"Now These Her Princes Are Come Home Again"

SESSION 4.6 : Frustration

Session 4.5   Index   Session 4.7

Notes Taken by Samantha and Alastair Beadle.

Jihx, in Ahnel, picks the troops most likely to be of value in this mission, as it will take too long to bring all one hundred thousand through the Trump link one at a time. They assembled ready to be transported.

He Trumps Godofos to ask about the use of Godofos' Trump-powered military vehicles in this battle.

Some way off in shadow, Godofos is looking for some forces to add to the army which will face the army currently heading for Amber. He feels a Trump call coming on, identifies the caller as Jihx, and takes the call. They discuss the situation and Godofos agrees to share his Trump engines between the two battles. Jihx thanks him and drops the link.

He takes half of the military vehicles and passes them through the Trump link to the shadow next to Coraltown. This adds up to five tanks which also function as armoured personnel carriers (APCs), five jump-jet aircraft armed with lasers, machine guns and kinetic-energy bombs, two helicopters (which are well-armed, but also large enough to carry a squad of troops and have cargo slung underneath) and two self-propelled artillery pieces.

Elsewhere, Godofos is travelling through shadow looking for a small band of high-quality soldiers to take part in the defence of Amber. After a few hours he arrives in a forested shadow. There is a clicking of crossbows being cocked from all around him, and down from the trees swing a band of merry archers.

"Welcome to Sherward Forest, who are you, friend?" asks their leader.

Godofos explains his task to the (nameless) leader of the archers and they agree terms - their skills for a large bag of gold that he manages to find behind a nearby tree. This is given to one of the merry band, who takes it off for safe keeping, and the rest prepare to come with Godofos.

Godofos pulls out a Trump of Gerard, and concentrates on it. After a short while Gerard takes the call. He seems to be in Amber at the moment. Godofos explains the situation to him, and then passes the archers through to Gerard.

The merry band are rather surprised at being Trumped to Gerard but are happy to comply in return for their pay.

In the shadow by Coraltown, Whippoorwill has three live velociraptors as his prisoners (along with three dead ones). He has his gang de-net one of the live and now conscious captives and tie it up for questioning.

Unfortunately, the velociraptor guts one of his troops with its toe-claws during this process and has to be beaten unconscious again. It is then tied up.

Whilst waiting for the captive to come around Whippoorwill has a thought, and Trumps Gerard. When Gerard takes the call, Whippoorwill tells him that he thinks the Courts of Chaos are probably on to the fact that the peace talks are a sham, and that the envoys should be treated accordingly. Gerard thanks him for this, and tells him he will take it into consideration. The Trump link is dropped.

Whippoorwill then arranges for some irons to be heated in a brazier.

The velociraptor wakes up.

"Lizard, what are you doing here?" Whippoorwill asks it.

"We do the gods bidding," it replies. "Why do you oppose our holy task?"

"What is your holy task?"

"To do the Gods bidding."

"What specific actions have the Gods bid you to do?"

The velociraptor does not reply.

"The Gods instructions have failed to meet me," Whippoorwill tells it. "If you pass on what the Gods bid you do I will be able to help you carry them out."

"You are enemies of the Gods or you would not have interfered with us."

"Well, that is very perceptive. I am an enemy of the Gods because the Gods have come to this place for the first time. Maybe if I knew what the Gods where doing I would be less inclined to oppose them."

"The Gods come to extend their rightful rule over everything that exists."

"How does your new town here assist them in doing that?"

"The Gods asked for it to be so."

"And what did the Gods ask for you to look for?"

"For intruders, such as you."

"And there is nothing else that you are searching for?"

"There is not."

"And how many lizards are defending the town?"


"We need numbers."

"You shall not have them from me," replies the velociraptor, defiantly

Whippoorwill contacts his minion Delporto, who is close by having been reconnoitring Coraltown before we turned up. He and tells Delporto that the lizard is "not being very talkative" and asks for it to be "softened up and made more co-operative".

Delporto asks for clarification on whether the lizard can be permanently crippled as part of this, blinded and so on.

"Go ahead, be my guest," says Whippoorwill.

The other lizards are brought within earshot, but left gagged.

Whippoorwill briefs Delporto that he wants tactical information from the creature but also wants it to publicly renounce its Gods. Delporto nods, and goes off. The brutal torture of the velociraptor then begins.

Godofos, having passed his few dozen archers to Gerard, Trumps to Ahnel to fetch his part of the Trump-powered military vehicle force. Having arrived in Ahnel (with Jihx visible off to one side passing soldiers through to the shadow next to Coraltown) and given the orders for his vehicles to assemble, he then Trumps Gerard to ask what the plan is.

When Gerard takes the call he is told about the planned ambush in shadow Calagat. It is decided that Godofos will join Gerard to scout out the area and determine how to best deploy his Trump forces against the Chaos army.

He goes through the Trump link and joins Gerard and the two hundred thousand strong army of Amber marching towards Calagat. Gerard has a servant bring up a horse, and he and Godofos ride on together.

Elsewhere, Caitlin's army is up to around four hundred thousand frothing lunatics. Her army now includes a cavalry force riding such diverse creatures as giant wolves, giant tigers, dinosaurs, woolly mammoths and oliphants. Many of the troops are carrying their own banners while others are playing military instruments - the army is a sea of colour accompanied by a cacophony of trumpets, drums and bagpipes.

Caitlin herself is at the head of the army flying the Amber banner and her own banner (the two snakes of her broach).

She Trumps Gerard, who, when he takes the call and she tells him how she is doing, is impressed.

When she asks what else would be needed he suggests something that flies. Caitlin takes her army off, looking for pterosaurs, hippogriffs and giant eagles.

Whippoorwill walks off into shadow, also looking for more troops. The first one hundred and fifty that he finds are exceptionally good and are found really quite quickly. The next eighteen hundred or so are quite good and are not too difficult to find.

However, after this his recruitment rate drops off quite quickly, so he returns to the shadow by Coraltown.

By now, Jihx has his ten thousand troops transferred through to the shadow next to Coraltown, along with his share of Godofos' Trump-powered equipment. He goes through to join them, and begins to organise them into units and formulate an attack strategy, including both them and Whippoorwill's troops.

He consults with Whippoorwill on this, Whippoorwill having just returned with his own army.

They review the situation. Coraltown seems to be a settlement of around twenty thousand people. It appears to be made of some kind of coral and occupies the centre of a shallow bowl-shaped valley. There is a keep in the middle of the town which looks very organic is form, like a tall shaft of coral, although there are windows visible at the top. Around this there are three rings of walls. Each ring-wall has gate-houses and other towers built into the walls. There are other buildings between the walls.

After some discussion, a plan is decided upon. Whippoorwill will use his tunnelling war machine and one hundred and fifty of his elite troops to tunnel up inside the walls and attack from the inside while Jihx makes an assault from the outside.

They Trump Gerard to organise synchronising their attack. When Gerard takes the call, he tells them that he thinks this is a couple of hours away.

With that done, Whippoorwill sets off in his tunnelling machine, with his troops following in the tunnel which his machine leaves behind it.

Jihx forms the army up into attack formation, ready to use the Pattern to quickly march them into the Coraltown shadow.

The army of Amber arrives in shadow Calagat, which has a straight but steep sided valley whose walls slope at around seventy degrees to the horizontal. These are covered in trees with the occasional terraced town up on the valley side, and streams running down its sides. The valley floor is flat, with a river running down it. Gerard says that as far as he knows the whole shadow is like this.

Gerard shouts orders to his commanders and the army starts to deploy up the slopes. Godofos decides to bring all the ground forces (five tank/APCs, two hovercraft and two self-propelled artillery pieces) plus two helicopters through now, but to fly the five aircraft in at the last minute.

The tanks are hidden in cover to make their appearance a surprise. The helicopters are used to deploy the self-propelled artillery pieces onto ledges high up on the valley walls; these happen to be the middle of two villages, but Godofos doesn't worry about that. The hovercraft are also hidden.

An hour or so after the deployment begins the valley falls silent, the deployment complete.

Gerard and Godofos ride ahead to look back at the army to see how well it is concealed. Pleased with the results, they return to the ambush site.

Godofos then draws a Trump sketch of the valley and goes to join his aircraft. He passes them one at a time through the Trump link to Calagat, bringing them out into a place of concealment.

Caitlin now has an army of half a million frothing lunatics.

She decides that this is sufficient, and Trumps Gerard.

When he takes the call, Gerard informs her that the negotiations are continuing in Amber but that both sides now appear to realise that nothing will come from them.

By now Whippoorwill has managed to tunnel by dead reckoning his way underground through shadow to beneath the walls of Coraltown. His hundred and fifty elite troops have followed in the tunnel left behind through the limestone bedrock.

Jihx has had a couple of hours rest and is now on his horse at the head of his army. On Godofos' Trumped-in suggestion the Trump engines have been ordered to use kinetic weapons rather than energy weapons, just in case the enemy pull the 'turning your own shots back on you' trick again...

In Calagat, Gerard spots the Chaos army in the distance, marked by a rising cloud of dust. He pulls out a Trump and opens a Trump link with Caitlin, who takes the call. She also has the army in sight ahead of her.

Godofos Trumps Jihx, who in turn calls up Whippoorwill, ready to co-ordinate the various attacks.

As it approaches, it can be seen that the Chaos army appears to be made up mainly of humanoids with four arms and tails. They are wearing breast-plates and carrying swords (two each), spears and bows. There are also a fair number of tall grey furry people with bat-like ears, a few minotaurs and some of the feathered velociraptors using their running speed to scout around the army. There are also some horse-sized creatures with large tails and bat-like wings, several huge two-legged dragons, and some small people riding in wagons.

When the army gets to within a mile of the ambush it stops advancing and the formation changes.

"Shit!" says Gerard. "They are using magic. They have obviously detected us. Prepare to attack! Attack!"

The command is sent along the Trump links to the rest of us. These links are then dropped as the attacks begin.

Caitlin, now mounted on woolly mammoth-back, shouts the command to advance, causing her mixed bag of troops to charge into the attack at the rear of the Chaos army.

Godofos launches his fighters and orders his artillery to fire on the Chaos army, which is now spreading out and advancing up the sides of the valley in defensive formations.

Jihx moves his army into the Coraltown shadow, sending the jets off ahead to bomb the keep.

At the same time Whippoorwill, now lurking underground, begins to use his machine to dig upward, intending to breach the outer wall.

Whippoorwill notices that his troops seem very unsure of themselves. Uncharacteristically so.

He asks them about this, and they tell him they feel that they shouldn't be here - that something is trying to force them to go back.

Whippoorwill gives them a 'buck up your ideas' speech. They try. Now that he is aware there may be a problem, Whippoorwill can feel the same sense of something wanting him to go away. However, for him it is quite faint, and is having no real effect. He starts to try to suppress the feelings and then decides to Trump Jihx.

Back with Godofos' forces, the Trump-powered aircraft are starting to fire on the forces on the sides of the valley. The four-armed creatures start to fall.

However, when the aircraft reach about one hundred and fifty metres from the army they suddenly turn away and begin to race off. Godofos can feel a slight influence also trying to turn him away, but ignore it. He contacts the pilots via the Trump-powered radio and tells them to fight the magic.

Caitlin starts to charge with her forces.

However, they suddenly stop and the troops at the front are trampled as those behind (who do not immediately stop) run into them. The momentum of the charge is completely lost by this, and the Chaos army begins to fire arrows into Caitlin's forces.

Caitlin can feel some kind of magic causing her troops to stop, and begins to use the power of the Pattern to try and remove it. Radiating Pattern about herself, she moves into the magic zone, and this seems to disperse the magic.

She raises up her army again and they get themselves back on their feet and attack.

In his cockpit, Godofos also feels the magic go away, and orders his planes back in.

The fighters swoop back down, and they fire into the Chaos army. Chaos bowmen fire back, to little effect. After a few attacks the projectiles of the Amber army begin to reverse back to their firers. Damn.

Godofos Trump Gerard, and when he takes the call Gerard says he will see what he can do about cancelling the anti-missile spell.

In the Coraltown shadow, Whippoorwill Trumps Jihx, and when he takes the call explains what is happening to his men.

Jihx, looking around, notices that his forces are also slowing their advance, and the jets peel away. The he sees one of his tank commanders vanish. Then another commander elsewhere along the line. Then others. Not good.

He goes on ahead, still in the link to Whippoorwill, and attempts to ride into the 'exclusion zone'. Unfortunately his horse balks at entering it, so he dismounts, leaves his horse behind, and enters the zone. He then draws his sword and fires on the keep. His blast is instantly reversed back onto him, blasting him in the chest and badly injuring him. He falls to the ground, in a lot of pain and barely conscious.

His horse, seeing this, seems to force itself into the exclusion zone, grabs his arm in its mouth and pulls him out, then with Jihx's help it begins to carry him back towards the rest of his army.

Over the Trump link, Whippoorwill suggests that Jihx tries to defeat the feeling with his mind. Jihx agrees to try.

As he starts to do this a twenty foot wide blob of some evil-looking green stuff flies over Jihx on a ballistic trajectory. It appears that it will land among Jihx's troops.

Whippoorwill starts to use the Pattern to try to create a weather front moving in which will disrupt magic here.

A blob of incandescent blue light flies across the sky on a slightly different course to the land blob. moves out. Then another blob, this one of bright yellow light. Jihx decides that the situation is unsalvageable, and gives the signal to retreat.

As they begin to move back, Jihx can see that some of the troops appear to have been dissolved by green acid, some appear to have just died, others have been charred to a crisp. The surviving troops reach the edge of the trees, but seem unable to go any further.

Jihx, concentrating on removing the magic stopping his advance, concentrates on the Pattern and feels the magic going away. He then orders the troops to attack once again.

In Calagat, Godofos tries to attack the chaos forces. He drops bombs (clusters of foot-long metal spikes, as these work basically anywhere, rather than explosives, which do not) at the Chaos troop, but this does not seem to work. The bombs are repelled back at him, but bounce off his aircraft.

He decides to try a different tack, and dive-bombs the Chaos force, zooming just above their heads, sweeping them aside with his jet was. This does seem to work quite effectively, and he notices various of the bat-eared humanoids holding their heads as though the noise of the jet is painful to them.

At the rear of the Chaos army, Caitlin's forces continue to attack, as she works to suppressing the magic. Lots of arrows, including some very large and powerful ones, are being fired into her forces.

Godofos and his forces all suddenly dive-bomb the troops, flying low over their heads and spreading confusion as they go, as well as hitting a few.

As he flies over the Chaos army, Godofos spots what looks like a command area. There are more banners there, and a pair of very non-human creatures too.

A large glowing ball of magic suddenly appears over this area, and fires a twenty foot ball of fire towards Gerard's army.

Caitlin suppresses the magic affecting the army, then uses her enhanced understanding of the Pattern to work on a 'good luck charm' for all of her forces.

A couple more large blobs of energy are emitted from the blob hovering over the army, one of lightning, one of darkness, and fly off towards the Amber forces. Caitlin decides that this thing needs to be stopped, and tries to destroy the blob using the Pattern.

In his plane, Godofos suddenly feels the magic go away and concludes that his aircraft can now fire on the army. He proceeds to do so, with a good deal of success.

His artillery also begins to fire, solid shells striking into the Chaos army.

One of the aircraft is suddenly hit by a lightning strike from the ground, and explodes violently. The lightning bolt remains hovering in the air as a glowing ball.

Suddenly the hovering blob of energy issues a glowing blue ball of energy, but this seems to fizzle out and fall on the Chaos forces below, hitting rather a lot of them. The hovering ball flickers and winks out. Caitlin can feel that this is her doing.

In Coraltown, Whippoorwill rouses his forces, who are now feeling more ready to attack, as his machine attacks the walls of Coraltown from below.

Jihx summons his white hawk down from the sky in its larger, man-carrying, size and mounts it. He tells his tanks to attack and issues a general order not to use missiles.

The jets sweeps in, firing at the keep as they were ordered. To be met by a hail of their own bullets, reflected back at them. Fortunately, they are well enough armoured that this does not destroy them, but they peel away again.

Whippoorwill finds that his machine is making very slow progress against the walls of Coraltown; they are very tough, and in addition to this seem to be regenerating the damage his machine is inflicting almost as fast as he is inflicting it. He thinks that he could did through the walls, in time, but it will be slow...

He decides to try a different tack, that of digging an entrance tunnel under the walls to let troops in through the defences. His machine burrows up out of the ground outside the walls, making the outer part of the tunnel. As his machine emerges it is hit by a number of lightning bolts from the walls, to little effect, then by some acid, which seems to have slightly more effect.

Whippoorwill takes his machine back underground and along until it is no longer under the wall, then up. Unfortunately, there seems to be a hard coral layer under the keep rest of the town as well, with the same properties as the wall.

After a few minutes of this he feels something pass over him, as if his presence is now known.

Jihx sees Whippoorwill's drilling machine get hit then retreat back underground, and so gathers up his forces and leads them out of the shadow.

Back in shadow Calagat, the hovering lightning strikes through the air once again and destroys another of Godofos' aircraft.

Caitlin focuses on it and tries to use the Pattern to project it onto the centre of the Chaos forces. As she does this she notices that the reversing magic has returned.

However, after a short while her Pattern manipulation seems to have some effect, and the lightning bolt strikes down and hits the ground, creating a large crater.

Godofos orders his tanks out of cover and towards the Chaos army. Although he does not want them to use their guns, they will still be useful in running people over. Gerard's forces follow behind them.

Caitlin feels some magic wash over her area, and tries to use the Pattern to stop it. However, before she can do so it has gone past her. She sees the dead from her own side rise up and start to attack the living members of her forces. Bad. Caitlin begins trying to nullify all of the magic in her area using the Pattern.

Elsewhere, via Trump Whippoorwill and Jihx discuss what is happening in Coraltown.

Jihx suggests that he can suppress the magic with his mind.

Whippoorwill tries to Trump Gerard but cannot get through. He then Trumps Godofos instead, who does take the call. He tells Godofos what has happened, and is informed on events in Calagat in return. Breaking that Trump link, Whippoorwill then tries to contact Caitlin. However, she is busy suppressing magic, which is also suppressing Trump around her, and so he does not get through. So he Trumps Godofos again, and asks for himself and his forces to be brought through.

The cockpit of Godofos' fighter is not the best place for this, so he lands his plane, gets out, and then brings Whippoorwill and his forces through. Having been told what has happened, he also Trumps the Trump engines of the tanks and so on he loaned to Jihx, and brings them through, too, along with what remains of their crews. At least, all of them apart from one of the tanks, which seems to be missing...

The tanks, aircraft and so on from Coraltown are passed through, along with Whippoorwill's forces, and proceed against the Chaos forces in the same manner as the others.

The original set of tanks are now making good progress on running over the Chaos forces, who are now taking some significant damage.

At the rear of the Chaos army, Caitlin is managing to suppress the magic near her. The zombies there are falling over. She then attempts to expand this anti-magical effect out from herself.

Whippoorwill and Godofos's troops continue on, now with the extra tanks and aircraft.

Caitlin feels a presence trickling into the shadow, not unlike that she felt just before the Chaos fleet escaped. She has no idea at present of how to stop this, and so carries on suppressing magic.

Jihx goes back into the Coraltown shadow and sees that the dead of his forces are now all zombies moving back towards the town. Bad.

He returns to the forces, and gets ready to leave. The current highest ranking member of his forces, a sergeant, tells him that all the higher-ranking commanders are gone - disappeared, burst into flames, killed by the bursting out of maggots or by turning into man-killing blobs. Jihx sends the surviving troops (about eight thousand in all) back along the shadow path along the shadow fracture, out of the area and into retreat. He tells them that he will contact them later.

He then Trumps Whippoorwill.

In shadow Calagat, Whippoorwill is using his war machine to chop through the Chaos forces (it is actually better then the higher-tech tanks at this, as it has attachments for 'hand-to-hand' fighting), when he feels a Trump contact. He accepts it, and finds that it is Jihx.

At Jihx's request he brings Jihx through to inside his war machine. Jihx immediately feels the reversal magic and the psychic presence in the shadow. He concentrates on trying to stop the reversal magic.

Whippoorwill continues to plough through the Chaos forces.

After a while, Jihx manages to undo the magic using the Pattern.

Godofos feels this and starts to fire on the Chaos forces, radioing his forces to do likewise.

Caitlin feels a spell attempt to attack her but she is radiating so much Pattern about herself that it bounces. She is now getting quite tired from all of this Pattern-related exertion.

Jihx attempts to turn his mind against the presence. It does not seem more powerful than him, but he is tired and injured. He feels some magic being attempted and something trying to stop it; this feels to him that one of them is Gerard.

Suddenly the shadow begins to stretch and shift, much as the shadow closer to Amber did when the Chaos fleet escaped. Caitlin and Jihx both feel this. The shadow is folding around itself, and Caitlin feels as if a very far away area of this shadow has been grafted onto this area in place of the area of space containing the Chaos army...

And suddenly a two hundred metre tall wall of water appears where the Chaos forces just were, and of the Chaos forces and many of Godofos' Trump-powered machines there is no sign.

The water crashes down.

Godofos' aircraft almost escapes, but is caught by the tip of the wave and tumbled through the water. Something hits the cockpit glass, starring it, and he Trumps out into Ahnel.

Whippoorwill's war machine has a sealed environment, so they are in danger of drowning, but the machine itself, although Whippoorwill tries to anchor it to the ground, is torn away and tumbled through the water.

Caitlin abandons her mammoth and her troops and shifts shadow away as fast as she can, lowering the water and widening the valley behind her as she sprints along, until all she gets is wet feet.

Jihx decides now is the time to go to the hospital shadow, and Trumps there, to be greeted by the staff...

In Ahnel, Godofos attempts to retrieve his Trump-powered vehicles, and gets most of them back, though some are damaged, and many of their crews are injured.

The tank that went missing in Coraltown is still not responding to its Trump.

Caitlin Trumps to Amber.

Whippoorwill's machine eventually stops tumbling over and over through the water and lands right side up on the new sea floor. Under Whippoorwill's guidance the machine climbs up the valley slope and out of the water.

Behind it the water is flowing away off in both directions. Lots of bodies and debris are floating in it. Whippoorwill gathers the survivors from the higher slopes into squads and organises what rescue efforts he can.

In Amber, Caitlin is let out of the Arrival Courtyard and asks a servant about the others. The servant does not know. She then feels a Trump call coming on, and accepts it.

It is Jihx, calling from the Hospital. Who suggests that, as we were making progress at the end of that battle, we attack Coral Town immediately.

Caitlin disagrees with this assessment, saying that we have no forces left and that she is too tired to continue fighting immediately.

Jihx agrees to wait and signs off, asking to be called when the others re-group.

A servant directs Caitlin through the Castle to Vialle, who is in a corridor in the Keep, outside one of the conference rooms. She asks Vialle what is happening.

Vialle tells her that the talks are still going on (!), but that she intends to have them all taken into custody very soon.

Caitlin describes the battle to Vialle, who seems quite concerned about its outcome.

She then begins Trumping the others, one by one, starting with Godofos. As she does so guards start turning up and positioning themselves around the conference chamber.

Caitlin goes off to find a quiet corner to carry on with her Trumping.

Godofos, having recovered all the Trump engines and associated vehicles that he can make contact with, receives Caitlin's Trump. She gets a news update from him and they agree on who to contact next.

Caitlin then contacts Gerard, he is clinging to a large log in the flood, bruised. He is pleased to come through and join Caitlin in Amber.

Once he is through they discuss this shadow-stretching power and decide that we must find a way of stopping it and reducing their magic generally.

Gerard goes off, and Caitlin then Trumps to Vitesse to rest. She is greeted by the innkeeper and shown to a room.

In Ahnel, Godofos Trumps Whippoorwill, who when he takes the call is still directing the picking of survivors out of the flood.

They exchange news, then both Trump to the shadow next to Coraltown. When they arrive there is a force of two hundred four-armed chaos soldiers on the shadow path, guarding the entrance to Coraltown. Whoops!

The two of them are immediately noticed and an alarm raised, but they shift shadow away before the Chaos troops can do more than that.

They shift shadow around Ghenesh and track down the remains of Jihx's Ahnelian army that was fleeing towards the former location of Ghenesh. However, they find that the army is in battle, being attacked by 'hanging' lightening bolts, similar to those that attacked Godofos' aircraft, and also by animated dead trees. Bad.

They begin to search for the source of the magic, in the hope that the magician can be attacked whilst he is distracted.

The Ahnelian army is down to around five thousand troops at this point, but they decide to continue the search. After about fifteen minutes, and another thousand or so soldiers down, a voice is heard, calling out. "Oh Amberites!" is cries.

Whippoorwill and Godofos close in on the direction of the voice. "We know you are there Amberites," it continues. "Come out and face us."

As they come closer they see two shadowy figures at the edge of the dead trees. One is a horned, cloven-hoofed, bat-winged black-skinned demon. The other is a double-ended four-legged armoured creature about the size of a rhino, walking on the knuckles of its large clawed hands. It has a head at each end with six eyes on each one, along with a wickedly fanged mouth surrounded by roughly ten writing tentacles.

"Oh Amberites! Do you fear us?" the voice taunts. It seems to be coming from the double-ended creature.

Whippoorwill Trumps Godofos whilst shifting shadow away from here as quickly as possible. When Godofos takes the call, Whippoorwill tells him that thinks that this is not the place to fight this battle.

Godofos considers this, and does not think that he can take them on himself. He considers drawing a Trump sketch of the creatures, but realises that this may take several hours. He decides to stay, with the Trump link open, to learn what he can.

He studies the creatures and decides that the tentacled one has a weaker mind (though still as powerful as Godofos' own); the demon's mind if more powerful than his, though not as powerful as that of Timandra. He starts to draw a Trump of the creature.

The creature continues to taunt him, and the Amberites generally. Then he senses something sweep across him, and suddenly he is illuminated by a bright light.

Whippoorwill immediately pulls him through the Trump link and they make good their escape...

Session 4.5   Index   Session 4.7

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