Robotic Attack Drone

An Automaton

Value | Stat  | Pts
   0  |  Str  | -10
  11  |  Dex  |   3          OCV : 4
   0  |  Con  | -20          DCV : 6 (including Shrinking)
   8  |  Body |  -4
   8  |  Int  |  -2          Int    Roll 11-
   3  |  Pre  |  -7          Dex    Roll 11-
   0  |  Com  |  -5          Percep Roll 11-
   0+ |  PD   |   0
   0+ |  ED   |   0
   2  |  Spd  |  -1
   0  |  Rec  |   0
   0  |  End  |   0
      | Total | -46

Powers/Talents/Skills                           | Pts
Takes No Stun, Loses Powers                     |  45
LS : Immune to Disease                          |   3
LS : Doesn't Eat or Sleep                       |   5
-6" Running                                     | -12
IR Vision, OAF                                  |   2
+6 Telescopic Vision, OAF                       |   4
5 points Visual Flash Defence, OAF              |   2
Radio Listen and Transmit, OAF                  |   2
EC : "Drone Powers"                             |  10
(a) 4rPD, 4rED Armour                           |  26
(b) 1 Level Shrinking, 0 End,                   |   7
    Persistent, Always On                       |
    [gives +2 DCV, -2 to be Seen,               |
     +3" KNB, 1/2 Height, 1/8 Mass]             |
(c) 11" Flight, 0 End, OAF (wings),             |   8
    Not in Vacuum,                              |
    1 Minute Delay before Continuous Use (-3/4) |
    - 26.4 kph non-combat velocity              |
(d) Invisible to Normal Hearing,                |  35
    All Sight, Radar, 0 End,                    |
    Persistent, Always On,                      |
    Invisibility to All Sight and Radar         |
      Only Against a Dark Background (-1/2)     |
Bump of Direction                               |   3
+4 OCV with One Weapon                          |   8
Navigation 12-                                  |   5
AK : Area of Operations 12-                     |   3
Weapons and/or Equipment                        |  40
                                          Total | 196

Points Cost of Automaton = -46 + 196 = 150

Disadvantages                                     | Pts
No Manipulative Ability                           |  20
Mute                                              |  15
No Senses but Sight, Hearing and Radio            |   5
Distinctive Features                              |  15
  - small combat drone (not concealable, noticed) |
Watched (Owners, more, NCI, 14-)                  |  15
Other Hunteds and Watcheds                        |  30
                                            Total | 100

Example Weapons/Equipment

1)  3d6 RKA, Penetrating,                             | 38
    Area Effect (radius), 2 x Radius (14"),           |
    4 Charges of 1 Minute, No KNB,                    |
    1 Phase Delay, Beam Effect, OAF - napalm bomb     |
2)  2d6 RKA, +1 Stun Multiplier, Time Delay,          | 37
    Area Effect (radius), 16 x Radius (80"),          |
    Continuous, Uncontrolled,                         |
    4 Charges, No KNB,                                |
    1 Phase Delay before Continuous Use, Beam Effect, |
    Activate 12-, No Effect on Flying/Leaping (-1/4), |
    IAF - micro-mine dispenser                        |
3)  20d6 EB, 2 x KNB, Explosive,                      | 37
    2 x Radius, 1 Charge which Never Recovers (-4),   |
    No Range, Beam Effect,                            |
    OAF - fuel-air explosive                          |
4)  3/2d6 RKA, AP, Penetrating,                       | 39
    Autofire (5 targets),                             |
    Indirect (from anywhere, in any direction),       |
    No Range Modifier (1060 m),                       |
    64 Charges, 1 Phase Delay,                        |
    Beam Effect, OAF - kinetic energy rockets         |
5)  Radar Sense, OAF                                  |  7
    High Range Radio Hearing, OAF                     | +3
      - upgrade from Radio Listen and Transmit        |
    +14 Telescopic Radio Senses, OAF                  | 10
    +8 Telescopic Vision, OAF - additional            | +6
    360 degrees with Sight and Radio Senses, OAF      | 10
    Discriminatory Smell, OAF                         |  2
    Ultrasonic Hearing, OAF                           |  1
      - sensor package                                |
6)  Images vs Radar, -8 to Perception, 0 End,         | 22
    8 x Radius, No Range, Only One Image Type (-1),   |
    OAF - decoy/EW system                             |
    1d6 RKA, 2 x Penetrating,                         | 18
    Indirect (from anywhere, in any direction),       |
    No Range Modifier (488m range),                   |
    16 Charges, 1 Phase Delay, Beam Effect,           |
    OAF - kinetic energy missiles                     |

A cheap terror, reconnaissance and area denial system.

Is a small smoothed black ducted-fan VTOL hang-glider-like shape, with obvious external sensors and weapons. Programmed before launch with course and targets. All systems run off high-capacity long-duration batteries.

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