Jihx Cym-Voirs (Jihx Seopaf'eovz Adjel Cym-Voirs el-nar)

Played by Alastair Beadle

Description :

Tall, blond and "heroic" looking. Wears blue, simple, clothes - sort of Roman stuff - skirts, togas, sandles etc. This is typical Ahnellian dress - and it goes well with his armour! Age 76.

Jihx's Coat of Arms

Jihx' Coat of Arms, by Alastair Beadle

With his having begun to learn the power of shapeshifting, Jihx has also acquired an Avatar form and a War form. His Avatar form is a humanoid made of bright (but not blinding) light, so that it appears largely featureless, and his War form is a seven foot tall very matt black demon, with red eyes and claws, but no horns.

Initial Statistics :

Psyche     : 12 (plus 12 advances)
Strength   : 12 (plus 1 advance)
Endurance  :  5 (plus 2 advance)
Warfare    : 22 (plus 6 advances)
Good Stuff : +5

Special Equipment:

SWORD : In the form of a light blue pendant jewel. Forms into a glass sword, of the same colour, with the power to fire plasma bolts from the blade. [Embedded Spell : 4, Trump Powered : 4, Doubling Damage : 2, Alternate Form : 1 = 11 points total]

ARMOUR : In the form of a light blue ring jewel. Forms into a glass shield and full body plate armour of the same colour. [Resistant to Firearms : 2, Alternate Form : 1 = 3 points total]

HORSE : A white combat-trained stallion. The horse has a light blue crystal embedded in its chest. When the crystal is not activated it is just like any other horse. When it is activated (by Jihx) it forms into half body covering light blue, glass barding. [Resistant to Firearms : 2, Alternate Form : 1, Combat Reflexes : 2 = 5 points total]

Jihx has never met anyone other than himself who can control his crystal artefacts.

Advancement :

Since the game started, Jihx has advanced various of his statistics, in particular Psyche and Warfare. He has also:

Jihx's new and modified special equipment and creatures are now as follows:

ARMOUR : In the form of a light blue ring jewel. Forms into a glass shield and full body plate armour of the same colour which will fit Jihx in all of his human, Avatar and War forms. [Resistant to Firearms : 2, Named and Numbered Forms : 2 = 4 points total]

SWORD : In the form of a light blue pendant jewel. Forms into a glass sword, of the same colour, with the power to fire blue plasma bolts from the blade. It has been enhanced to have a variable blast beam which rather than a straight-line blast can now be reshaped to also be a wide line or a cone effect, so as to hit more targets. It has also acquired (ot Jihx has learned how to activate) two new enchantments, the ability to drain the mental strength of those it hits (either with beam or blade) and feed that power into Jihx to keep his stamina up, and the ability to project a beam which dispels any magic which it hits. [Embedded Variable Beam Blast Spell : 8, Embedded Psyche Drain Spell : 4, Embedded Dispel Magic Spell : 4, Trump Powered : 4, Doubling Damage : 2, Alternate Form : 1 = 23 points total]

HORSE : A white combat-trained stallion. The horse has a light blue crystal embedded in its chest. When the crystal is not activated it is just like any other horse. When it is activated (by Jihx) it forms into half body covering light blue, glass barding. It has been enhanced to run much more quickly, blue sparks flying from its hooves as it does so, and to have a ranged psychic link with Jihx. Its combat skills have been enhanced over the years. [Resistant to Firearms : 2, Named and Numbered Forms (Armoured and Unarmoured normal horse, horse of light and demon horse forms) : 2, Combat Mastery : 4, Double Speed : 2, Ranged Psychic Sensitivity : 2 = 12 points total]

SNAKE RING : A ring in the form of a snake coiled into a ring shape, its head and tail side by side (not swallowing its own tail). This ring can animate into a real snake which can change between a variety of sizes, from the same size it is in ring form to very large, and has a ranged Psychic link to Jihx. [Named and Numbered Forms (Different sizes, plus snakes of light and demon snakes, also in various sizes) : 3, Ranged Psychic Sensitivity : 2 = 5 points total]

WHITE HAWK : A white hawk which, when it turns up, is normally carry some useful mundane item it has picked up en route through shadow. It also has a ranged psychic link to Jihx, is very tough, is combat trained and can change size from the size of a normal hawk to a hawk large and strong enough to carry Jihx (it is not strong enough to do this in all shadows, though). [Mould Shadow Stuff : 1, Mould Shadow Environment - Able to Fly Anywhere : 2, Ranged Psychic Sensitivity : 2, Resistant to Firearms : 2, Combat Reflexes : 2, Named and Numbered Forms (Armoured and Unarmoured normal hawk, large hawk, large and small hawk of light and large and small demon hawk forms) : 2 = 11 points total]

MINIONS : Jihx has recruited two different types of minions from shadows which he has found. Some are creatures of glowing light, much like his Avatar form, and have constructive powers. Others are matt black demonic creatures, much like his War form, and have destructive powers.

Skills :

Upbringing, Origins, etc :

Jihx was brought up on the world of Ahnel, a primitive, earth like world of rolling green plains, dense evergreen forests, high snow topped mountains and wide blue oceans. It is sparsely inhabited by humanoids who, according to their own legends, arrived from another world centuries before. Jihx was found as a child, clutching the jewels that contribute to his powers, and brought up by an Ahnelian fishing community.

The peaceful Ahnellians where shocked when a portal from the world of Derris opened up and hordes of lizard-mounted terrorists/warriors/psychos cut through the population. There ensued a major war - that quickly went the Derrisian way but slowly ground down to a stalemate. By the time Jihx was old enough to appreciate his powers the war had ebbed into a series of skirmishes across the portal - always initiated by the Derrisian hunting parties - and inevitably repelled by the now prepared Ahnellians who had ringed the portal with fortresses.

Jihx, now 16 years old and infamous for his powers and skills, hatched a plan to end the war once and for all. He convinced the Ahnellian leaders to mount a huge army, that he would lead through the portal, to exterminate the Derrisian menace.

The new war went well for a few hours - then they met Caitlin. She scythed through Jihx's army and then took him on.

The two fought for days until they realised that they where too evenly matched (the Ahnellian army had fled by that time). Basically, Caitlin had the edge in speed and skill, but Jihx was stronger and his armour was much tougher, so Caitlin hit him a lot to little effect, and got out of his grappling attempts by sheer speed. Jihx also seemed to get a lot more lucky breaks than Caitlin, for some reason...

Caitlin and Jihx sat down on the decimated plain and started to talk. They conceived a truce that would end the war. Faced with the awesome powers of the two godlike offspring of their worlds, the Derrisian and Ahnellian populations had no choice but accept. The Derrisians would be given strictly limited hunting rights to the animals (not humans!) of Ahnel and the two races would exchange goods and technology through the portal.

Caitlin and Jihx became the power behind the thrones of their worlds - Jihx feels that the people of their worlds should be able to look after themselves (but keeps an eye open just in case Caitlin feels like interfering again! - not that she would but he doesn't know that!).

Over the years though Jihx has become more and more detached from the population - so long as he feels Caitlin would not interfere with them he would be quite happy to leave and do more interesting things - such as if she came too, for example!

Jihx and Caitlins relationship has remained entirely platonic - in fact occasionally down right icy. Jihx can never really forget the fighting and Caitlin is just too cool to care much (plus those Ahnellian's really look stupid in her opinion).

Caitlin and Jihx where very happy for the next sixty years - lording over their united populations - then they got bored - then very bored - then very very bored indeed...

A Map Of The Area Of The Gate To Derris

The gate lies in the approximate centre of a roughly circular valley with a river running through the middle. The river enters via a waterfall at the upper end and exits by another at the lower end. The main Ahnelian fort lies close to the gate, and other forts and lookout posts ring the valley.

The area around the gate, by Alastair Beadle


A Plan Of Jihx's Fortress By The Gate To Derris

Jihx's Fortress by the gate, by Alastair Beadle


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