Skyrie Velutiun Dominus

Crimson Inquisitor, Champion of the Order of the Silver Flame, Rider of the Forty-Seven Winds, Divine Shadow of Asiyta, Guardian of the Severed Statue, Conqueror of Xanusia, Overlord of the Fourteen Empires

Played and depicted by Stephen Deas

Skyries Trump

Not visible from the Trump image is that Skyrie has an old plus-sign-shaped scar on his forehead; this is quite hard to see and is really only visible as a difference in the reflectivity of his skin there.

Skyrie's personal symbol is a stylised black sun containing a yin-yang symbol over the motto 'No Fear For Consequence Remains', all on a white background.

Skyrie's Symbol



Skyrie is master of a multi-shadow empire. He sees himself as having brought order to chaos, discipline to anarchy, and sees this as all general betterment of his subjects. Thus his conquests are 'for their own good...' On the other hand, the acquisition of wealth, power, and all kinds of arcane trivia have their appeal. The Fourteen Empires are quite severely Lawful Neutral in overall alignment, and in this they reflect their ruler.

If Skyrie commits himself to do something, he will stop at nothing to do it. Other than that, he's a bit of an evil bastard. He already views normal people in the same way as a shepherd looks at sheep (even that might be too nice a way of putting it) - to be managed, disciplined, fed, watered, clothed, and, when necessary, slaughtered. Possibly the way a vampire would look at their flock. When he discovers all about the Pattern, this arrogant superiority is unlikely to improve...


These stories contain a good deal of Skyrie's history and back-story.


Skyrie's thoughts on what has happened since he joined the game.


Psyche     : Amber (plus 10 advances)
Strength   : Amber (plus  4 advances)
Endurance  :     9 (plus  1 advance)
Warfare    :    33 (plus  3 advances)
Good Stuff :    +1

Sorcery        : 10
Empowerment    : 10
Trump Artistry : 30


SKYRIE'S ANKLE BRACELET [Rack Named and Numbered Spells : 2]


Since he joined the game and discovered that all of the other Amberites had minds more powerful than his, Skyrie has improved the power of his mind considerably. He has also become faster, stronger and fitter.

In addition to this, walking the Pattern gave him insights into the power of Trump so that he is now able to create Trumps much more quickly and with much more power than before, and also use them to open physical gates between places. The improvements in his mental strength also gave him insights into the Pattern so that he has now become much more sensitive to the properties of shadow and can control his Pattern emanations much better than a normal Pattern user.



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