Part 24 - In Rune's Chamber Part 4

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It would appear I have been taking it easy while the others - such as Simon and Xandra - have been out doing all kinds of more important things. From the sound of it I am not sure what they were doing was anything to which I could have contributed much, but I feel a little insulted not to have been at least asked to assist. It is not as if I was far away - from what I have been told Rebma is just down the coast, after all!

And now Llewella has turned up late, just after Simon's report detailing the various perfidies perpetrating, it seems, by shapeshifters. And I cannot, now, help but be suspicious that she is one. I was relieved when she came in, with my ... concern for her well-being earlier. But now. We should check her too, we really should. At least Rune seems to agree. And, alas, he is again correct. If she is checked, we all should be. Much as I do not want it, I can see no way to avoid it...

I wonder how well Legion will take the news of my being a shapeshifter? Now that Simon has blurted it out to everyone (not that everyone but Legion didn't know, of course). Not that it would not have come out sooner or later anyway, the first time we got into a fight, if not sooner. I am sure he will use it as one more piece of utterly erroneous evidence of collusion with Mandor, but really, should he be expected to go into battle unarmed and unarmoured (as amusing, and brief, as that might be)?

Legion would not last ten minutes in Timashkurabad. He would cross a patrol and be dead, or enslaved, or worse, long before that. And well-deserved too.

Slavery, much as I would hesitate to inflict such a state upon anyone, would probably be good for him. Or at least teach him a little humility, which could not be a bad thing.

I know you say you do not want to offend, Simon, but you have. Do not think I will forget your siding with Legion in considering me untrustworthy. You do not test some and not others if you want trust to remain, or faith in one's leadership. So thank the gods Rune wants to ensure we all get tested on the understanding that this will help us avoid such a distrust-inducing situation.

I did not realise Simon - and presumably Tobias, from what has been said - could so easily tell what powers and so forth one has. From their words, perhaps it is something you can do with Pattern. Somehow. Perhaps it will come to me when I actually use it.

I hope this psychic probing, however it works, does not hurt. But I see that it has to be done. So I shall. Regardless.

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