
Age : 18

Occupation : Apprentice Priest

Sex : Female

Description : A tall, impressive and very attractive young woman with slightly golden skin, black hair and brown eyes.


Value | Stat | Cost | Points       
13    | Str  | x1   |    3         Endurance cost for Strength : 1
14    | Dex  | x3   |   12         
23    | Con  | x2   |   26         OCV (Dex/3) : 5
12    | Body | x2   |    4         DCV (Dex/3) : 5
18    | Int  | x1   |    8         ECV (Ego/3) : 6
18    | Ego  | x2   |   16         
18    | Pre  | x1   |    8         Dex Roll (9+Dex/5)    : 12-
16    | Com  | x1/2 |    3         Int Roll (9+Int/5)    : 13-
8     | PD   | x1   |    5         Ego Roll (9+Ego/5)    : 13-
8     | ED   | x1   |    3         Percep Roll (9+Int/5) : 13-
4     | Spd  | x10  |   16         
8     | Rec  | x2   |    0         Phases : 3, 6, 9, 12
46    | End  | x1/2 |    0         
32    | Stun | x1   |    0         
             | Total|  104         

Powers / Talents / Skills                                     | Pts
Multipower : Psychic Powers                                   |  44
u 10d6 Aid, To any One Statistic(+1/4),                       |   4
    Only to Original Level(-1/2); 6 End - Psychic Healing     |
u 12d6 Telepathy, No Range(-1/2); 6 End                       |   4
u 14d6 Mind Control, Telepathic(+1/4), No Range(-1/2),        |   4
    1 Command - Do Nothing(-1/2); 9 End                       |
u 6d6 Ego Attack, No Range(-1/2); 6 End                       |   4
LS : Immune to Disease                                        |   3
Lightsleep                                                    |   3
Simulate Death                                                |   3
Animal Handler 14-                                            |   9
Conversation 13-                                              |   3
Oratory 13-                                                   |   3
Persuasion 13-                                                |   3
Survival 8-                                                   |   1
+2 with Conversation, Oratory and Persuasion                  |   6
WF : Blades                                                   |   1
Literate                                                      |   1
Total                                                         |  96

Disadvantages                                                 | Pts
Watched (Tribal Chief, more, NCI, 8-)                         |  10
Watched (Tribal Priest, more, NCI, 14-)                       |  15
Completely unfamiliar with technology (Infrequent, Greatly)   |  10
Reputation 11-                                                |  10
DNPC (mother, incompetent, 8-)                                |  15
Vengeful (Unc, Str)                                           |  10
Arrogant (Cmn, Mod)                                           |  10
Over-confident (Cmn, Mod)                                     |  10
Dislikes Killing (Cmn, Mod)                                   |  10
Total                                                         | 100

Total Points ( 100 + Disadvantages ) = 200


All equipment is made out of wood, bone and stone. Because of this it is more breakable than metal equivalents. This is represented by each piece of equipment suffering Burnout (the power disadvantage) on a roll of 16+, each time it is used.


The youngest of four children, only your mother survives, and she is fairly old and frail. When you were very young, your oldest siblings, brother and sister, committed suicide for a reason you have never been able to discover. Your powers first manifested themselves when you were about eleven summers old. At about the same time your surviving older brother was killed in a skirmish with another tribe over a prime hunting ground. Shortly afterwards you were adopted by Zander, the Tribes priest, as his apprentice, and one day, his successor. Although he is usually fair he is fairly harsh in his treatment of you, as he is with everyone else, so for you this mission is your first chance to be out from under his thumb in several years.

You tend to be rather sharp with people around you, insisting that they show you the respect you think you deserve. You feel you have to pay back slights against yourself in order to keep peoples respect. Your mind powers have told you enough about people that you dislike killing and would prefer it if others did not as well, although you can kill if necessary. You are also very confident in your abilities, and this can lead you to walk into situations without thinking through the consequences first.

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