Vehicles : Generic VTOL Jet Fighter

Statistic | Value         | Points
Size      | 5 x 2.5 Hexes |   35          +4 to be Seen
Mass      | 12.5 Tons     |    -
Strength  | 45            |    -          OCV : 6+
KNB       | -7"           |    -          DCV : 6+ with Combat Pilot,
Body      | 20            |    3                2  otherwise
Defence   | 8             |   18
Dexterity | 18            |   24
Speed     | 4             |   12          Phases : 3, 6, 9, 12
          | Total         |   92

Power/Talent/Skill                                 | Pts
5 points Visual Flash Defence                      |   5
-5" Running                                        |  -6
LS : Self-Contained*                               |   6
LS : Immune to Temperature Extremes*               |   2
LS : Immune to Pressure Extremes*                  |   2
LS : Immune to Hard Radiation*                     |   2
45" Flight,                                        |  37
  16 x non-combat velocity (4608 kph / Mach 3.79), |
  1 Minute Delay before Continuous Use (-3/4),     |
  Not in Oxygen-Poor Environments (-1/4),          |
  Bulky OIF - jet engines                          |
IR Vision*                                         |   2
High Range Radio Hearing*                          |   6
Radar Sense*                                       |   9
+12 Telescopic Vision*                             |  10
+20 Telescopic Radio Senses*                       |  17
360 degrees with Radio Senses*                     |   6
360 degrees with Visual Senses*                    |   6
Change Environment to Light and IR,                |   7
  2" radius, 0 End,                                |
  Bulky OIF - spotlight                            |
4 Spotlights                                       |  10
4d6 RKA, AP, Explosive,                            |  55
  No Range Modifier, 25 x Range (45 km),           |
  8 Charges, Beam Effect,                          |
  Bulky OAF - missiles                             |
1d6+1 RKA, Penetrating,                            |  17
  Invisible to Sight, 0 End,                       |
  No Range Modifier (600m range), No KNB,          |
  60 degree Arc of Fire,                           |
  Beam Effect, Bulky OAF - laser                   |
2 Lasers                                           |   5
Stealth 13-                                        |   3
                                             Total | 201
* Bulky IIF (vehicle systems)

Points Cost of Vehicle = 92 + 201 = 293

Disadvantages                                           | Pts
Distinctive Features                                    |  20
  - military aircraft (not concealable, major reaction) |
Watched (own government, more, NCI, 14-)                |  15
2 x Hunteds (other governments, more, NCI, 8-)          |  40
                                                  Total |  75

Has a crew of two : Pilot and Weapons Operator.

Has an inbuilt computer.

An old but hardy design still found in, still found in less developed nations in 1994.

Example :

Generic VTOL Jet Fighter Computer

Value | Stat | Pts 
  13  |  Int |   3          OCV = 7+
  20  |  Dex |  30          
  4   |  Spd |  10          Intelligence Roll = 12-
-------------|-----         Dexterity Roll    = 13-
       Total |  43          Perception Roll   = 12-

Powers/Talents/Skills                  | Pts 
+3 Skill Levels with Vehicle Weapons,  | 13
  Usable by One Other at the Same Time |
  - Computer-assist on weapons systems |
Combat Pilot 13-                       |  3
Navigation 11-                         |  3
Security Systems 12-                   |  3
AK : Area of Operations 12-            |  3
TF : Jet Fighter Vehicle               |  1
WF : Vehicle Weapons                   |  1
One Language - fluent conversation     |  2
                                 Total | 29

Programs                    | Pts
Operate Sensors             |  1
Operate Weapons             |  1
Respond Verbally            |  1
Travel from A to B          |  1
Fly in Combat               |  1
                      Total |  5

Total Points = 43 + 29 + 5 = 77

Disadvantages                                           | Pts
Distinctive Features                                    |  20
  - military aircraft (not concealable, major reaction) |
Watched (own government, more, NCI, 14-)                |  15
2 x Hunteds (other governments, more, NCI, 8-)          |  40
                                                  Total |  75

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