Entry 17 - Cerebaton's Heart

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I hope that it will be possible to assist Master Tarn in the matter of mind control, and his resisting of same, which concerns him so greatly. I can quite understand why he objected so strongly to what Arrestis did to him. I only hope that what I did will be sufficient to protect him. At least until, perhaps, Rinaldo and I can examine his plans and, perhaps, see from them how he may be permanently enhanced to strengthen his mind as he wishes...

It was disappointing to say the least to learn that Random has permanently lost his arm to the DarkWalkers, and that, despite the best efforts of myself and others, he will have to let it re-grow naturally. I had thought that the various magics used on it would have precluded any such thing, but clearly I was wrong. Which is, in itself, a rather worrying realisation. I did not realise magics could ... go wrong ... in such a fashion.

However, it does seem that it was not simply the magics used which caused this problem, but a combination of over-charged healing, poisonous DarkWalker blood, and the draining effect of the Jewel of Judgement.

But regardless, I do feel at least somewhat responsible for Random's loss. I wonder if he would accept a temporary prosthetic replacement, something Conjured to give him back as much functionality as possible, and also to adapt to allow his arm to re-grow itself over time until it is no longer needed? We shall have to see, perhaps quite soon, as I wish to speak with him in any case, to pass on his copies of the Trumps of the Dragosian Clan Minds.

There is other news, too. Apparently Venus is pregnant. That would appear to be rather careless of her, to say the least. I cannot help but think that she will not make the best possible mother; perhaps, one hopes, she will rely on nursemaids and the like rather than attempt to raise the child herself. One can only wait and see.

And who is the father of the child? The obvious choice, based on recent events and observations, would be Prince Bleys. A thought that makes me rather uncomfortable in its incestuous implications, however close they, themselves, may be.

I wonder, could this child be the grandson of Bleys that Werewindle wishes me to keep in Amber for a time? Unlikely, I know, given the relative timings of this news compared to those Werewindle mentioned, but still, I cannot help but wonder...

I must admit that I am surprised - and rather disappointed, if not a little shocked - to find that the Amber Castle Infirmary itself appears to lack the most basic forms of magical healing and assistance. That the wounded from the battle in Amber City are being treated there with no more than mere surgical skills. Why, even the poorest person in all of Ensilarum will have access to better treatment than this should they require it!

I must see what I may do to leave them some magical devices to assist the doctors in their work there. A number of Rings of Regeneration should provide them with the most basic level of assistance which they clearly require here. That and, perhaps, a few lessons in healing magic.

Though they claim that the lack of healing magics is due to the unreliability of such things in Amber. Perhaps that is so, but it seems to me most lax that nothing has been done, in so many years, to find the cause of, and circumvent, this problem. After all, the first thing a mage learns is how to adjust ones magic to accommodate the shifting rules of shadow. Surely it cannot be so much more difficult to do the same in Amber? Particularly when one can, for example, back ones magic with the power of the Trump! Do the Elders care so little for their minions that they have never bothered to take the time to learn how to enhance their care in Amber itself?

Perhaps they do not, but at least part of the problem would appear to arise from the egotism of the doctors involved in treatment there. They appear to have established their own little ... empire ... and are unwilling to let those who use different techniques into their little club. And that, at least, one might hope to be able to address, given the will to do so.

Cerebaton continues to develop apace, and in directions most unexpected, but not unsatisfying for a ... mother. He shows more emotion yet, embarrassment at flattery. And, I think, a desire for a body. For normal human interaction. The latter coming mainly, it would seem, from an attraction to Khelladon's construct, Anntha. Who, it would appear, does possess a physical body of her own.

Well, I have given him permission to bring her to his shadow should he feel he must. And offered my assistance, should he wish it, in constructing a body through which he can interact with the world as something more ... human. Perhaps that will ease the ... distress ... he shows.

And it does seem to be genuine distress. I cannot help but feel more than a little guilty for it. I fear that in making him unique, making him an entire shadow, I have created a child who is in danger of coming to consider himself a freak. And this was never my intention. Not at all.

I never considered that his development would carry him so quickly and so far in this direction. In the direction, I suppose, of humanity. The question before me now is, what to do regarding it? I cannot change Cerebaton, nor would I wish to. He is his own person, and must develop as he will. But I can certainly assist my child in overcoming this problem.

He is already considering the creation of a human body - an avatar, I suppose - through which he might interact with the world on a more human level. And what else can I do, I think, but assist him with this, if it is truly his will. Truly what he wishes to become? How could any parent not assist in this manner?

There is a second alternative which I have put to him, which is to create, perhaps with his assistance, more entities like himself so that he does not stand alone as the only example of his kind in the universe. This may, one hopes, help him feel less ... alone.

And, having thought about it, although, fortunately, Cerebaton seems to be in favour of the idea, even had he not been I feel it is perhaps something I should have done regardless.

Cerebaton's form of life is, as far as I can tell, something entirely new in the universe, and as worthy of existence and encouragement as any other form of life. Who knows what a group - a race - of entities such as Cerebaton - of 'Shadow-Minds' - could achieve, given time?

A new form of life for the new era? We shall see...

The creation of some siblings will eliminate one potential problem with Cerebaton's acquiring of a body, namely that he does not think a great deal of the Family of Amber. How much of this opinion he has acquired from myself, and how much from observing the Family himself over time I do not know. Nor is it entirely relevant. He does not wish to associate with them more than is necessary. And, to be honest, who can blame him?! I would certainly be doing the same were the current situation not as it is...

He, like myself, seems to have acquired a rather different - and much more favourable - view of the Royal Family of Sapphire. The view that they are a family, rather than a collection of rivals who happen to be related by blood as is the case in Amber.

Apparently Malanka is working to bring some of the Sapphirian familial understanding to Amber, with the approval of Prince Benedict. I certainly hopes she succeeds in this, and should contact her to offer her my assistance if there is anything she thinks I can do to assist.

A thought occurs regarding why the Dragosians dislike Amber and the Patterns so greatly. Regarding how the Great Machine, or the Tree of Life, is damaged.

The Patterns and their broken reflections are sources of shadow, constantly generating shadows and (one assumes) pushing the pre-existing shadows further and further away from the Patterns. Perhaps this uncontrolled and, as far as I am aware, never-ending process is what the Dragosians object to. Perhaps these shadows impinge onto the realm of the Dragosians, or perhaps they simply wish to have this 'shadow pollution' stopped. I do not know, but it might be a profitable avenue of enquiry.

But that being so, what is to be done about it? Can the Patterns be 'adjusted' to prevent this generation of shadow? Or would it be possible to create a 'sink' for shadow to match the Pattern's source? Perhaps that is why the Abyss exists. Again, a potentially profitable avenue of investigation.

We shall see...

Cerebaton and I appear to be thinking along similar lines, regarding the possibility of other axes to the universe in addition to the Amber-Chaos, the Godly and the Fae axes. Perhaps an axis where the Dragosians and the Ixfenians dwell. Or, indeed, one by which the realm of Sapphire may be reached. A most interesting set of possibilities, and one certainly worth a good deal of further investigation...

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