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An alternate universe to which the player characters of my Overman 1994 universe were kidnapped at one point.

It is a world where an immortal superhuman megalomaniac (one of three superhumans known in this world) became Pope Innocent XIV in 1781. Unfortunately for the world, he had the power to create more superhumans, in what became known as the Host of Heaven. With them he came to rule all the world but the USA (which was a considerably different place to the real world, due to Spain and France, backed by the Papacy, retaining their North American possessions).

By 1982, technology had advanced to a (real world) 1950's level, and both the USA and the Papacy had newly developed nuclear weapons. In desperation, the USA performed a pre-emptive strike against the Papacy, plunging the world into nuclear war, and nuclear winter.

It is now 1990, seven years after the start, and end, of the War. Both the USA and the Papacy are pulling themselves back to their feet and moving to restart their long struggle. Unfortunately, the Papacy seems to have survived the War better than did the USA...

The following pages contain all the information on the WinterWorld setting :

NOTE : Although I myself am an atheist, this set of web pages is not intended to attack or defame the Roman Catholic Church as it now exists (even though I do not agree with a number of its pronouncements). They are instead a work of fiction which uses my understanding of real history as its basis, but which diverges from it in many major ways. It is not intended to deliberately offend anyone, or to trivialise the events on which it is based, nor should it be taken as any form of commentary on the real events from which it is derived; if anyone has read this page as such, then I apologise. For more information on the real Roman Catholic Church, then you should probably start here, at the Vatican Web Site, or alternatively at the Catholic Encyclopaedia.

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