
Real Name : Francesca Velasquez

Nom de Guerre : Flamenco

Identity : Secret

Age : 24

Sex : Female

Description : You are an attractive, somewhat striking Mexican woman of twenty-four with brown eyes and short wavy black hair. However, by flexing your body you can change your appearance to that of any humanoid being (though you cannot grow extra limbs) but cannot change your colouration without the aid of makeup (you normally carry a disguise kit). When acting as Flamenco you wear a flamboyant pink, red and black costume.

Nationality : Mexican

Base of Operations : Mexico City

Group Affiliation : -


Value | Stat | Cost | Points       
50    | Str  | x1   |   40         Endurance cost for Strength : 5
23    | Dex  | x3   |   39         Maximum Lift with Strength  : 25 tons
28    | Con  | x2   |   36         
15    | Body | x2   |   10         OCV (Dex/3) : 8
13    | Int  | x1   |    3         DCV (Dex/3) : 8
11    | Ego  | x2   |    2         ECV (Ego/3) : 4
13    | Pre  | x1   |    3         
18    | Com  | x1/2 |    4         Dex Roll (9+Dex/5)    : 14-
0+    | PD   | x1   |  -10         Int Roll (9+Int/5)    : 12-
0+    | ED   | x1   |   -6         Ego Roll (9+Ego/5)    : 11-
5     | Spd  | x10  |   17         Percep Roll (9+Int/5) : 13-
16    | Rec  | x2   |    0         Con Roll (9+Con/5)    : 15-
56    | End  | x1/2 |    0         
54    | Stun | x1   |    0         Phases : 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
             | Total|  137

Powers / Talents / Skills                                     | Pts
EC : Malleable Body                                           |  15
(a) 15rPD, 15rED Armour                                       |  30
(b) 50% Resistant Physical Damage Reduction                   |  15
(c) 5" Stretching, 1/2 Endurance (1 End per Phase)            |  16
(d) Shapechange to any Humanoid, 0 Endurance,                 |  10
    No Colour Change (-1/2)                                   |
+1" Running (7" total); 1 End per Phase                       |   2
+1 with all Perception                                        |   3
Stealth 14-                                                   |   3
Acting 12-                                                    |   3
Oratory 12-                                                   |   3
Persuasion 12-                                                |   3
Disguise 11-                                                  |   3
KS : The Theater 12-                                          |   3
Spanish (native)                                              |   -
English - Completely Fluent with Accent                       |   2
French  - Completely Fluent with Accent                       |   2
Total                                                         | 113

Disadvantages                                                 | Pts
Secret Id                                                     |  15
Reputation (Hero 11-)                                         |  10
Honourable (cmn, str)                                         |  15
Slightly Overconfident (cmn, mod)                             |  10
Hot-tempered (cmn, mod)                                       |  10
Dislike of Killing (cmn, mod)                                 |  10
Hunted (Lunatic fan, as, NCI, 8-)                             |  15
Hunted (Drug Barons, as, NCI, 8-)                             |  15
Total                                                         | 100

Total Points (150 + Disadvantages ) = 250


You were born in a quiet farming village in the Mexican hinterland, but from an early age you knew that you were destined for a life on the stage. Despite your parents attempts to dissuade you, five years ago at the age of nineteen, you left the farm for Mexico City.

Arriving on the bus late one day you tried to find somewhere to stay, but you got lost, and ended up in a very rough part of the city. Unsurprising, you were attacked, but as panic surged through you you felt yourself suddenly bursting with power, easily knocking out your attackers before making a run for it. Eventually you found somewhere to stay and looked for work. After several months of working in fairly mundane jobs you managed to get an audition at a small theatre company, and so impressed them with your talent that they took you on immediately. Also during this time you experimented with your new-found abilities and discovered that as well as being incredibly strong you were also able to stretch your body, shrug off physical damage and 'stretch' your features enough to completely change your appearance.

Since then you have had a fairly successful career with the theatre, becoming fairly well known in Mexican theatre circles. At the same time you have also been an occasional crime-fighter, making enemies of several drug barons in the process.

With the coming of the disasters Mexico City has suffered greatly. However your strength and abilities have saved the lives of hundreds of people throughout the city, making you a hero throughout Mexico.

Several days ago you received a letter inviting you to a location near Boston and providing air tickets. Despite the situation in Mexico City what the letter said convinced you that you should go...

You are an attractive, somewhat striking Mexican woman of twenty-four with brown eyes and short wavy black hair. When acting as Flamenco you wear a flamboyant pink, red and black costume. All your powers are based on your strong, malleable body - you are very resistant to damage, especially physical damage, can extend parts of your body long distances and even warp you body to change shape into other humans (although you cannot actually change the colour of your skin while doing this, it can be very effective in concert with make-up from the kit you usually carry).

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