Tea with Llewella

This page consists of everything that happened after Ashira went off to see Llewella where, among other things, they had a chat about various topics of importance...

Well, Let us say that you are in the same room as the others noticed that it is more of a talk between Rune and Willhelm ... and Ashira decided to leave the room.

Out in the hallway, Ashira fumbles through her trump cards, reaching the one of her mother and quickly making contact. "So you decide to contact me now. Hold on for a moment...." About a minute or two pass.

Ashira waits impatiently, tapping her foot, but keeping the Trump link open.

"If you would like I can pull you through and we can talk."

Ashira just looks witheringly at her, and holds out her hand to Llewella to be brought through to wherever she is.

Ashira is pulled through the Trump. Seated elegantly in a high back chair is Llewella, she has a silver teapot in her hand and is pouring a cup at an empty seat. "Please sit down child...we should talk.."

Ashira nods jerkily, at Llewella's words, her face expressionless. She sits - perhaps slouches is a better word - in the offered chair in a not very elegant at all manner. And if Llewella offers her a cup of tea she takes it, and uses drinking to occupy her hands so that she cannot sign, looking at Llewella over the rim of her cup and leaving it to her to make the first move, conversationally speaking.

" Ashira, you must understand, Back in those days ... we just did not let others know that we had children. It was unwise. But that all change with Martin. Even though he was almost killed by Brand, we found compassion for our children. I begged and pleaded with Eric to let me search for you, but I am afraid duty called. He was trying to vie for Moire attention perhaps marrying her in name to unite the two Kingdoms Since she was my mother, I was told to stay and try to convince her. After Eric's death. Corwin once again asked me to stay in Rebma, for he feared an attack by Brand. But I did send Bleys to search for you... I did. Really." a few tears begin to fall from her eyes.

Ashira looks more than a little sceptical, and is not at all moved by Llewella's tears, but she does nod in an 'I hear you' manner.

*Well, Bleys found me, after a fashion. Indirectly, he is responsible for my being here,* she signs, expressionlessly. *But what do you mean, 'search'? You knew I was in Timashkurabad, surely? Certainly someone who looked like you visited from time to time. Does the name Lady Llewella Ulantrinal ring any bells?*

*By the way, I did intend to meet with you at the time you specified yesterday, but where we went was much slower than here,* she signs, slightly apologetically and only bending the truth a little. *We were only there for less than an hour, yet in Amber, and presumably here it was more than a day.*

"You must believe me. After the War, I asked for you to be brought to me... but I guess you never received the replies..." she says wanting for a response.

*Replies to what?* signs Ashira after a moment. She shakes her head, her expression cold. *Messages to Sarashjur and Malintha by any chance? I'm afraid that unless they could reach into the land of the dead, your messages won't have reached them. Sarashjur and Malintha have both been dead more than eight years now, Timashkurabad time. However long that may be here. Ever since the Oricarians invaded and sacked Timashkurabad.*

She sits back and observes Llewella's response, her expression as cold as ever.

Llwellea looks to Ashira grim look upon her face. " I am aware what happened to your foster parents. The Oricarians were a test to check my loyalty to Eric who was King at the time. He knew that you were located there and that I wanted to leave Rebma and bring you back, but He sent them out there. He told me that I HAD to stay in Rebma to watch over Queen Moire. Ashira.. I feared him." she begins to weep.

"I am sorry for that. But I did greatly fear Eric then."

*More than you ... cared about me. Even to the point of your briefly sneaking out and helping me? I see.* Ashira's already cold expression is positively glacial now. *And Eric ... killed ... them and threw me into hell to test your loyalty? Is Rune aware of this?*

She shakes her head, seemingly unaware of a single tear trickling from her left eye and down her cheek. *Sorry? Do you know what happened to me? To them? How can you think that one word will make things all right?*

Another tear slides down her cheek from her other eye. *Sarashjur was killed out of hand in the sack, and Malintha ... was ... raped ... to death... before my eyes. In case you didn't know. Only because I was small enough to hide did I escape a similar fate. Then I was enslaved, which is where I get this.* A hand briefly strokes the circular slave-tattoo on her cheek. *I only escaped when my ... shapeshifting manifested itself. Since then I lived on the street and was only brought out of Timashkurabad when I failed to successfully pick Bleys' pocket.*

*You really think a simple 'sorry' will make it all better?*

She shakes her head again, and takes a deep breathe as she tries to bring her emotions under control...

On to Ashira's Thoughts Part 13 - Tea with Llewella Part 1.

Llewella's sadness becomes anger, she glares at Ashira.

"What, do you not think I tired to find you? I snuck out of Rebma many times, using the Pattern, Trumps and Hellriding. Each time HE was there. Damn that Eric. Eric would track me down and bring me back to Rebma.

Sometimes he would seen Caine or Julian, Gerard thank goodness had no part in it. But Julian, damn him. I think he enjoyed it. He and those blasted hounds would track me down."

*Yes, from your words I did think that you didn't try to find me,* signs Ashira, her expression perhaps a little mollified by Llewella's words. *It appears that perhaps I was wrong.

*Bleys told me that Eric was dead,* she continues, *Is that so? Did he suffer enough when he died, as he oh-so-richly deserves to have done? And how did he track you down each time?

*Do you want Eric's son of the throne in Amber?*

Llewella begins to hike up her skirt. She bares her left leg. On the leg is a large ugly scar. "SEE!, see what that Damn Julian did. One of his hounds bit me. I tell you I wish that bastard was dead!"

Ashira glances at the scar, but doesn't otherwise react to it, having seen far worse in her time. *Then why not have him killed? Or at least have your revenge? If you are queen here you must have paid killers working for you.*

On to Ashira's Thoughts Part 14 - Tea with Llewella Part 2.

Llewella looks frightened.

"Kill Julian, are you daft? Eric made it very clear that any retaliation to either Caine, Julian or himself would be met with dire circumstances. I am afraid I even fear Eric in death. I mean who knows what his son is capable of." Llewella hand trembles as she brings a cup to her lips.

Ashira shrugs expressively. *Then make sure no-one ever finds out, or is capable of finding out who did it,* she signs. She shrugs again. *But as you wish.*

"Lets us change the subject. Tell Ashira what do you want? I know it is a general subject but tell me, would you like to spend time with me in Rebma?"

*Perhaps. What is Rebma like? I want to know about it certainly, and I want to know about Amber, too.

*I certainly want to walk this Pattern thing soon. Then, at least, no-one will be able to trap me in a place like Timashkurabad quite so easily in future. And I want to learn about magic; it seems an important skill to have if there are books on such things. And swordsmanship. That seems important, too.

*You know more about this place than I do. What do you think is important for me to know? Or to do?*

"Oh, if you would like, I can take you to Rebma right now. As for the Pattern the is a reflection of the Pattern in Rebma right now. I can show it to you and you may walk it if you wish. Magic, I seldom dabble in but I do know of some forms, minor spells at best.

*I shall,* nods Ashira. *And if there are books or similar things on magic I could read too, I would be grateful for the opportunity to peruse them.*

"The most important thing for you to know. Do not trust anyone, even those who seem to be your friends.... I trusted one of my brothers and it cost me dearly." she says as she reaches over to grasp Ashira's hand.

Ashira nods seriously. *I shall bear that in mind,* she signs.

She allows Llewella to take her hand, but only for a few seconds before she pulls it back.

A tear falls from her left eye and she blinks her eyes a few times.

Ashira simply does not react to Llewella's tears.

"Enough of that. Ashira would you like to visit Rebma?"

*Yes, I would,* she signs.

*But before we go to Rebma, there are two questions I have for you which have been troubling me,* Ashira continues, her face expressionless.

*Firstly, who is my birth father? Is he one of these 'demonic chaosites', as I have heard them described? Is he dead, or alive? Where is he?

*Secondly, why did you have me raised in Timashkurabad, out of all the worlds - shadows - there must be out there? Had the Oricarians not come, by now I would certainly be a very gracious and proper young lady, but just as certainly, extremely ill-suited to be a member of this family. No magic. None of this 'technology' I have seen. No teaching of any of the skills of violence. Why was I not to be prepared for this family by being taught any of these things?*

"Well, first let me say that I loved your father deeply. Yes he was from the Courts of Chaos and he did not political ambitions like others from there that I know.... But when Eric was crowned King, he made us sever all ties from Chaos. He said that there would be impending doom, that something would come from Chaos to kill all of us. You were already born being raised in the peaceful shadow of Timashkurabad with the both of us. You were then left in the care of your foster parents while I returned to Amber to discuss this with Eric and your father went to the Courts to persuade the King not to attack Amber. His name was Vashna Robbios, he is the leader of House Robbios, the predominate trading house in the Courts. He tried to return to Timashkurabad to retrieve you, but was killed. I learn this from Eric, to make sure I stayed put he found the shadow of the Oricarians and lead them to Timashkurabad... that is why I hate him for this..."

Ashira nods when Llewella tells her all this. *Interesting,* she signs. *I often wondered where my power came from. Assuming that he is its source?

*Do you have a picture of him? One of these Trumps, perhaps? What was he like? Does his being of this House Robbios make him royalty too?

*What was the doom of which you spoke? This war that just ended? Or is there another doom I should know about?

*And yes, even never having met him, from your words I myself have developed a hatred of Eric over this cup of tea,* she signs, her expression ice-cold, *and were he not already dead would be thinking of ways to bring him to that state as unpleasantly as possible.

*But still, why Timashkurabad? Was I to be raised there forever?*

"Ah, your father was a royal member of the Courts of Chaos. I am sorry but I do not have one of his trumps, Eric saw to that too. Your father was good-looking tall dark skinned with wavy dark hair...ah I miss him so. I do believe that the war was the impending doom, perhaps it was Eric's own death. that I am not sure."

*Let us hope so,* signs Ashira coldly. Then she smiles slightly, and briefly, *I take it, then, that I inherit most of my looks from him rather than from you?*

She looks once again at her teapot, debating on pouring some more but decides against it.

"Timashkurabad was to be a stop over place for your father and I. A place that was neither in control by Amber or the Courts. After we were restricted, I found that it would be better to leave you there, I tried to bring your brother there too, but with your father's death. He was placed in charge of the House of Robbios."

*Brother?!* signs Ashira abruptly, a look of surprise and shock briefly crossing her face. She puts down her teacup. *I have a brother? Tell me about him.* She leans forward, her eyes boring into Llewella's as she signs demandingly, *What is his name? How old is he? Is he also yours and Vashna's? Who is the oldest of the two of us? Me or him?*

*And does this mean that House Robbios as a whole are aware of my existence, too, or are they not?*

"Your brother is a few years older than you, Handsome like your father, I understand that he is doing well as the leader of the House Robbios. I am not sure if he or the House knows of your existence, but with the way things go.. I am sure that they do."

Ashira nods seriously, ignoring Llewella's going all misty-eyed on her. *I imagine,* she signs, deadpan. *What is his name, though? And should I take it that he can talk? Perhaps I should meet him at some point.*

Ashira hesitates as a thought occurs to her, *Also, are you aware of a Borel Hendrake in Chaos? I ask only because I killed his daughter, Tanisla.*

"Ah, there has been many changes in the House of Hendrake, from what I have understood. Lord Hendrake, the leader of the House was beheaded, for it was him that was blamed for the War. His wife, now leads the House. Lord Borel, if I understand was killed in battle. If Tanisla is the only remaining heir of Lord Borel, you could lay claim the estates of Borel. I understand that there is an old law stating...'to the victor of a duel or war receives the spoils, if the defeated has no one to claim vengeance'... Now, Ashira it is an old law, but I do not think that it has been repelled.

Ashira nods seriously again. *If I ever have need of a large number of dangerous maniacs on short notice, I shall bear it in mind,* she signs. *Though I also have no desire to be on the receiving end of any Chaosite vendettas.*

"Eric has been taken care of.. But tell me Ashira what of Julian and Caine? Should we plan their demise?" she says with a worried look on her face.

*No,* signs Ashira. *Not at present, when, from what I know, things remain so much up in the air. So uncertain. We may need them; from what you say they are, if nothing else, efficient. When we know we have no further need for them, then that will be the time to begin planning. And of course, any such plan will require precautions against its sparking a cycle of revenge. Unless, of course, it is revenge directed at someone else who is required to suffer.*

"Shall I show you Rebma now? my daughter?"

*Yes, please,* signs Ashira, nodding once. *And after that, perhaps, I should walk one of these Patterns.*

Llewella stands and motions for Ashira to follow. "Come we shall go to Rebma."

She exits through a door and walks down a hallway.

Ashira puts down her teacup and follows.

"Your brother is named Lefauve, he was a young man when your were born. He is aware of your existence but I am sorry to say that he has never met you. Yes Perhaps one day you shall travel to the Courts to meet him."

Ashira nods. *Yes. Perhaps,* she signs expressionlessly.

"Now, I am not sure if anyone has told about Rebma, It is an underwater city. It is at the very deepest depths of the ocean. Do not leave city unless you travel by trumps or the Staircase. The door I shall bring you through only works when I am there so do not try to enter it. You shall be able to breathe in the water."

Ashira nods again. *Noted. I knew Rebma is underwater, but little more than that.*

"It does a while to get use to."

Ashira shrugs. *I have breathed underwater before,* she signs. *Will this be any different?*

While Llewella walks down a hall she continues to talk to Ashira and discusses Rebma and others things. Llewella stops at a door, pulls a key from inside her sleeve and turns the lock. Opening the door she walks inside and motions Ashira to follow.

Ashira covertly eyes the key Llewella produces, to get an idea of the sort and complexity of the lock it operates. Just in case it ever comes in handy. But she obeys Llewella's motion, and follows Llewella into the room.

Ashira stares at a glowing circular sphere that is on the wall, On it she sees an throne covered with seaweed, fish and coral of pink, blue and orange. "This goes to my throne room."

Ashira nods again. *What is it?* she signs, raising a quizzical eyebrow to Llewella.

Llewella touches the wall, her hand disappears and a rippling is seen. She withdraws her hand and the rippling effect stops. "When you are ready, my dear."

Ashira nods yet again. *I take it I simply walk through this ... thing?* she signs. Then she touches the wall as Llewella did, following her hand with the rest of herself as she attempts to pass through the thing and to Llewella's throne room.

Assuming she arrives in Llewella's throne room, Ashira immediately looks around, both to appraise herself of the situation there (in case any guards are showing signs of wanting to shoot her, for example), and also to see what this thing she has just come through looks like from the other side.

Upon the other side, Ashira is able to walk and move around the room. There is no one else there. Turning to Llewella she notices her mother behind seated upon the throne.

A servant comes through.

"Durrobi, this my daughter, Ashira prepare her a room. She will be staying in Rebma for now."

"Yes my queen" then the woman leaves.

Ashira looks slightly surprised when she turns round to find Llewella on the throne without her noticing. She gives Durrobi a nod of greeting and a brief smile that does not really reach her eyes.

She clears her lungs of air and fills them with water in the way she has learnt to do when shapeshifting into fish-form, leaving a few air bubbles to skitter about the ceiling.

"So, my child what now? the grand tour or perhaps straight to the Pattern itself?"

Ashira's eyes briefly go cold at the 'my child', but she is looking away from Llewella when she says this.

Ashira thinks briefly, then nods to herself. *The grand tour, I think, then the Pattern,* she signs.

*And what is that things we came through?* she indicates it with a nod of her head.

Llewella leads Ashira out of the room that they entered Rebma in. As Ashira heads down a hall, she quickly notices that the hall is almost same as in Amber. It the physical structure of this castle is the same as in Amber.

Not that Ashira actually knows more of Amber than the main hall, some corridors and the room where the meeting with Rune was taking place before she Trumped Llewella...

But I guess the architectural styles and things of that nature are similar.

Ashira's mother shows her the grand ballroom, the grand entrance room and various studies and guest bedrooms. Outside she shows many beautiful gardens of coral and colourful fish.

Ashira pays attention to everything she is shown, discreetly noting layouts, guard positions and the like. In fact, very much as if she were casing the place. She does not comment on anything, merely nodding or shaking her head at appropriate points if Llewella is giving her a running commentary. Otherwise she is essentially expressionless throughout the tour, not showing much in the way of interest or disinterest.

How do the other inhabitants of the place which we meet seem to react to Llewella?

Do we go around the city of Rebma itself at all?

Once back inside the castle Ashira notices that there is one room of to the side that is guarded by four guards.....

As Ashira and Llewella come level with the guarded room, Ashira taps Llewella on the arm to attract her attention, then signs, *What do they guard?* She nods in the direction of the guards.

The citizens of Rebma look towards, Ashira but do not stare, Ashira notices but does not make an issue of it.

Queen Llewella does not lead Ashira into the City of Rebma staying mostly in the castle proper.

Ashira notes this, but does not comment.

"Those guards are guarding the Pattern. Would you like to see it?"

Ashira considers for a second or two, then nods. *Yes,* she signs.

Queen Llewella moves towards to the door. The guards stare at Ashira for a moment, then nod towards the Queen.

Ashira glares back at the guards coldly. "I am Llewella, Daughter of Oberon. My Daughter Ashira, scion of Oberon demands the right of the Pattern."

"So be it!" chimes one of the guards.

Ashira raises an eyebrow at this ceremony, but does not otherwise comment.

The door opens and Ashira and Llewella move down through a spiralling staircase till they reach the bottom of the room.

Ashira sees the strange powerful design etched into the floor, the mirror image of the design as found in Amber.

"Concentrate hard, walk it, do not stop until you have reached the centre. Once their think of something, perhaps something you desire. and the Pattern will take you there. "she looks her daughter up and down. "Any other questions?"

Ashira surveys the Pattern for a moment or two, then shakes her head. *No,* she signs. *I understand. I...*

She shakes her head, and steps forwards onto the glowing line of the Pattern...

On to Ashira's Thoughts Part 15 - Tea with Llewella Part 3 and The Grand Tour.

Ashira steps forward, putting her foot onto the start of the glowing line of the Pattern. Instantly it is outlined in blue-white sparks. Then she put her other foot on the line. She takes a step. There is a crackle and her hair rises, even as short as it is. She takes another step.

The Pattern begins to curve abruptly back onto itself and after another dozen paces it is obvious to anyone watching that a resistance is beginning to rise. Ashira fights it. Sparks are shooting from her hair and she is breathing heavily. And suddenly the pressure eases and she steps forward more readily.

She is well into the Pattern now and sparks are flashing continuously about her feet, reaching up to her knees. Ashira is clearly clenching her teeth to keep them from chattering. Her step falters, then she seems to gather her strength, and steps onward, grimly.

Suddenly, it is no longer Ashira walking the Pattern, but a full-size leopard. Then the leopard is gone, and Ashira is there again.

Ashira takes eight more rapid steps, reaching the end of an arc and coming to the beginning of a straight line. She starts along it and with each step she takes it is clear that another barrier is beginning to rise before her - the Second Veil. Around a right angled turn. Another turn. Another. Another curve. She is walking as if the effort to do so is huge. Then suddenly she is walking as if the going is easy again.

Ten paces more and a swirling filigree of sparks confronts Ashira. She begins to walk it.

Again, Ashira's form begins to flow and shift. She is replaced by a leopard again. Her demon form. Others; people and animals, with Ashira herself appearing in between. She changes as she walks.

Ashira emerges from the filigree and makes her way along the Grand Curve. She walks three more curves, a straight line, a series of sharp arcs. Ten turns which clearly leave her dizzy, another short arc, a straight line, then the Final Veil rises before her.

It is clearly agony to move, as if everything is trying to beat her aside. Ashira is struggling to put one foot before the other. The sparks are as high as her waist, then up to her chest, then to her shoulders, then above her eyes. They are all about her. Then a short arc ending in blackness. It is two steps away. One. It looks as if in the last step she is trying to push through a solid stone wall.

But she does it. And she is through the Final Veil and collapsing to her knees in the centre of the Pattern, gasping for breath.

Ashira kneels there for some minutes, getting her breath back. Then she stands, somewhat unsteadily, and concentrates. She vanishes.

On to Ashira's Thoughts Part 16 - On the Pattern.

Ashira disappears from the centre of the Pattern...

To reappear in an empty guest room, somewhere in the Palace of Rebma. She sags from tiredness as she appears, but disregarding her tiredness she quickly reconnoitres the suite of rooms she is in, and locks the door(s) out. In addition she puts chairs under the door handles to make it even harder for other people to gain access from outside. She also makes tripwires from string and ties bits of stuff from about the rooms to them. The bits of stuff are selected so they will make a noise when they are rattled together by someone tripping on the wire, and the wires are positioned to be not at all obvious.

Then she re-arranges the bedclothes so that it looks like someone of her size is curled up entirely under them, then crawls under the bed (assuming the bedclothes go all the way down to the floor), curls up on the floor there and goes to sleep, one hand clutching a dagger, just in case.

It takes her quite a while to get to sleep, as she re-remembers everything she experienced on the Pattern, but eventually she drops off...

And assuming nothing happens while she sleeps...

Some time later, Ashira wakes up.

She is very hungry, and remembers something she forgot to ask Llewella before. So she climbs out from under the bed, rumples the bedclothes to make it look slept in, pulls out her Trump of Llewella and concentrates on it.

As Ashira concentrates upon the Trump, she gets an almost immediate contact.

"Yes, my dear, what do you... By the Unicorn, did you sleep in those clothes?" says Llewella with a slight frown upon her face.

*Of course,* thinks Ashira over the Trump link, a little impatiently. *I have no others. But I am very hungry. Might I have some breakfast?

*And I have a favour to ask. Magic. I know very little of it. But I can see that it is useful. And powerful. So I should learn something of it. Can you arrange for me to learn some kind of simple magic, quickly?

*Perhaps I should come through to you?* She cocks her head quizzically, and holds out the hand not holding Llewella's Trump. [OOC: What Ashira wants is Power Words, but of course, she doesn't know enough about magic to be able to ask for it by name...]

"Um... I am sorry, but I am rather busy at this time. I do have a certain tutor that I can arrange for you to take lesson from, at least to learn the rudimentary things. Since you are hungry, may I suggest the breakfast. Perhaps learn a few things about Rebma, or visit those cousins of yours....."

Ashira nods. *Lessons would be good. After breakfast. Thank you. And I was intending on seeing how my cousins were doing quite soon now,* she signs. *But I would also like to know more about Rebma, too, when the chance arises.

*By the way,* she signs. *Did you give me this?* She pulls out her bell from a pocket and shows it to Llewella.

*So where is breakfast?*

Llewella smiles, and reaches her hand forth, "Simply take my hand, and I'll bring you here. Since I don't know where you are, I can't give you good directions from there."

Ashira takes Llewella's hand and goes through the Trump link.

"As you come through, turn the Trump away from you, my child.", Llewella says as she pulls you through the Trump, and into the throne room

*I have used Trumps before,* signs Ashira in a slightly offended manner after coming through. She glances around the throne room, just in case. [A whole once or twice, at least...]

Smiling at Ashira, Llewella continues, "I'll have a servant bring you to a place where you can eat, and then if you like I can have someone teach you a few things about magic." She motions with one hand, and a servant comes over. "Please conduct my daughter to a dining room, and bring her what she wants for breakfast." Llewella turns back to Ashira and says, "You might want to ask your cousin Tobias about magic also. He travelled here a couple of times, and studied with the same tutor I had in mind for you. Either way, let the servant know what you want to do after breakfast, and he will assist you. I'll talk with you later my dear."

Ashira nods seriously, sliding her bell back into hiding when Llewella pays no attention to it. *Thank you. I shall remember to talk to Tobias when I have the chance. And yes, I would like to learn something about magic.*

She raises a hand in goodbye and allows the servant to lead her off to breakfast.

At breakfast, Ashira eats a lot of food, meat and eggs and bread especially, washed down by lots of hot, sweet, milky tea. She ignores any servants other than to let them bring more food. She eats and drinks quickly and efficiently, using her hands and one of her daggers rather than whatever implements may be provided, so that by the time she is finished (wiping her mouth on the back of her hand and her hands on a napkin) the water around her holds a noticeable cloud of drifting debris from her meal.

After eating breakfast, the same servant comes over, and motions for others to start cleaning the table, he bows. "Princess Ashira, is there anything else I can do for you?"

Ashira leans back in her chair and looks at him for a second, picking her teeth with her dagger as she does so. Then she nods, slides away her dagger and signs, *Do you understand this signing?* to him.

If he does, then she signs, *Please take me to whoever this magic tutor Llewella mentioned is.*

If not, she pulls a stub of pencil from a pocket and writes the same thing on the tabletop, making sure the servant reads it.

After the servant nods, he says, "If you will please follow me, your Highness." He then leads her down a couple of corridors, past breathtaking pictures and fabulous sculptures. After a couple more minutes, and the same amount of corridors, the servant stops before a door that has intricate designs that seem to wander freely upon it's surface.

Ashira gets up and follows the servant out of the breakfast room. *You don't have to call me Your Highness,* she signs to him.

As she follows him through the halls of Rebma she pays attention to everything she sees, but more in a sizing-the-place-up way than an admiring way.

Bowing he says, "This is Master Harner's quarters. He is expecting you, your Highness. If there is nothing else?" Assuming there isn't he bows once more, and leaves Ashira before the door.

Ashira nods. *No, that is everything for now,* she signs. *Thank you.*

She examines at the designs on the door for a few seconds, then raises her hand, and knocks.

Back to the Ashira Seshadri Page.