For 'A Late Delivery From Rebma'

Skyrie played by Stephen Deas.

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We Cannot kill Etienne where god exists, else she will simply return...

But unable to use the Pattern.

Perhaps a more urgent matter then?

We trump god.

With much effort we smash through. But I cannot make a gate.

Jhyx enters... and appears to die.

Arun follows. He is ever a fool.

Yet god writhes and wheels as we hold him fast.

We have it cornered.

Something hurts it. Jhyx?

On through more fatigue than I have known, except, perhaps the walking of the Pattern.

A despairing cry - the link fails - Victory!

I must question Arun and Jhyx, if they return.

When I awaken. God is not here.

Jhyx has replaced him?!

What have they done?

Jhyx returns to us. Arun does not. I fear we have merely changed the face of our peril. But now I know - somehow Arun and Jhyx were able to strike god as the rest of us held it down. It is destroyed?

I must recover my armour and the Shadowblade.

And re-assert my will over the Well of Shadow.

The Infinite Citadel

I have walked the pattern to the well. God has tried to destroy it. It will recover, I think, when God is gone, but God is still strong here. I knew our victory was too easy to be true. I shall return to Rebma and spread the ill news.


And meet cousin Whippoorwill. He makes interesting suggestions, but I have little time for him. I am too tired.

A brief excursion to shadow.

I will send large flying castles of my desire to smash into the city of Dis.


And one for Lucifer.

There are plans afoot to retake castle Amber.

I suppose we must deny the Pattern to Etienne before we kill her.


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