
In human form Malyarin has a slim wiry build, 5'8" tall and weighing about 130 lbs. He is very very handsome, fine-featured and clean shaven with a dark-skinned, Arabic-type complexion, blue-violet eyes and long dark brown hair, usually pulled tightly back in a ponytail. He looks to be in his mid-20's despite being chronologically in his mid-30's. He is ambidextrous, wears a ring on the middle finger of each hand (one of them is Chameleon), bracelets and a number of earrings in each ear. One of them is a small circular enamelled version of the Tan'Shakarian flag (a stylized circular map of Tan'Shakar in green and blue on a background of fine diagonal rainbow-coloured stripes).

In a combat-type situation Malyarin will wear camouflage gear with no insignia apart from a small Tan'Shakarian flag on the left breast, and knee boots. Out of combat he likes to wear the standard type of clothing worn on Tan'Shakar at the time the Knights of the Silver Flame arrived. In cool weather this consists of baggy, vaguely Arab-style shirts and trousers with large belts and soft calf-height boots. Over the top will be worn a long coat resembling a sleeved hooded cloak. In hot climates he will wear just a kilt/sarong and sandals. All these clothes are of soft luxurious fabrics in various colours and patterns (trousers often in regular patterns, shirts and kilts in swirling abstract patterns). Three typical arrangements of clothing colours would be:

His Combat (Demon) Form resembles a scaled armour-plated gorilla with (relatively) massive arms, retractable finger- and toe-tip claws, large horns, a long tail tipped with a spiked mace-like tip, small spikes on knees, heels and elbows, bat-like wings (also with spikes), sharp teeth and large downward-pointing canines. This link leads to a picture of it.

His avatar form is a male puma. Regardless of form, Malyarin is vastly stronger than he appears, and is capable of lifting more than a tonne.

Personality Traits

Fairly honourable; hates the destruction of beautiful things; likes animals; dislikes war; prefers to talk rather than fight; no nudity taboo; maybe a bit too trusting; has trouble considering any cause to be lost; enjoys playing music.

Known Skills

First Aid; Field Surgery; Horse Riding; Drive Vehicles (Motor Vehicles to Rally-Driving standard, Construction Machinery); Skiing; Climbing; Swimming; Parachuting; Sailing; Piloting (Aircraft, Helicopter, Dirigible); Engineering; History of Tan'Shakar; Artist; Marksman (Rifle, Shotgun, SMG, Pistol, Bow, Crossbow); Armourer (for normal weapons); Singer; Dancer; Musician; Ambidextrous; Social Skills; Survival Skills; Acrobatic Skills; Stealth-type Skills; Teaching; Sports; Martial Arts

All skills are known to an approximately early (real world) 1950's level of technology.

Normal Equipment usually carried

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