Talents / Skills                                     | Pts
EC : Psionic Protection                                       |   9
(a) 11" Teleportation; Endurance Cost 2                       |  13
(b) +6rPD, +6rED Armour                                       |   9
(c) Danger Sense, Out of Combat, Mystical, 11-                |  11
MP : Psi Powers                                               |  50
u 10d6 Mental Illusions; 5 Endurance                          |   5
u 10d6 Mind Control; 5 Endurance                              |   5
u 5d6 Ego Attack; 5 Endurance                                 |   5
u Invisible to Normal Touch, All Sight, All Hearing,          |   5
  Normal Smell, No Fringe, 1/2 Endurance (2 per Phase),       |
  Not vs Machines (-1/2)                                      |
Lockpicking 13-                                               |   3
Stealth 13-                                                   |   3
Security Systems 13-                                          |   3
Streetwise 11-                                                |   3
Afrikaans (native)                                            |   -
English - Comp. Flu. with Accent                              |   2
Total                                                         | 126

Disadvantages                                                 | Pts
Secret Id                                                     |  15
Driven to help the Poor and Needy (cmn, str)                  |  15
Code vs Killing (cmn, str)                                    |  15
Hatred of racism/racists (cmn, str)                           |  15
Dislikes being Given Orders (cmn, mod)                        |  10
Hunted (South African government, as, NCI, 8-)                |  15
Hunted (Diamond Company, as, NCI, 8-)                         |  15
Total                                                         | 100

Total Points (150 + Disadvantages ) = 250


You were born in the South African shanty towns. However (you have been told) your mother died in childbirth, and no-one knew who your father was. Lacking any other close relatives you were placed in a state orphanage, where you grew up fast as you were educated for a life serving the white ruling class. As you got older you began to resent people giving you orders more and more, and wanted to have the things you saw that the whites had.

Then, at the age of thirteen you noticed that you seemed to be developing some kind of superhuman powers, including teleportation and invisibility. You kept your powers secret as you had heard horror stories about what the South Africans did to blacks who had super-powers. Several months later you easily escaped from the orphanage and took to the streets. Finding several people to teach you the appropriate skills you began to rob rich whites all over South Africa, distributing most of the proceeds to poor blacks in the townships, improving their lot considerably. Needless to say this has made your Black Hood identity (which you thought of from reading old Robin Hood stories) very popular among South Africa's blacks as a symbol of their struggle against white oppression, and highly unpopular with the government and a certain diamond company whose gems just keep falling into your hands...

When disasters began to strike across the world, including several in South Africa there was little you could do apart from help in the clearing up process. Then several days ago you received a letter inviting you to Boston and providing air tickets, false documents and a passport. How they managed to locate you in order to send them you do not know but the contents of the letter were persuasive enough that you are now on your way to meet its author...

You are a pretty black girl of seventeen with very short hair. When being the Black Hood you wear a black body-suit and hooded mask. Your powers are all psionic in nature, including teleportation (which produces an audible bang sound when used), some kind of warning sense, protection from damage and various abilities based on manipulating the minds of others. These include generating hallucinations, taking control of others bodies and operating them as your puppets, causing pain and psionically forcing everyone around you to be unaware of your presence, rendering you invisible (although this does not have any effect on machines).

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