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Created by Jane Winter and Anthony Grocock

Cost : Zero

PRE-REQUISITES : A very high degree of trust between two or more characters.

Not really a power, but something that comes close to it that was developed by Beltaine and Tamarind in 'The Last Enemy' game. Together, did research during a gap between campaign segments into a psychic meta-concert. That is, into linking their minds to become, together, something stronger than the sum of its parts. This took them years to develop, but by the end of the gap they had mastered it.

It takes practise to maintain, and requires utter trust, honesty and opening up between the participants. Each person involved could, if they wished, badly hurt the other. As such, it is unlikely that this will ever become a widespread power among Amberites.

The psychic meta-concert takes minutes to activate (longer if there are significant distractions), and requires physical contact between the participants. Because of the opening up and concentration required while the meta-concert activates those involved are really quite vulnerable while this is happening, and have very few defences. However, once the meta-concert is activated the combined mind of those involved is very strong - much more so than if they were just to crudely combine their efforts, as in a group Trumping.

It is because of this, and the specialised nature of the meta-concert, that it does not cost any points.

In the process of developing the meta-concert and learning what it felt like, Tamarind realised that the seven-fold members of Family Jesdaril of Chaos were each in a meta-concert, though, he thought, of a somewhat different, possibly artificial form, compared to that between Beltaine and himself.

Combat Meta-Concert

It is also possible to create a 'Combat Meta-Concert', as has been done between Phoenix and Delaney in a later inter-campaign-segment gap. This works in a similar manner, but rather than a psychic link creates a deep understanding of and trust in the combat skills of the other, so that those involved can fight in a deeply co-operative manner and become more than the sum of their individual skills.

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