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The Alyesko-Siberian Federation

See the entry on the page of Asian nations.


The island of Bermuda is a state within the Union, and forms an important naval base for it in the Atlantic. Although its population is relatively small, and much of it made up of military personnel, it is a parliamentary democracy with a structure derived from the English model and its capital at St. George's Town.


The Confederation of Columbia is the equivalent of the USA in this world. It was formally founded in 1781 with the ending of the American Revolutionary War which began in 1774.

It has an Atlantic coastline extending from north of Florida to roughly Delaware Bay; north of this the Atlantic coastline and states are part of the Union. Its only other coastline is in the far north, from the southern tip of Hudson's Bay west to the border with Alyeska. It stretches most of the way across North America, but does not reach the Pacific, instead having borders with Alyeska and Kaliforniya, which together cover the western coast of North America.

Columbia is a confederation rather than a republic, that is a group of autonomous Territories that are unified as far as national defence, foreign affairs, a unified postal service and a common currency are concerned, but otherwise act independently. It considers itself to be a Jeffersonian democracy, a 'republic of smallholders' [see the Bentham AH] rather than a centralised state. The basis of their government is essentially moderate democratic Physiocracy, though Columbia is not strongly allied with France.

The people of Columbia can be parochial and more than a little xenophobic, especially to non-white people and even to Colombians from different areas of the country. On the other hand, they are also private and tend to allow other people to do as they will as long as that does not harm others. As well as being hostile to Colombians from other Territories (to the level of trade tariffs and occasional border skirmishes), they tend to also be hostile to the central government of Columbia, such as it is.

Despite the lack of trust between its Territories, the people and governments of Columbia distrust the rest of the world more, again as part of their perception that Columbia is surrounded by hostile neighbours who will take advantage of them given half a chance [not unlike a much larger version of Switzerland].

People of all non-white races, as well Jews, are very much second-class citizens in Columbia. Slavery as such was only formally abolished there in 1912 after withering away over the preceding decades. In part this was due to the small number of slaves remaining in Columbia after the secession of Louisiana in 1846. This was coupled with the racist and otherwise biased eugenic policies of many of its Territories in combination with equally biased testing and qualification policies. Since 1912 the same racist policies have reduced the non-white population still further and there is a good deal of 'encouragement' of non-whites to emigrate. As such Columbia is a kind of apartheid state, though non-whites are a minority rather than a majority there.

Because of the death of George Washington in 1777, his replacement by the somewhat unpopular General Charles Lee, and the death of Alexander Hamilton in 1779, Columbia has no Constitution as in the USA of the real world, but instead the nation is founded on a modified version of the Articles of Confederation, and run by the Continental Congress.

As a confederation, the Colombian government is very weak and concerns itself mainly with the mutual defence of Columbia as a whole. It can do almost nothing without the unanimous agreement of the Territories, though it can censure Territories for their actions and has occasionally been able to organise Territories to take action against a Territory that is seen as requiring outside intervention. The head of state is the Colombian President, who serves a one-year term, and can only serve for a single year in any three year period.

The Territories of Columbia deal with their own trade, border controls, and other relations between each other and the larger world. They vary a great deal from one another. There are no nationally-imposed taxes [equivalent to Federal taxes in the real world USA]. In the east of the country the Territories of Columbia are similar to the states of the USA in the real world, but in the west and north are very different from them.

After gaining independence but at the same time being defeated by Britain and Prussia in a way that left them still threatened by the European powers, Columbia saw a rise of self-strengthening movements and neo-puritanical politics that persist in various forms to the present day. In addition the ideas of Freemasonry spread far and wide to the extent that Colombian Freemasonry (which differs significantly from the European form) essentially underpins the national and most Territorial governments within the Confederation.

Columbia is more agrarian than the real-world USA, but still the Land of the Free and a land of opportunity, at least for white people. Because of this significant numbers of immigrants go there from all over the world to take advantage of the open spaces in which settlement can still occur, the opportunity to stand on one's own feet, and the opportunities for choosing a lifestyle rather than having it imposed on one. However, there are major barriers to the immigration of non-white people, as well as Jews and other 'undesirables', though this varies between Territories. These are largely in the form of bias in the tests that qualify people for residency.

The population of native Americans in Columbia is very low, both as a fraction of the population and in terms of absolute numbers [lower even than in the real world]. This is because of persecution following Colombian independence when they were seen as anti-independence, which led to many deaths, with most survivors fleeing into Quebec or what is now Union-controlled territory.

The only exception to this is in the far north and west of Columbia where isolated communities of native Americans still live, though even there they are subject to expulsion and resettlement at the whim of those in power. Because of this many native Americans have migrated into the ASF and to a lesser extent to Quebec and Israel.

Columbia has a small national military mostly used for guarding its borders. However, the Colombian people are, themselves, generally quite heavily armed and many of them are militarised on the level of local Militias, something that has stopped a number of invaders in the past. Columbia maintains an armed populace because both they see themselves as surrounded by foreign - and oftentimes hostile - states, and also because the people have not wanted to allow a dictatorial government over themselves.

There is no Colombian navy as such. Instead a number of naval militias, many privately funded with some degree of Territorial of national government subsidy protect the Colombian coastlines as well as performing coastguard and lifeboat duties. Many of these naval militias also maintain lighthouse, buoys and other navigational aids along the coast. In a similar manner the Colombian sky militias form the equivalent of a sky force and also perform search and rescue operations.

On the rare occasions in the past when the Colombian government has needed to project (or appear to be ready to project) force beyond its borders suitable - usually European - mercenary companies have been hired for the task. This does not happen often.

In some Territories law enforcement is at the level of the Territory as a whole [equivalent to State Police], though in most it is not. In general Colombian law enforcement is carried out local Sheriffs (though some places law officers other than Sheriffs, such as Constables), who are selected for the post by a wide range of mechanisms.

In many places the Sheriff is also the commander of the local militia, with the militia often also acting as local law enforcement, the fire service and in some places the ambulance service too. Many of the militias are corrupt, in a few places to the level of actually being an organised crime group in their own right, most often being involved in drug-running, smuggling and counterfeiting operations; even without this a significant number of militias also conduct extra-judicial activities such as lynchings.

There is a great deal of variation in the local laws that apply in the different Territories and parts of Territories of Columbia, which can be highly confusing (and costly) for visitors who break them.

Most Territories have a legal right of free speech, arising from the independent spirit of their founders. However, in many of them this is curbed legally by anti-subversion, slander and libel-related laws, and/or informally by social convention and the extra-judicial activities of local militias.

Colombian scientists are among the best and brightest in the world, but in many cases the social and political set-up of the country has prevented them making the most of inventions, and other nations have reaped the rewards.

Colombians tend to be somewhat more trusting of businesses than governments, but there have been enough instances of companies - both Colombian and foreign - exploiting workers or forming a monopoly or cartel that big business has had limited success there. Instead, there are a great many small local companies competing for business in all areas of the Colombian economy. Because of this Colombian industry is not set up for mass production and thus does not export a great deal. It is good at small scale and specialised manufacturing and it is in these areas that most of its exports lie. In some Territories a significant part of this 'specialised manufacturing' lies in the production of counterfeit goods for sale in Columbia and elsewhere.

A side effect of Columbia's very fragmented industrial base and political system is that there is little standardisation of units of measurement and industrial components across Columbia. The main exceptions to this are in ammunition calibres, railway gauges and telecommunications protocols. Although the organisation and costs of the postal service is the same across all of Columbia, it is run by a multitude of private companies.

As another result of the Colombian ideal of standing on one's own two feet there is little government-provided welfare provision in any of the Territories of Columbia. Because of this people tend to pay some form of health and/or welfare insurance, or rely on charity, such as church-run hospitals, orphanages, workhouses, ambulances and so on. In some places welfare and medical care are entirely in the hands of business; in others they are funded by Territorial taxes but run by charities; in a very few a basic level is provided by the Territory. In a small number of places companies producing drugs and other biological or medical products provide charitable treatment, often at the cost of their patients being used (generally knowingly) as guinea pigs. Because of this welfare and medical care is very fragmented, with the quality and level of care available varying very widely between and within Territories. Everywhere in Columbia money will get a person better treatment than otherwise.

All of the Territories of Columbia are at least nominally Protestant Christian, though the strictness of their adherence to this varies greatly from Territory to Territory. Some are very highly religious, others almost atheistic.

All Territories of Columbia have English as their official language, but in many of them a number of other European languages - Dutch and the Scandinavian languages in particular - are widely spoken. Despite significant numbers of German immigrants in the past German is little used, a holdover from the struggle for independence against the British and Prussians.

Upon independence Columbia lacked cash, industry and resources in the territory it controlled. Since then it has relied on farming and food exports, and continues that way despite its later building of its own industries. Columbia and Quebec have developed a relationship of mutual benefit over the years; Columbia provides food and raw materials to Quebec, while Quebecois industry - which is much more set up for mass production than that in Columbia - exports a great deal of manufactured goods to Columbia.

The capital of Columbia was originally in Charlotte, North Carolina. However, in 1802 it was moved to the more central city of Chicago, where it has remained ever since.

There is, of course, no city of Washington D.C. in this world. However, the city of Georgetown can be found in the same location [the city never having been renamed from this in this world], and is a significant port as well as a transhipment point between Columbia, in which the city lies, and the Union state of Hudsonia whose border is close to the north-east. As part of this the city has strong ties to the Union city of Baltimore that lies close to the border on the Union side.

Despite its lack of heavy industry, Columbia is the place where some of the most radical agricultural practises - the use of genetically modified crops and so on - have taken root. As a part of this crops of genetically modified drug-producing plants are common in some areas, feeding into the drug smuggling that occurs in part of Columbia. There have been problems with this use of engineered, to the extent that there are several areas where escaped pesticide-resistant weeds and crops are a problem, and they are spreading.

The Colombian currency is the Dollar, which is divided into one hundred cents. Louisiana has the same currency.

The Colombian flag was originally the 'Grand Union' flag, as used in the real world in 1776 at George Washington's headquarters. The Union Jack was kept in the top left corner of the flag as a sign that they were fighting for the true Britain.

The old flag of Columbia

This flag later evolved into one with just the horizontal red and white stripes alone. In the real world this is known as the Sons of Liberty flag.

The flag of Columbia


A former Spanish colony, now independent. It was never taken over by the British because Spain did not become involved in the Six Years War [Seven Years War].

During the eighteenth century Florida was the destination of a great many escaped slaves [much as in the real world] as Spain offered the slaves freedom there if they converted to Catholicism. In addition a significant number of native Americans also immigrated into Florida as Spanish invitation, many of them mixing with the former slaves. After the Colombian secession this led to a further influx of native Americans, free black people and escaped slaves that led to a number of border skirmishes with Columbia.

Over time this influx of black and native American people altered Floridian demographics to the point that they became a majority of the population (the Spanish population never being very large) and the foundation of the economy. A desire for more self-determination and freedom among the population led to unrest as the Spanish authorities failed to grant them these things. Spanish underestimation of the non-European population (who in many cases were descended from those who fled to Florida for freedom) led to an eventual Floridian uprising that although it did not evict the Spanish nonetheless (in conjunction with unrest across the Spanish Empire) led to Floridian independence in 1835, along with Spain's other American colonies.

Since independence Florida has become a democratic socialist Neo-Leveller republic with its capital and largest city at Pensacola, which is also one of its main ports, along with St Augustine on the east coast.

Its Neo-Leveller political system imposes high taxation on its people, but in return provides them with as extensive educational, social and welfare benefits as the wealth of the country allows [perhaps not unlike a democratic version of real world Cuba]. This enforced equality drives the Floridian authorities to act against those who smuggle and avoid taxes. They can do nothing against those who choose to leave to make money elsewhere, but there are exceptionally heavy taxes on the wealth of those who return to Florida after doing so. The high levels of taxation also encourage a good deal of smuggling and tax avoidance in the country, which the government is rather too weak to eliminate altogether, and also means that Florida is a source of illegal immigrants into Louisiana.

Despite the best effort of the Floridian government to prevent it, the population of Florida remains quite heavily armed thanks at least in part to trade and smuggling across the border with Louisiana. This has acted to counterbalance the tendencies of those in power towards corruption and inequality, although there have been a number of near coups at different points in the past.

By the present day only a small fraction of the Floridian population is of European descent. Most are black, native American or a mix of both. Most Floridians speak Spanish, though English and to a lesser extent French are also commonly spoken there.

The economy of Florida is largely agricultural with a vast diversity of crops and varieties as well as a smaller amount of industry. Agricultural exports, particularly of fruit, to North America and Europe provide most of its income, although Florida is far from being a rich nation. Because of this the Floridian Neo-Leveller system means that most people are poor but equal, and provided for by the state.

Florida is officially a Catholic nation, but there are a significant minority of citizens who follow native American or the African-derived religions of former slaves. In addition a small number of Israeli Jews live in Florida, particularly in Pensacola.

Nominally neutral, Florida maintains economic and political ties with both the Union and France to avoid problems with Louisiana and Columbia. It also has similar, if rather warmer, ties to the other Hispanic nations of the Caribbean, and also to Israel, with whom they trade food in return for military equipment, training and support.

The flag of Florida is a scarlet cross, symbolising Christianity, blood and the struggle for freedom, with a light blue border indicating the waters of Florida, on a sea green field, that being the colour symbolising the Neo-Leveller movement (and before it symbolised the original Levellers of the English Civil War).

The flag of Florida


Hudsonia consists of what is in the real world New York, New Jersey, eastern Pennsylvania to Lake Ontario, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. A parliamentary democracy and full member of the Union, Hudsonia is one of the more industrialised parts of the Union. Its capital is the city of Boston.

The structure of the Hudsonian government is derived from the English model, with the only significant differences being the different names of the lower and upper houses, the different numbers of members they have, and the different method of selection of the members of the upper house. The lower house is known as the House of Electors (as opposed to the House of Commons) while the upper is known as the House of Notables (rather than the House of Lords) with members selected by lot from the notables of the state rather than by parentage.

The west and south of the state has a high proportion of both native Americans and people of African ancestry in the population. The former arises from that part of the state originally being reserved for them, with European settlement there being prohibited, coupled with the exodus of a large fraction of native Americans from Columbia in the years following its independence when they were persecuted due to their being seen as anti-Colombian. The latter arises from Hudsonia becoming a destination for escaped Colombian slaves, some of whom were also adopted into native American tribes.

Although the prohibition against European settlement in the west of the state has faded away over time, native Americans are a significant force in business and politics in Hudsonia. Their long-standing antipathy to Columbia contributes to the relatively poor Union-Columbian relations that persist to the present day.

Because of its borders with the unfriendly nations of Columbia and Quebec, Hudsonia maintains armed observation balloons along its land borders identical to those the Union maintains along La Manche [the English Channel].

This observation of the border with Columbia does not stop smuggling, especially of guns, across it. Because of this the police in Hudsonia (and the other North American states of the Union) are more heavily armed than elsewhere in the Union to help them cope with the more heavily-armed criminals.

Hudsonia's flag is the Blue Ensign with "The full-rigged ship Half Moon all proper" added to it. [The Half Moon was the flagship of Henry Hudson, first European explorer of New York; (see the Flags of the World site).] The flag of Hudsonia is unique among those using an Ensign as their basis in that it uses a red rather than a blue ensign. This is purely a matter of aesthetic choice.

The flag of Hudsonia


A Jewish state on the border between Mexico and Louisiana founded in 1831 by Liron ben Aviram, a Jewish immigrant from Europe. It was heavily settled by Jews fleeing persecution in Europe, particularly during the Great Expulsion in Russia, but also in general because, with no French Revolution, Jewish Emancipation happened much later in this world than the real world giving many Jews much more motivation to seek a better life in the New World.

Israel is a representative democracy, though Judaism has a strong influence on national politics via a number of religiously-based political parties, which compete with a variety of secular or non-Jewish religious parties. The capital of Israel is the city of New Jerusalem (formerly San Antonio). The Prime Minister of Israel is both the head of the government and the head of state.

Israel and its people have themselves suffered persecution since the founding of the nation, fighting two Pogrom Wars with Mexico and Louisiana in 1862 and 1961, and surviving them both, though a majority of its citizens were killed by the Pogrom Plague. It is an industrialised, heavily militarised, and somewhat paranoid state. As part of this all Israelis undergo military National Service when they reach adulthood.

Since the Second Pogrom War there has been an increasing friendliness between Israel and New Israel. There has also been increasing emigration from Israel to New Israel, which is perceived to be a safer nation, despite efforts on the part of the Israeli government to stop this. Government-sponsored initiatives encouraging citizens to have large numbers of children have been relatively successful, and the population has recently exceeded its level prior to the Second Pogrom War.

Despite being a majority-Jewish nation, Israel is religiously tolerant, and there are no religious restrictions on its citizens. As part of this the majority of Israelites adhere to more liberal forms of Judaism.

Native Americans make up a significant minority of the Israeli population (helped by their being less susceptible to the Pogrom Plague). They are derived from both the original inhabitants of the region and native Americans who have fled Columbian or Spanish persecution. As Israeli citizens they have been treated reasonably well and are seen by many as spiritual siblings of the Israeli people due to their history of persecution and exile. This attitude is assisted by the loyalty and courage shown by native American soldiers in the Israeli military.

There is a large CPMM facility some distance from New Jerusalem, where the it maintains a watch on Mexico and monitors for any resurgence of the Pogrom Plague.

Israel has close links to Florida and Cuba. It trades its military equipment, training and support in return for their food and other agricultural products.

The country is a world leader in plant genetics and has a number of experimental farms - in recent years often run in conjunction with scientists from New Israel - developing crops genetically engineered to grow well in the arid and/or salty conditions that apply in parts of the country, or to be especially resistant to storms and other violent weather conditions. It is believed that Israel acquired a good deal of Mexican agricultural genetics research in the aftermath of the Second Pogrom War.

The Israeli flag consists of a white field with a vertical dark blue stripe down each side and a dark blue Star of David in the centre.

The flag of Israel

Kaliforniya [California]

Kaliforniya is a nation that includes real world California and Baja California as well as large areas of real world Nevada, Arizona and Oregon. It has a mixed Russian-Spanish culture derived from close links established in the early nineteenth century following inter-marriage between the Spanish and Russians moving southwards from Alyeska [Alaska]. [This was unlike the case in the real world where Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov, the first Russian nobleman to want to marry a Spanish noblewoman, died in 1807 on the long trip to obtain permission to marry a Catholic from the Russian Orthodox Church.]

Because Kaliforniya was never part of the Russian Empire, it was not abandoned by Russia due to the UER de-colonisation, and so remains closer to Russia than (for example) the Alyesko-Siberian Federation. As part of this many older Kaliforniyan buildings include a mix of Spanish and Russian architectual styles.

Since the Second Pogrom War and the mass casualties is caused in the country, the border between Kaliforniya and Mexico is well-guarded, with the significant numbers of illegal immigrants locked in quarantine camps. When they are proved healthy, they are assessed and the great majority returned to Mexico.

The borders between Kaliforniya and Louisiana, Columbia and the ASF are also quite well guarded, though not to quite the same level as those with Mexico. As such these countries can be a route for illegal immigrants.

It is a monarchy with an advisory council, not unlike the French government, ruled by the House of Habsburg-Romanov. Its capital is the city of Yerba Buena [real world San Francisco]. Its official languages are Spanish and Russian, but a hybrid Russo-Spanish language is also quite widely spoken. Most Kaliforniyans are Christians, either Catholics or members of the Russian Orthodox church, which is the relgion of the House of Habsburg-Romanov.

Internally Kaliforniya is divided into a number of regions known as Guberniya (Governorates). These are each run by a Gubernator (Governor).

Baja California was originally part of Mexico, but along with other regions it seceded following the Second Pogrom War. After a decade or so in which a number of pro-Kaliforniya and pro-Mexican groups (some violent) grew up a popular revolution overthrew its government and appealed to join Kaliforniya, a request that was accepted by the Kaliforniyan government in 1973.

Since then Kaliforniya has a suffered a minor terrorism problem in and outside Baja California from a number of small Bajan separatist and Mexican 'Loyalist' groups. Although more prosperous than it was, Baja California remains somewhat poorer and less well developed than the rest of Kaliforniya, and Russian is much less widely spoken there.

All Kaliforniyan subjects are required to carry government-issued identity documents at all times. This is partly to simplify the detection and arrest of illegal immigrants.

The Kaliforniyan armed forces are quite large, and supplemented by the requirement that all Kaliforniyan subject undertake a form of National Service when they reach adulthood (though this may not be military in nature). The army concentrates mainly on border defence rather than offensive operations. The navy is quite large and operates from a number of bases along the Kaliforniyan coast, the largest of which is in Yerba Buena. Each of the army and navy have their own skycraft forces. These are supplemented by the Shok Komanda [Shock Command], whose role is to send skycraft deep into enemy territory to destroy targets there [almost identical to Schock Kommando in the Union].

Yerba Buena

The capital of Kaliforniya and the largest city in the country, it stretches from the original settlement of Yerba Buena [real world San Francisco] southwards around San Francisco Bay.

The House of Habsburg-Romanov rules the kingdom from the palace atop Blue Mountain, the highest peak in the city [Mount Davidson]. Another palace, where the Royal Family go for privacy and relaxation, is situated on Angel Island in San Francisco Bay.

The administrative offices of the Kaliforniyan government are located in the Presidio district of the city, though due to the possibility of powerful earthquakes, the Kaliforniyan government also maintain a second government centre in the less earthquake prone town of Sobchakgrad [near the real world location of Voltage, Oregon].

The huge Russian Orthodox Cathedral of St Christopher dominates the city from the higher of the Twin Peaks hill in the city. This is the second cathedral on this site; a smaller cathedral there was destroyed in the 1906 earthquake.

In addition to this the Catholic Cathedral of St Francis (of Assisi) is located on the highest point of the Forest Hill area of the city.

The Bay Bridge [in the same place as the Golden Gate Bridge], a long, elegant suspension bridge over the entrance to San Francisco Bay, completed in 1960 [as opposed to 1937 for the real world Golden Gate Bridge] carries road and rail traffic between the southern and northern shores of the bay.

Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay is home to a Russian Orthodox convent. This is rumoured to also be used as a place to which troublesome noblewomen are exiled.


Louisiana split off from Columbia over the Colombian governments handling of the Kaliforniyan secession. Kaliforniyan-Louisianan relations are thus better than those between Louisiana and Columbia.

Like Columbia, Louisiana is divided up into Territories. Its capital is the city of New Orleans.

The Louisianan government is a delegative democracy, with lots of recalls of delegates. This form of government was instituted to cure perceived problems with the Colombian system, but means that the Louisianan government does not do much. Because of this corporations and so on are powerful there. However, like Columbia, Louisiana keeps an armed populace because it sees itself as surrounded by foreign - and oftentimes hostile - states, and because its people have not wanted to put a dictatorial government over themselves.

A few other parts (such as Israel) have seceded from Louisiana over the years, but most have had problems and many have rejoined their parent state after a while.

The Louisianan currency is the Dollar, which is divided into one hundred cents. Colombia has the same currency.

The flag of Louisiana is quite different to that of Columbia. Its design is based on the geography of the country - a white strip on the left hand edge represents the Rocky Mountains while a broad blue stripe down the centre represents the Mississippi River. The remainder of the flag is divided into a green lower half and a brown upper half, representing the landscapes of those areas of Louisiana.

The flag of Louisiana

New England

New England consists of what in the real world are New Hampshire, Maine, New Brunswick and all the land north of them to the southern shore of the St Lawrence River. New England is a parliamentary democracy and full member of the Union. Its capital is the city of Coussinoc [Augusta, Maine]. As for Hudsonia, the structure of the New England government is derived from the English model, consisting of the lower House of Commons and the upper House of Lords.

A significant fraction of the population of New England is made up of native Americans, from the original inhabitants of the region [who fared better under the Union than under the USA of the real world]. As such they are a minor but significant force in business and politics.

Because of its borders with the unfriendly nation of Quebec, New England maintains armed observation balloons along its land border identical to those the Union maintains along La Manche [the English Channel].

New England's flag is the Blue Ensign of the Union with a green tree added to it.

The flag of New England


The Newfoundland peninsula is a parliamentary democracy and full member of the Union. Its capital is the city of St Johns. As for Hudsonia and New England, its government is derived from the English model, consisting of the lower House of Electors and the upper House of Notables.

Newfoundland's flag is the Blue Ensign of the Union with the symbol of the former colony of Newfoundland added to it.

The flag of Newfoundland

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia is a parliamentary democracy and full member of the Union. Its capital is the city of Halifax. As for Hudsonia, New England and Newfoundland, its government is derived from the English model, consisting of the lower House of Electors and the upper House of Notables.

Nova Scotia's flag is the Blue Ensign of the Union with a Scottish shield added to it.

The flag of Nova Scotia


The Kingdom of Quebec extends west to just past Toronto and north from there to James Bay. Niagara Falls is Quebec's western land border with Hudsonia. Everything east of that line on the mainland, including real world Labrador, is part of Quebec, as is Baffin Island, Prince Charles Island and the islands of Hudson Bay and the Hudson strait.

A fairly isolationist absolute monarchy, since 1802 Quebec has been ruled by a branch of the French House of Bourbon. For most of its existence Quebec has been politically stable, a system that has been encouraged by the perception of it being surrounded by hostile neighbours. Its capital is the city of Montreal. French is its official language.

As part of the self-sufficiency imposed by its isolation, Quebec is much more industrialised than Columbia, and because of this produces a great deal of mass-produced exports to Columbia and elsewhere in the world. In return it imports large amounts of Colombian food and raw materials. This is formalised in a number of trading and defensive alliances between the two nations.

Quebec has a large Native American population, derived from Native Americans forced out of what became Columbia during its war of independence. It also has one of the most extensive and extreme eugenics programmes of any nation in the world, and is known to be involved in research much of the rest of the world considers extremely unethical. As part of this, in 1990, Quebec was the nation where the first human being was cloned.

Although allied with France, in 1994 France conducted air strikes against 'rogue elements' of the governments of Quebec, Columbia and Louisiana that were conducting a programme of genetic engineering on human beings. The alliance has become rather strained since then. Until this attack the government and people of Quebec were quite pro-French, although physically isolated from France itself by the Union. The attacks, however, justified as they were seen as being outside Quebec, has shifted Quebec to a very anti-French position, and led to a turning inward, above and beyond its already isolated position. In addition to this, faith in the Quebecois system has been damaged by the success of the French attacks, with calls for change becoming louder despite attempts by the government to suppress them. Many outside observers speculate that some sort of (possibly violent) political change, or worse, is inevitable there.

Because of the long and hard to police border Quebec shares with Columbia, Quebec has a gun crime problem. Especially since the attack of 1994.

Quebec uses a currency based on the French system, with Livres divided into twenty Sols, each of which is divided into twelve Denier.

The flag of Quebec is similar to that used in the real world but with gold fleur-de-lis and cross rather than white ones.

The flag of Quebec

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The flags shown on this page are taken or derived from those shown on the Flags of the World web site. They are used here without permission but for personal use only and not for profit or commercial gain.

Creative Commons Licence Copyright © Tony Jones, 2005.
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