The Symbol of House Sawall The Symbol of House Sawall


Diary Entry the Fifth

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And so we all came together in Meridian, Trumped in from wherever we were. And the first thing we did, mainly at Adam's insistence, was have a major planning session. After a little negotiation by Adam with a representative from it, completely ignoring the ship of the Black Fleet, the Tenebri, docked on the other side of Meridian's harbour.

The planning, at least, was not such a bad idea, as it turned out. At least it gives us some active, rather than reactive things to do.

However, some of the suggestions put forward were ... disturbing ... to say the least. None less so than Adam seriously suggesting that all Trump artists in Chaos be killed; he did admit that that he personally didn't want to do so, but thinks that perhaps it should be done for the safety of Amber. Obviously I stood against this, though Nicobrus was surprisingly silent on the subject; I most definately must mention this 'suggestion' to Despil when I next see him.

Adam also sugested that I perhaps I should invite Yalia to Lilliths and my wedding. I evaded the issue by saying I would think about it, though Adams point that, given recent events, having another thug along might be wise, were not entirely without merit, but even so...

It was also suggested that we kill Valor to prevent a potential traitor becoming King of Chaos. I made it clear that I would have nothing to do with killing him if it turned out he was a traitor. But it was harder when Adam asked whether I would try to actively stop the others, if they decided to kill Valor. That was a much harder question. If I value life, how could I passively allow the killing of Valor. But. If he is a traitor, how many lives could be lost if he becomes King? So I vaccilated, and agreed not to stop them, but not to aid them either. I'm not sure I made the correct decision, or whether I simply took the path of least resistance. I hope I don't come to regret my choice...

Then we were told that there was fighting on the black ship, and between it and some smaller ships which were apparently working with it. This was the Chaosites in the crew dissenting over remaining loyal to the Black Fleet, or becoming freelancers. The freelancers (including the Lady to whom Adam had spoken earlier) won, leaving the ex-captain to fly off. He was 'shot down' by Ishmael with the Pattern (what an unpleasant way to be halted), and reeled in by me, using the Logrus.

After subduing and securing him (he refused to surrender when I promised him his life), I rescued who I could from the fighting, again using the Logrus. Then the fighting ceased, and we talked to the ex-captain (after he had been woken up, of course).

I'm not sure who of Nicobrus and myself were the more surprised to discover that the prisoner was in fact Nicobrus' great-uncle Vathek, the younger brother of Lord Jethris. I didn't even know Lord Jethris had a younger brother! Still, sensibly, Nicobrus Trumped Lord Jethris through to ... discuss the situation.

It turns out that Vathek killed another member of House Malrix, Typhon, at Patternfall, after unsuccessfully trying to convert Typhon to his cause, and scheming to involve Malrax in schemes Vathek would benefit from. Apparently he believed that something in house history implied that Malrax had once been a major house, and could legitimately claim to be so again, to "be the House we were before Barimen fled". Something to do with their bloodline, which may be that of a branch of House Alrone, a house, along with Korvesh, which fell when Barimen fled (along with other which were destroyed, or fragmented - like Rathrune-Sawall, perhaps? - or driven underground or into lesser titles), .

I was quite surprised when Adam supported my deciding what to do with Vathek, after I told him he would not be killed. Lord Jethris was determined to do whatever was best for Malrax, even if it meant handing his brother over to Thelbane for judgement - quite admirable dedication to his House, I thought, even if more than a little cold, too.

After he was woken up, Vathek told us all he knew of his involvement in the Black Fleet, and how Prosek comes and goes freely in Chaos under another name, how his father is the power behind the throne in one of the major Houses (well, that only narrows it down to every major House in Chaos!) and Prosek himself is a member of another major House altogether - one where he could learn Logrus, and Trump. This doesn't really narrow it down. It could be Jesby, or Helgram, or even Sawall - us!. Cymnea liked to spread her contacts, it seems.

Vathek was also involved in the Knights of the Eclipse (the true Knights of the Eclipse), meeting one of them, the 'Knight Preceptor', twice in the Badlands in the hope of gaining the knowledge he wanted (he saw some alleged records of the days before Malrax was Malrax which 'proved' his claims), in return for which he betrayed Cymnea to them. Apparently the Knights were not prepared to help in the war against Amber, but were prepared to take Vathek's claims seriously. When the Knights of the Eclipse took back their power, Malrax would be re-elevated to its former status.

Vathek wanted to stop the joining of Krailin with Malrax, but the Knights of the Eclipse disagreed - the merger would strengthen both - both are parts of the old House Alrone, perhaps?

Anyway, Lord Jethris did his best to get Vathek to agree to return to Chaos, but Vathek was more than reluctant to do so. He did confess to what really happened to Typhon, though. He didn't kill him, but was involved - the Knights of the Eclipse killed Typhon as an example of their power, to persude Vathek to throw in his lot with them. They somehow stopped his heart and brain, making him fall over dead in front of Vathek. He knew he would be suspected of Typhons death, and put the body on the battlefield with some wounds (on the back) and started working for the Knights of the Eclipse the next turning.

There was a lot of anger at Vatheks confession, the placing of the wounds on Typhon. Yalia and Jethris both wanted him dead. But I gave my word he would not be harmed, which was the only thing to save him. Adam suggested he be imprisoned in Amber; I agreed to his being locked up, with no mistreatment, for a month or so then being let go into shadow. And so, after some threats from Nicobrus, Taranis, and even a warning from me, imprisoned he was.

The way I used the reputation of Sawall against Vathek was not quite what I would have done in the past. Am I becoming nastier with time? I hope not. But was it better to do so, in the long term? If people think you're nastier, perhaps they are less likely to cause you trouble later. It seems to make me feel stronger, even so. I'm not sure I like this development, though.

And as he left, Lord Jethris dropped a last bombshell. Apparently it was only three turnings until my wedding to Lillith!

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