The Symbol of House Sawall The Symbol of House Sawall


His Points Expenditure

These are the numbers for Benvolio at the end of the campaign.

Psyche30 (started at 15)With 4 AdvancesShapeshifting35
Strength15 (started at 4)With 2 AdvancesLogrus45
Endurance15Good Stuff1
Creature - Zephyr
[Limited Shape Shift	- 4,
Resistant to Firearms	- 2,
Combat Training	- 1,
Extra Hard	- 1,
Ranged Psychic Sensitivity - 2,
Follow Shadow Trail	- 1,
Regeneration	- 4]
Known Experience Points14

Benvolio's Strength was boosted so much from its starting value partly by not
starting with a Diary but taking one on fairly soon after starting in the game.

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