
Real Name : Tan Yuen

Nom de Guerre : Dragon

Identity : Secret

Age : 32

Sex : Male

Description : In human form you are a fairly average-looking oriental man with short dark hair. However, whenever you wish you can change into another form - a dragon. This form is the same mass as your normal self and is covered with tough iridescent gold scales and has large wings, claws and teeth.

Nationality : Hong Kong Chinese

Base of Operations : Hong Kong

Group Affiliation : -


 Value | Stat | Cost | Points       
13/28* | Str  | x1   |  3+12     Endurance cost for Strength : 1/3*
14/23* | Dex  | x3   | 12+22     Maximum Lift with Strength  : 150/1200* kg
13/25* | Con  | x2   |  6+19        
15     | Body | x2   |    10     OCV (Dex/3) : 5/8*
18     | Int  | x1   |     8     DCV (Dex/3) : 5/8*
11     | Ego  | x2   |     2     ECV (Ego/3) : 4
10/23* | Pre  | x1   |  0+10         
14     | Com  | x1/2 |     2     Dex Roll (9+Dex/5)    : 12/14-*
3/6+*  | PD   | x1   |     0     Int Roll (9+Int/5)    : 13-
4/6+*  | ED   | x1   |     1     Ego Roll (9+Ego/5)    : 11-
3/5*   | Spd  | x10  |   6+9     Percep Roll (9+Int/5) : 13-
7/12*  | Rec  | x2   |     2     Con Roll (9+Con/5)    : 12/14-*
26/50* | End  | x1/2 |     0         
30/43* | Stun | x1   |     0     Phases (Speed 5) : 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
-------|------|------|--------   Phases (Speed 3) : 4, 8, 12
              | Total|   124     * Only in Superhuman Id

Powers / Talents / Skills                                     | Pts
EC : Dragon Powers                                            | 10*
(a) +8rPD, +8rED Armour                                       | 10*
(b) 11" Flight, 0 Endurance, OIF (wings)                      | 14*
MP : Light Powers                                             | 42*
u 10d6 EB, 1/2 End (to 2), no Knockback - Red-gold Light      |  4*
u 4d6 AVLD (vs Flash Defence); 5 End - Red-gold Light         |  4*
u 4d6 Flash vs Normal Sight, 1/2 End (to 2) - Red-gold Light  |  4*
u 1d6 HKA, AP, 0 Endurance; 2d6 with Strength - Claws         |  2*
u +4d6 HA, 0 Endurance; 10d6 with Strength - Tail             |  1*
5 points Visual Flash Defence                                 |  4*
IR Vision                                                     |  4*
Life Support : Immune to Disease                              |  3
Instant Change                                                |  5
Stealth 12/14-*                                               |  3
Buraucratics 11/14-*                                          |  3
Streetwise 11/14-*                                            |  3
Criminology 13-                                               |  3
PS : Private Investigator 11-                                 |  2
Mandarin (native)                                             |  -
English - Idiomatic, Native Accent                            |  5
Total                                                         | 126

Disadvantages                                                 | Pts
Secret Id                                                     |  15
Reputation (Hero, 11-)                                        |  10
Distinctive Features (Iridescent dark gold dragon,            |  10
                      easily concealed, major reaction)       |
Honourable (cmn, str)                                         |  15
Driven to discover the Truth (cmn, str)                       |  15
Dislikes Killing (cmn, mod)                                   |  10
Hunted (The Triads, as, NCI, 8-, limited area)                |  10
Hunted (Chinese Superhuman, as, 8-)                           |  10
DNPC (Partner, normal, skills, 11-)                           |   5
Total                                                         | 100

Total Points (150 + Disadvantages ) = 250


You were born to middle class parents in Hong Kong. From an early age you had a desire to become a private investigator and despite your parents and relatives assurances that this was a stage that you would get over before going out and getting a proper job you persevered and gained your private investigators license.

Teaming up with another investigator you started making your mark on the world. Your own private code of honour and desire to uncover the truth kept you going even when things seemed hopeless and you considered giving up.

Then you took on more than you could handle and unwittingly crossed the Triads. One night you found yourself in a dead-end alley with a dozen Triad thugs closing in. You threw yourself forward with the hope of at least taking a few of them with you when you felt something strange happening to you and suddenly you were throwing the thugs around like they were nothing. As the few who remained conscious ran off you wondered how you had managed to do it. Then you looked down at yourself - and saw that you had turned into a dragon!

You ran off and hid while you worked out what to do next. After a while you discovered that you could change back and forth at will, and that your dragon form was very strong and fast and had a variety of powers, such as projecting light in various forms, claws, and wings which you could use to fly. Ever since then your business has been less bothered by the Triads than it had been, although you are still careful to watch your back.

You have also used your new abilities to aid people in the city for nothing, and once or twice have even ventured across the border into China to aid people there. With the coming of disasters Hong Kong has proved especially vulnerable, with its large numbers of people crammed into a small space, and you have saved many lives, becoming a hero to almost everyone in the city. Then a few days ago you received a letter and air tickets to Boston...

In human form you are a fairly average-looking oriental man with short dark hair. However, whenever you wish you can change into another form - a dragon. This form is the same mass as your normal self and is covered with tough iridescent gold scales and has large wings, claws and teeth. As a dragon you are much stronger, faster and tougher than a normal person. You can also see using heat and project red-gold light from your eyes for several different effects.

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