
A reasonable, open and generally nice son of Caine, who gets of well with his father and the rest of the family, but who seems to have a pretty callous attitude to shadow dwellers.

Cuchlainn (The Great)

A Celtic Hero, son of Dierdre and Sharru Garrul, raised in a Celtic Shadow. He has all the qualities of a great Celtic warrior, i.e. overconfidence, impulsiveness, lack of tact and little grasp of tactics above the level of the chariot and the mass charge. Very useful to have around in a fight though.


Son of Fiona. An Advanced Pattern Initiate, primarily because he is a son of Fiona; he seems little qualified otherwise. Somewhat power-crazed, and given to impulsive and often unwise decisions.


Son of Bleys and a lady of House Malrax, a minor House of Chaos, renowned for their wines. Something of a hedonist, with (apparently) no close ties to his father, but useful to have around in a fight.


Daughter of Brand and a lady of a people who live beyond Tir-Na'Nogth. Spent her first few years in Tir-Na'Nogth before being rescued by Benedict and raised by him in Avalon. She has strange Tir-Na'Nogth-related powers, and some kind of intrinsic link to the powers behind Tir-Na'Nogth.

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