Radia (Juliana Hals)

By Peter Gilman.

Juliana Hals was born in the lower-class suburbs of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. She was brought up in a single parent family, never knowing who her father was. Her mother, whose looks she inherited, was regularly in trouble over rent, spending most of the money she spent on Juliana. Unfortunately Juliana suffered from severe learning difficulties at school and despite special teaching never learnt to read or write. Instead she spent lots of time playing truant or playing with the boys.

When Juliana was nine her mother was mugged and killed, leaving Juliana with nothing but pleasant memories. She was taken into care, where she was allowed to run freely. She soon became involved in petty crime and became known to the local police for theft. The gang she ran with did not take long to start to experiment with and use drugs. Juliana found they could bring her extreme happiness or make her sick, but regardless, was soon addicted. After a while she began to need to steal to feed her habit. The drug dealers now recognised her and when she was low on cash would take "favours" instead of money in exchange for drugs.

At the age of fifteen Juliana was under the control of the drugs she used. The social services had forgotten her, the police arrested her on sight and the drug dealers abused her. Reality and imagination/hallucination became interchangeable...

Then Unterwelt found her - they had a need for people to test a new drug. Along with about twenty other kids she was taken away, drugged and experimented on. No-one cared about her disappearing. The others died in agony; she gained super-powers, killed everyone there, and escaped. After a while Herosbane found her, and induced her to join the team, which she was only able to leave after she was captured by the Guardians and PRIMUS. After fighting with the Guardians for a while she was left on the Way by them in order to gain the psychiatric treatment she so desperately needed.

In normal form Juliana was a very pretty and striking blonde-haired girl. In superhuman form she generally remains invisible. On the rare occasions she becomes visible she has light cracking and sparking around her. Her armour appears to be shifting planes of light with absolute darkness between them. The armour converts attacks into energy which is then dispersed in harmless blasts of EM energy.

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