
Real Name : Jean-Michel Palois

Nom de Guerre : Protecteur

Identity : Public

Age : 27

Sex : Male

Description : You are a handsome, fairly striking Frenchman of twenty-seven with short light brown hair and blue eyes. As your identity is widely known you tend to wear your costume all the time - royal blue, semi-military jacket and trousers with knee-boots and black finger-less gloves.

Nationality : French

Base of Operations : Paris

Group Affiliation : All Humanity


Value | Stat | Cost | Points       
18    | Str  | x1   |    8         Endurance cost for Strength : 2
26    | Dex  | x3   |   48         Maximum Lift with Strength  : 300 kg
23    | Con  | x2   |   26         
15    | Body | x2   |   10         OCV (Dex/3) : 9
13    | Int  | x1   |    3         DCV (Dex/3) : 9
11    | Ego  | x2   |    2         ECV (Ego/3) : 4
13    | Pre  | x1   |    3         
14    | Com  | x1/2 |    2         Dex Roll (9+Dex/5)    : 14-
4+    | PD   | x1   |    0         Int Roll (9+Int/5)    : 12-
4+    | ED   | x1   |   -1         Ego Roll (9+Ego/5)    : 11-
5     | Spd  | x10  |   14         Percep Roll (9+Int/5) : 12-
10    | Rec  | x2   |    2         Con Roll (9+Con/5)    : 14-
46    | End  | x1/2 |    0         
36    | Stun | x1   |    0         Phases : 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
             | Total|  115

Powers / Talents / Skills                                     | Pts
EC : Energy Control                                           |  12
(a) +8rPD, +8rED Armour                                       |  12
(b) 11" Flight, 0 Endurance, 2 x non-cbt velocity (132 kph)   |  26
MP : Energy Imbuing                                           |  40
u 1d6+1 RKA, Autofire (5 targets), 0 Endurance,               |   4
  Penetrating, OIF (any small hard object)                    |
u 6d6 EB, Explosive, 0 Endurance, OIF (any small hard object) |   4
u 2d6 Flash vs Normal Sight, 0 Endurance,                     |   4
  Area Effect (Any Area), 4 x area (12 hexes),                |
  OIF (any small hard object)                                 |
u Missile Deflection, vs All Attacks, +10 to Roll             |   4
u 4d6 Aid to Body, 0 Endurance                                |   3
UV Vision                                                     |   5
5 points Visual Flash Defence                                 |   5
Acrobatics 14-                                                |   3
Breakfall 14-                                                 |   3
Bureaucratics 12-                                             |   3
High Society 12-                                              |   3
TF : Aircraft                                                 |   2
French (native)                                               |   -
English - Comp. Flu. with Accent                              |   2
Total                                                         | 135

Disadvantages                                                 | Pts
Public Id                                                     |  10
Reputation (Superhuman Philanthropist, 11-)                   |  10
Honourable (cmn, str)                                         |  15
Driven to help the Poor and Needy (cmn, str)                  |  15
Dislike of Killing (cmn, mod)                                 |  10
Somewhat Overconfident (cmn, mod)                             |  10
Watched (French Government, more, NCI, 8-)                    |  10
Hunted (The Mafia, as, NCI, 8-)                               |  15
Total                                                         | 100

Total Points (150 + Disadvantages ) = 250


You were born to French parents of noble birth on an estate near Lyon, and grew up with your every need catered to. However, at the age of eighteen, rather than going off to university as your parents wanted you to, you threw in the life of the idle rich and went off to see the world. Six months later you came back, having travelled around the world on a shoestring, determined to do something to better the lot of those worse off than yourself.

Taking your considerable personal fortune you put it at the disposal of charities everywhere, indirectly saving many lives despite your parents and families continuing disapproval. Then, one day five years ago, you woke up to find that you could fly! As you investigated further you discovered that you could somehow imbue objects with energy for a variety of effects, and also do the same to people, healing injuries. At a press conference you revealed your new abilities to the world, announcing that they would only aid in your fight against poverty and injustice. As well as directing efforts you could now make a direct contribution yourself - despite the occasional protests of the medical profession you began to use your powers to heal patients in hospitals around Europe, becoming a hugely popular public figure as you did so and inducing thousands of people in donate more to charity. However, in the process you managed to tread on the toes of several Mafia dons, who now do not look upon you favourably although so far you have been able to foil their plans.

The the disasters began. Although not directly able to affect them, your powers proved very effective in reacting rapidly to disasters and helping the victims, and you became even more popular. Then, a few days ago you received a letter from an anonymous author inviting you to an address near Boston and providing you with air tickets. Although there was urgent work to be done in France, the tone of the letter persuaded you to accept the invitation...

You are a handsome, fairly striking Frenchman of twenty-seven with short light brown hair and blue eyes. As your identity is widely known you tend to wear your costume all the time - royal blue, semi-military jacket and trousers with knee-boots and black fingerless gloves. Your powers all seem to consist of the manipulation of energy - you can manipulate energy to fly and protect yourself, and can also imbue other things with energy. This allows you to heal yourself and others as well as charge up small physical objects (such as coins, stones or nuts and bolts) which can be used for a variety of physical effects. Larger objects can be used to generate explosions while smaller objects can be fired in bursts of concentrated energy at targets (one item per autofire shot or hex filled with light) to cause damage or blinding flashes of light.

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