Part 23 - In Rune's Chamber Part 3

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How dare Legion imply my loyalty is suspect in that manner?! By insinuation. Where were you at the battle by the Abyss, Legion? I would ask him that, but given that various people whose opinions I do gave a damn about - including Rune - were also not there I suspect it could be rather impolitic to do so.

Please feel free to try and destroy me and 'everything I love' if you wish. If you draw the incorrect conclusion that I am Mandor's stooge. But I hope you are prepared for the consequences of doing so. Especially as most of the things that I have any concern for at present are other family members and in the room with us now. Feel free to damage Timashkurabad as much as you like, though.

I cannot help wondering what led him to suspect me? Was it my minor winding up of him previously? Or something else? Perhaps the fact that Legion has no sense of humour? Or is he simply an idiot?

As for helping protect Legion's home, well, I could have been persuaded before, but now? Let the arsehole that shat him out into the world burn, for all I care. Unless some of the others whose lives and opinions I do value should choose to act, in which case, well, we shall see.

Ah, now I see. From Legion's words I can see why he seems suspicious, even if his opinion is based on believing Mandor, ignorance about me, and not having listened to what has been said here. He has simply not been paying attention, the idiot. But perhaps it means that we shall not be at each others throats in moments. Or perhaps it means we will.

Let me see now. You accuse me of being a traitor, cannot be bothered to listen to the important information being imparted, threaten my person, and think my notes uncivil? Legion, you have not even seen me be uncivil yet. And do you think gibes regarding my muteness bother me? After growing up where and how I did I have heard it all before, oh king of witticism, in all its variations. I wonder what he thinks my being civil is? Something very different to what I do, I think.

And if there is one thing I dislike it is threats and intimidation concealed behind a veneer (in this case a very thin veneer) of politeness. Do not accuse me of treason by your own ignorance and lack of attention and then threaten my person when I dare to object.

I wonder if he could chop my hands off if he tried. I have no idea how good a fighter he is. And whether I could just shapeshift some new ones if he did? It is a situation which has never arisen before. Something else to think about when I have time.

But Rune does make a good point when he says that we should not let ourselves be fooled by Mandor's attempts to divide us. But it will be rather satisfying if Legion does turn out to be an impostor. Then we can kill him and move on, rather than have to put up with him any longer. But perhaps I should restrain myself somewhat; Legion is doing Mandor's work here, and if he carries on he will help deliver Amber to him on a silver platter. Perhaps Legion should remove the stick from his arse before he continues.

I wonder if Mandor roped Legion into events simply because of Legion's charming personality, and the effect he suspected it might have on others?

I do not know what Legion meant by 'yelling', either. I have always found it very hard to yell with pencil and paper. Perhaps it is something (doubtless stupid) derived from wherever he comes from.

However, his treating this, now, like an amusement will not make it do away. I do not take threats lightly, and that is that. It almost makes me consider taking up with Mandor just to spite Legion. And if it was Legion alone I might do just that. But if he has done to Orm what Legion said he has done, and as he seems to work against us all, it would simply not be practical, however momentarily satisfying.

Gods, though, if Legion really does simply ignore the message because he has judged the messenger unworthy, as he says he did with Darien, then he really is stupid. I wonder how many troubles he has faced because he would not listen? I wonder how much of what is being said now he is getting for that reason. Not much of what I have to say, to be sure. And I wonder how much of what he says regarding Mandor is distorted by gaps created when he was not deigning to listen?

But even putting up with morons like Legion, I would still rather be here than trapped in Timashkurabad!

I wonder where Llewella is? She was supposed to have joined us for this meeting. Perhaps something has happened to her. I hope not. I don't want to be queen of Rebma!

Irrelevantly, two thoughts occur to me.

First, if, as an Amberite, I will not age and die as normal people do, then what am I going to do with the rest of my life? In Timashkurabad I had no future. Now it seems I have no end of it. So what to do? Do I want to remain as I am now for ever? I am not sure I do, now that I may choose to be something else. But Timashkurabad is far too large a part of me still - perhaps forever - for me give it up entirely. And I am not sure I want to given how it made me what I am today, even if so much of the making was unpleasant, to say the least. When the chance arises I should definitely think on the matter further.

Secondly, I cannot help wondering how much of what Llewella said regarding Eric is true, based on what I have seen of Rune. I think I need to find out more about Eric. Perhaps I can talk to Rune about him, along with other matters. Without letting know exactly what I am about, of course. Or perhaps, in Eric's room here, I might find a diary or somesuch. Again, when the chance arises I think it will be worth a look...

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