TIMELINE PART 1 (1930 TO 1938)

NOTE: These pages are a work of fiction which uses my understanding of real history as its basis, but which diverges from it in many major ways. They are not intended to deliberately offend anyone, or to trivialise the events on which it is based, nor should they be taken as any form of commentary on the real events from which it is derived; if anyone has read these pages as such, then I apologise.

Timeline Part 2   Timeline Part 3


28th January

Spanish dictator resigns due to ill health. Dies on 16/3. Students denounce the monarchy of Alphonso XIII.

13th March

The discovery of a 9th planet, Pluto, is announced.

24th March

Mussolini argues for the revision of the Versailles Treaty.

30th June

Last occupying troops leave the Rhineland.


Communist revolt in China suppressed by Nationalist troops; Nationalists begin 'extermination campaign' against Communists.

25th August

The President of Peru resigns and flees the country after a military coup.

5th September

Military coup in Argentina.


The Nazi party win 6.5 million votes in German election; the Socialists win 8 million. Hitler cannot take his seat due to his Austrian citizenship.


A revolution occurs in Brazil, led by a provincial governor who becomes President, then dissolves Congress and rules as Dictator.

15th October

The British airship, the R101, crashes in France. 46 people die.

2nd November

Haile Selassie crowned King of Ethiopia.

5th December

A mysterious poisonous fog in Belgium kills 77 and hospitalises 300.

France begins building the Maginot Line.

An earthquake kills 2100 people in Naples.



The comic book 'The Shadow' is first published.

14th April

Alphonso XIII of Spain leaves the country.

30th April

Chinese rebels break with the government of Chiang Kai-shek.

1st May

The Empire State Building is completed in New York.

The Gangster Al Capone is jailed for tax evasion.

13th July

The German Danatbank goes bankrupt; banks in Germany closed for nearly a month.

3rd August

Yangtze River in China bursts a dam after heavy monsoon rains. 104000 square kilometres of farmland flooded, making 40 million homeless and causing widespread famine.

Chiang Kai-shek under pressure from Communists under Mao Tse Tung.

19th September

The Mukden Incident. Angry at Chinas boycott of Japanese textiles, the Japanese occupy Manchuria, renaming it Manchukuo. The former Emperor of China, Pu Yi, is installed as its leader.

21st September

Japanese occupy the city of Kirin.

German millionaire Hugenberg finances Nazi party; other captains of industry do likewise.

The city of Managua in Nicaragua is destroyed by an earthquake.

250 people die when the town of Napier, New Zealand is destroyed by an earthquake.

Jehovah's Witnesses formed.

Internal disagreements within the Palestinian Jewish self-defence group Haganah lead to a split, with the more militant members forming the terrorist group Irgun.

Many Central American states become dictatorships in the face of economic crisis.


Oil is struck in Bahrain.

Famine in USSR.

Mahatma Ghandi goes on hunger strike to press UK into improving treatment of untouchables; UK agrees after six days of fasting.

Japan takes control of three eastern provinces of China.

Oswald Moseley leaves the Labour Party and founds the British Union of Fascists.

The Chinese continue to boycott Japanese goods.

Iraq becomes independent of Britain, but retains strong ties to the UK.

The first International Conference on Disarmament occurs. It fails.

29th January

Japan lands troops in Shanghai; thousands of civilians die in the first terror bombing of civilians. Japan threatens the US with war if they interfere with Japans 'destiny'.

1st March

Charles Lindbergh's infant son kidnapped and murdered.

6th May

French Premiere assassinated by a Russian emigre.

15th May

Japanese PM assassinated; party government in Japan effectively ends.

31st May

President Hindenberg of Germany invites von Pappen to form a government. He does so, but excludes the Nazis.


17000 ex-US servicemen march on Washington to demand Veterans benefits. When they are refused troops are called in to drive them off.


War declared between Paraguay and Bolivia.


The Olympic Games are held in Los Angeles.

31st July

German general election makes Nazis largest in Reichstag, but without a majority.

13th August

Hitler announces he will not serve as vice-chancellor under von Pappen.

30th August

Hermann Goering elected President of the Reichstag; von Pappens position becomes untenable.

9th November

Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) becomes president of the US.

17th Movember

Von Pappen resigns as German PM.

29th November

Apparition of Virgin Mary seen at Beauraing, Belgium until 3/1/33.

Earthquake in Kansu province, China, leaves 70000 dead.


Disastrous starvation in the USSR.

Assyrian Christians massacred in Iraq.

The Second International Conference on Disarmament occurs. Like the first, it fails.

30th January

Hitler becomes German Chancellor. German nationalist feeling intensifies and economic unrest intensifies.

15th February

An assassination attempt on FDR is foiled by a bystander.

27th February

Reichstag destroyed by fire. Nazis accuse Communists and fabricate case against a Dutch communist. There are suspicions the Goering started the fire.

7th March

Austrian Chancellor proclaims a dictatorship.

9th March

The start of FDRs '100 days' program to rebuild the US economy.

20th March

Nazis open first concentration camp at Dachau.

29th March

Austrian Nazis demonstrate and riot against Austrian Chancellor.


German Jews dismissed from public service and the universities and barred from entering the professions.

4th April

The US dirigible 'Akron' crashes in the Pacific. 73 out of 77 on board die.

30th April

Peruvian President assassinated.


German labour unions and non-Nazi political parties suppressed.

14th July

Germany introduces a law mandating sterilisation and, later, euthanasia, of 'unfit life'.

14th September

Japan announces it will leave the League of Nations in 1935; Hitler announces that Germany will do the same.

8th November

The King of Afghanistan is assassinated.

16th November

USA establishes first diplomatic relationships with USSR since Russian Revolution.

5th December

Prohibition ends in the USA.


The current incarnation of the Dali Lama of Tibet dies.

Books by Jewish and non-Nazi authors burned in Germany.

From this year until 1939 over 60000 artists of all kinds emigrate from Germany.

Large numbers of Jews begin to emigrate to Palestine, despite opposition from the Arab population. By 1939 they make up a third of the population.

Apparition of Virgin Mary seen at Banneaux, Belgium.


3rd Janurary

Near civil war in France after rumours of corruption in much of French establishment.

6-9th February

Riots in Paris, followed by a general strike. French Republic saved by formation of coalition government from people untouched by corruption allegations.

17th February

King of Belgium dies in mountaineering accident.

20th March

First practical test of Radar by the German Navy.

25th March

US bank robbers Bonnie and Clyde die in a police ambush.

30th June

Hitler purges the Nazi party; over seventy party members die at the hands of the SS in the 'Night of the Long Knives'. This is retroactively legalised as 'public acts of self defence'.

13th July

Himmler put in charge of German concentration camps as Chief of Reich Police. Reinhard Heydrich becomes chief of the Gestapo.

25th July

Austrian Nazis seize Vienna radio station and kill the Austrian Chancellor. Only Italy protests this, massing troops on the Austrian border. When this occurs Germany dissociates itself from the Austrian Nazis.

2nd August

President Hindenberg dies.

19th August

German Plebiscite makes Hitler President of Germany.

18th September

USSR joins the League of Nations.

9th October

The King of Yugoslavia and the French Foreign Minister are assassinated in France by a Croat revolutionary based in Hungary. League of Nations intervention stops France declaring war on Hungary.

9th October

Mao leads his communist forces out of Kiangsi on the start of the Long March.

1st December

A close associate of Stalin is assassinated in Leningrad.

Membership of the Hitler Youth or League of German Girls movements become compulsory for all young Germans.

South Africa becomes politically independent of the UK.

SS Queen Mary and SS Normandie (the largest ship of its time) launched.

Germany introduces the first welded tank hulls.

Japan renounces the 1922 and 1930 Naval Limitation treaties.

An earthquake in Nepal kills 11700 people.


Hitler denounces the clauses of the Treaty of Versailles concerning disarmament, creates the Luftwaffe and introduces compulsory military service.

The Long March of the Chinese communists ends, after 6000 miles.

The first US Neutrality Act prohibits sale and delivery of arms to belligerent state.

The Philippines achieve independent commonwealth status under US control.

13th January

League of Nation plebiscite shows that the Saarland wants to reunite with Germany.

1st March

League of Nations returns the Saarland to Germany.

12th June

Three-year war between Paraguay and Bolivia over the Chaco region ends.

2nd August

The India Act divides India into 11 self-governing provinces, though Britain retains overall control.

2nd September

Hurricane in Florida kills 400 people.

8th September

US Senator Huey Long, a major rival to FDR, assassinated in Louisiana Capitol Building.

15th September

The 'Nuremberg Laws', discriminating against Jews, introduced in Germany.

3rd October

Italy invades Ethiopia. The Italian use of chemical weapons against the Ethiopeans is their first use since WWI.

8th November

Italy takes Ethiopian provincial capital Makale.

18th November

League of Nations imposes economic sanctions on Italy.

18th December

The Dictator of Venezuela dies.

Earthquake at Quetta, India, kills 60000 people.


The beginning of Stalin's great Purge.

20th January

King George V of England dies.

26th February

Japanese army officers mutiny and try to set up a dictatorship. They fail and are executed on 7/7.

7th March

Hitler invades and reoccupies the Rhineland.

5th March

The first Spitfire fighter flies in Britain.

5th May

Italy takes Addis Ababa.

9th May

Mussolini proclaims the annexation of Ethiopia and formation of Italian East Africa with Eritrea and Italian Somalialand.

The Arab High Committee formed to combat Jewish claims in the Middle East.

30th June

Haile Selassie personally appeals to the League of Nations for help. He gets none.

18th July

Spanish Civil War begins with an insurrection of army officers in Spanish Morocco behind Generals Mola and Franco. Revolt spreads to garrisons in Spain itself.

20th July

Mola and Franco form a junta, the Junta de Defensa Nacional. Germany and Italy support the Fascist Junta while France and the USSR support the Republican government. During the course of the war about 3000 American volunteers fight the Fascists in the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.


Olympic Games held in Berlin.


The conquest of additional living space becomes part of Nazi foreign policy.

13th October

A supernova is discovered about 1000 light years away in the constellation of the Dragon. It soon becomes visible in daylight. An unknown energy from it causes visible auroral shock fronts and bow waves around the Earth, Moon and planets, as well as auroras all over the Earth.


The Berlin-Rome Axis is proclaimed.

3rd November

FDR re-elected.

6th November

The Spanish junta lays siege to Madrid using German and Italian equipment. The Republican government moves to Valencia.

Oswald Moseley leads an anti-Jewish march to Whitechapel in London; it is driven out.

14th November

The first rumours of people with superhuman abilities filter out of Spain and the far east.

The anti-Comintern Pact is signed between Germany and Japan.

10th December

Edward VIII of England abdicates in favour of George VI.

12th December

After secret negotiations, the Nationalist and Communist Chinese forces agree to co-operate against the Japanese.

Nazis exhibit works of 'degenerate art', including works by many of the greatest modern artists.

An Arab rebellion begins in the Middle East. Fighting occurs between British and Arab, Arab and Jewish and Jewish and British forces at various points during the war.

Neville Chamberlain becomes British Prime Minister.



General Mola of Spain dies in a plane crash.


Italy joins the Anti-Comintern Pact.

More rumours of superhumans filter in from various parts of the world. These are mostly dismissed as cranks and hallucinations.

23th January

Show trials of Stalin's 'enemies' begin in Moscow.

8th February

Franco takes Malaga.

26th April

The undefended Basque town of Guernica is attacked by German fighters and bombers who are aiding Franco. In the attack, two superhumans somehow manifest their powers and defend the town. One, a Catholic priest, somehow summons angels with flaming swords who engage the aircraft, destroying many. The other, a female dance instructor, somehow gains control over the air, and also stops many aircraft. Although they suffer minor injuries, both superhumans survive the attack.

28th April

Both superhumans are taken off for meeting with the Spanish government.

6th May

The Hindenberg airship crashes in New Jersey. One of the crew of the airship gains superhuman powers in the event, and will later become known as The Verhangnislanz. He is quickly taken back to Germany.

FDR signs the second Neutrality Act, allowing sales of arms to belligerents on a 'cash and carry' basis.

FDR envisages a struggle for survival between democracy and dictatorship.

FDR makes his 'Quarantine Speech', stating that neutrality is impossible in the face of an epidemic of lawlessness.

27th May

The Golden Gate Bridge opens in San Francisco.

12th June

Several 'enemies of the state' are executed in Moscow. Rumours of strange events at one of these executions are denied by the Soviet government.

2nd July

Amelia Erhart disappears in flight over the Pacific.

4th July

The first successful helicopter, the FW-61, flies in Bremen, Germany.

7th July

After an incident near Peking, Japan starts an undeclared war against China. The Japanese take several major Chinese cities, committing many atrocities. Chiang Kai-shek unites his forces with the Communists. Chungking becomes the new Chinese capital.

16th July

The Buchenwald concentration camp opens.

Timing tests show that the superhuman created in the crash of the Hindenberg can fly at far more than the speed of sound.

11st August

The Dictator of Iraq is assassinated by a Kurd. This signals the start of a general Kurdish uprising in Iraq, apparently led by a superhuman. The uprising spreads rapidly, aided by the superhuman, and the Iraqi government calls for help from their allies, the British. As British troops move into the country the uprising is suppressed, but the superhuman behind it is never captured.

The British Royal Commission on Palestine recommends the establishment of Jewish and Arab states in the region.

In a press release, Hitler asks all loyal German superhumans to join him in returning Germany to its rightful place in the world.

17th September

A large number of KKK members are found burned to death near Jackson, Mississippi, apparently at the site of an attempted lynching.

19th September

State Police move to arrest Phillip Lincoln, a black man apparently responsible for the deaths of the KKK members on 17/9. He exhibits fire powers and flies off with his wife, going on the run.

An ancient obsidian mirror, apparently scared to the Aztec god Tezcatlipoca, begins to generate a 'smoke' of condensation.

29th October

The Spanish government moves from Valencia to Barcelona.

31st October

Despite the appearance of a superhuman on the defenders side, and presence of the superhumans from Guernica, Gijon falls to Franco. The new superhuman is killed in the fighting, as is the woman from Guernica.

14th November

Confused reports of superhumans fighting both for and against the Japanese in China come in.

29th November

Britain and France trade colonies with Germany in the hope that this will ensure peace.

12th December

Japanese planes sink a US gunboat on the Yangtze River. Japan apologises to the US.


4th January

London announces that any partition of Palestine to create a Jewish homeland is postponed, provoking Jewish terrorist attacks over the following months.

The first 'super-tech' superhuman appears, Ironclad, an armoured man, apparently some kind of mining engineer, who appears in the south-east USA to help during a mine cave-in. Following this, a number of other armoured and 'super-tech' superhumans appear. The rare examinations of their equipment indicate that it works in no comprehensible manner. The most prominent of these superhumans is das Eisen Ritter, a German, member of E-Macht, and inventor of the Titan walking tank.

4th February

First colour TV demonstrated in London.

23th February

Oil is discovered in Kuwait.

14th March

Hitler annexes Austria to 'protect' the 10 million Germans living there.

The Nazis seize the Holy Lance of Hapsburg from a Vienna museum.

1st April

Japanese troops reach the Yellow river. Several superhumans have appeared, and some died, in the fighting to reach it.

10th April

An Austrian plebiscite shows the nearly all Austrians want union with Germany.

In fighting around an ancient temple site in China, more than a thousand Japanese troops somehow become linked into a single group entity which calls itself The Eternal Legion.


The character 'Superman' debuts in Action Comics number one.


An uprising against British rule begins in India, led by a superhuman. Troops are called in from Britain to put it down, which they eventually do, but with many deaths and much bad feeling being created.


A native uprising led by a superhuman occurs in the Belgian Congo. In acts of savagery thousands of whites, men women and children, are slaughtered across the country, along with tens of thousands of natives. Belgian troops who are sent in to restore order are harassed by wild beasts, snipers, and the superhuman himself.

17th August

German Jews with non-Jewish first names have to add 'Sarah' or 'Israel' to their first name.


An uprising of prisoners at a Soviet labour camp near Kuznetsk occurs. It is led by a superhuman from the camp, and one of Stalin's generals who was supposedly 'purged'. Many locals rally to the uprising, and the Trans-Siberian Railway is closed for a time. The Red Army moves in and many of rebels are killed. The superhumans, and many of their followers, flee into Siberia. Over the following months they break many people out of labour camps, and also find a following among the people who have been internally exiled to Siberia.

29th September

Britain and France appease Hitler, allowing him to take the Sudetenland, part of Czechoslovakia, after Sudeten Germans demand autonomy. The Czechs put up little resistance. Several British ministers resign in protest that the Germans were allowed to do this. Winston Churchill leads a national outcry. During this crisis British citizens are issued with gas masks.

29th September

Arab extremists seize Bethlehem and part of Jerusalem as part of the continuing rebellion.

10th October

British troops retake Bethlehem.

18th October

As the British try to retake Jerusalem, an Arab superhuman appears and forces them back.

25th October

Churchill, Eden and Cooper are all found dead at their homes of (apparently) self-inflicted gunshot wounds.

28th October

Germany expels 17000 Polish Jews.

7th November

An official at the German embassy in Paris is assassinated by a Polish Jew, the son of a deportee.

9th November

The Nazis use the assassination as an excuse for a pogrom. In the kristalnacht riots, Jewish businesses and synagogues are attacked and looted. a Jewish superhuman appears in Munich, and drives off many of the rioters. However, she is killed by the Verhangnislanz, who arrives then. She is held up as another example of the dangers posed by the Jews. 50000 Jews are taken into concentration camps. German Jews as a whole are fined six hundred million dollars.

10th November

The President of Turkey dies.

12th November

German Jews excluded from German economic life and prohibited from visiting cultural sites, using public transport, or attending places of higher education.

21st November

The Japanese take Guangzhou after levelling much of the city.

FDR appeals to Hitler and Mussolini to settle their European problems peacefully.

8th December

The German aircraft carrier 'Graf Zeppelin' is launched.

18th December

The German chemist Otto Hahn splits the Uranium atom to release energy.

28th December

The British army finally retakes Jerusalem. The Arab superhuman there escapes. Large numbers of people die.

The SS Queen Elizabeth launched.

Chinese troops divert the Yellow River to try and halt the Japanese invasion. 20000 square miles are flooded and hundreds of thousands die. When this is done a huge oriental dragon rises from the river and devastates both armies, while somehow driving back the floods. When this is done it retires back into the river. Thousands of people flee the area, but those who remain find their crops growing better than ever before.

The US is wracked with crime and violence as lots of superhumans seem to take up residence there. Many who are captured and questioned claim they came to the US as it is 'the land of opportunity'. Despite this many were forced into a life of crime by racism, lack of skills, lack of language, lack of papers and lack of local connections, though they didn't just return home as the US is still generally better than where they came from. Racism and xenophobia increase in the US. The US government tries to intern or isolate the known superhumans, but in general this only makes things worse. Several companies, mainly in the US, but some in other countries, hire superhumans to protect their interests.

Sightings of monsters and mythological beasts from around the world, for example the Loch Ness monster, increase as time goes by.

Supers appear in the USSR during famines, deportations and purges. Ethnic, political and religious conflicts begin, eventually leading to a second Russian Civil War. Again, the government, tries to keep control of all the known superhumans, with little positive effect.

An archaeological expedition in southern Mexico, searching for Aztec relics, disappears and is not heard from again.

Most national leaders attempt to acquire superhuman bodyguards. This occasionally has bad consequences when the superhuman turns out to be a traitor, or merely disenchanted with the leader.

Timeline Part 2   Timeline Part 3

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