Vehicles : Generic Helicopter Gunship

Statistic | Value                    | Points
Size      | 4 x 2 Hexes              |   30          +4 to be Seen
Mass      | 6.4 Tons                 |    -
Strength  | 40                       |    -          OCV : 6+
KNB       | -6"                      |    -          DCV : 6+ with Combat Pilot,
Body      | 18                       |    2                2  otherwise
Defence   | 8                        |   18
          | +2 Defence,              |    3
          | 60 degree Coverage (-1), |
          | - cockpit armour         |
Dexterity | 18                       |   24
Speed     | 4                        |   12          Phases : 3, 6, 9, 12
          | Total                    |   89

Power/Talent/Skill                                 | Pts
5 points Visual Flash Defence                      |   5
-5" Running                                        |  -6
LS : Self-Contained*                               |   6
LS : Immune to Hard Radiation*                     |   2
21" Flight,                                        |  15
  4 x non-combat velocity (403 kph),               |
  1 Minute Delay before Continuous Use (-3/4),     |
  Not in Oxygen-Poor Environments (-1/4),          |
  Bulky OAF - rotors                               |
IR Vision*                                         |   2
High Range Radio Hearing*                          |   6
Radar Sense*                                       |   9
+12 Telescopic Vision*                             |  10
+16 Telescopic Radio Senses*                       |  14
360 degrees with Radio Senses*                     |   6
360 degrees with Visual Senses*                    |   6
Change Environment to Light and IR,                |   7
  2" radius, 0 End,                                |
  Bulky OIF - spotlight                            |
4 Spotlights                                       |  10
MP : Weapons Systems                               |  51
u 4d6 RKA, AP, Explosive, +1 Stun Multiplier,      |   5
    No Range Modifier, 6 Charges, Beam Effect,     |
    Bulky OAF - missiles                           |
u 4d6 RKA, Penetrating,                            |   4
    Area Effect (radius), 2 x radius (18"),        |
    2 Charges of 1 Turn, Beam Effect,              |
    Bulky OAF - napalm                             |
u 3/2d6 RKA, +1 Stun Multiplier,                   |   5
    Autofire (5 targets), 500 Charges (+5/4),      |
    Beam Effect, 180 degree Arc of Fire,           |
    Bulky OAF - minigun                            |
    2 Miniguns                                     |
Stealth 14-                                        |   5
                                             Total | 162
* Bulky IIF (vehicle systems)

Points Cost of Vehicle = 89 + 162 = 251

Disadvantages                                             | Pts
Distinctive Features                                      |  20
  - military helicopter (not concealable, major reaction) |
Watched (own government, more, NCI, 14-)                  |  15
2 x Hunteds (other governments, more, NCI, 8-)            |  40
                                                    Total |  75

Has a crew of two : Pilot and Weapons Operator.

Has an inbuilt computer (as VTOL jet computer with TF and WF changed).

An old but hardy design still found in, still found in less developed nations in 1994.

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