Greymalkin (Dr Charity Ravenwood)

By Jane Winter.

Charity Ravenwood was born into the English upper classes to rich parents. In late 1882 her parents were kidnapped. The shock of their kidnapping somehow triggered a variety of mental powers within Charity. Using these powers she managed to track down her parents, and discovered they had been kidnapped by the Order of the Silver Twilight, an outwardly very respectable upper-class club with heavy occult trappings. Apparently her parents were to be used for sacrifice. She used her powers to find her way up through the Order to those responsible, and eventually ended up breaking into a ceremony of the Order's High Cabal. She tried to single-handedly stop the ceremony and rescue her parents. Unfortunately her powers were not enough and she was horribly injured by the Overman Abyss (James Vandaleur) and captured with the aid of his magician brother Patrick. She was then forced to watch as her parents were sacrificed before her eyes, then to her horror, as punishment for going against them Patrick magically transformed her into a black-furred cat-woman.

Worse was to come. Shortly after this, in early 1883, the Vandaleurs 'sold' her to Ivan Zerstoiten, the Overman known as the Ringmaster, to become an addition to his Pack - a group of physically mutated Overmen. Although Ivan tried to alter her mind so she would become his slave he failed, but because she was in shock over what had happened Charity remained docile and did not try to escape. Eventually Charity recovered from her grief and managed to escape with the Overman Seraph (real name Marcus). In the process she accidentally burnt down Zerstoiten's chateau, causing Ivan to become horribly scarred after he became trapped in the building. Charity and Marcus managed to return to England, where she was able to obtain access to her families wealth and recreate a semblance of her old life. In the process, she became much more aware of the prejudices inherent in society (due to her now-freakish appearance), and her snobbish attitude altered into something much more caring.

Later in 1883 Charity was involved in stopping a plot by the Order of the Silver Twilight to assassinate most of the British Royal Family and replace Queen Victoria with a puppet ruler of their own. Ringmaster loaned the Order his Pack for use in carrying out this scheme, but it failed, with the Pack ending up captured and the Order disbanded. One member of the Pack, Chimera defected after persuasion by Greymalkin. After this incident Charity joined the Royal Elite Guard as their resident telepath.

Over the next sixty years, as one of the first British females to become a medical doctor, she almost single-handed developed psychology from a vaguely-defined art into a very nearly exact science. Like English Rose, Greymalkin also did not appear to age. During this time she managed to rehabilitate several members of the Ringmasters Pack, who became members of the Royal Elite Guard.

Along with English Rose and Solar Angel, Greymalkin was one of the three survivors of the Royal Elite Guard after the Russian use of nuclear weapons in WWII, and became almost a recluse, working to improve her understanding of psychology as her way of getting over the deaths of her comrades in the Guard (to whom she was mind-linked when they died). When WWIII began, with the Blitz pounding London, she re-emerged into the public eye working to help people trapped and injured in the bombing. In late 1941 she was working to free a child trapped in rubble near Kings Cross station when a wall fell her and the child and she sacrificed her life so that the child could live. She received a posthumous George Cross for her sacrifice and was buried in St Paul's Cathedral.

Using her mental powers, Greymalkin was able to develop accurate models of most types of mental disorder and from these means of diagnosis and cure usable by non-psionics. Since her development of these techniques in the 1930's most of the more obvious forms of mental illness have disappeared from the richer areas of the world. Unfortunately many people have also discovered these techniques are equally usable for rapid, accurate brain-washing, although since the exact techniques have to be adjusted for each individual they have not yet been applied to whole populations.

In 1990 Greymalkin re-appeared in London, at the exact same place she died. However she had changed - she now seems to be a construct of solid psionic energy with, in addition to the powers she had before her 'death', several additional non-psionic powers.

After her transformation Greymalkin appeared to be a completely black-furred cat-woman, with felinoid legs, cat-like eyes and ears, almost a mane of hair and small claws, but no tail. When out of her Royal Elite Guard uniform she tended to wear clothing which completely covered herself and usually included a veil.

Greymalkin in Champions terms.

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