
Age : 14

Occupation : Warrior

Sex : Male

Description : Very tall, hugely muscled and hugely impressive, with fair tanned skin, grey eyes and brown hair.


Value | Stat | Cost | Points       
40º*  | Str  | x1   |   20         Endurance cost for Strength : 4
14    | Dex  | x3   |   12         
23    | Con  | x2   |   26         OCV (Dex/3) : 5+
20    | Body | x2   |   20         DCV (Dex/3) : 5+
8     | Int  | x1   |   -2         ECV (Ego/3) : 4
11    | Ego  | x2   |    2         
23    | Pre  | x1   |   13         Dex Roll (9+Dex/5)    : 12-
12    | Com  | x1/2 |    1         Int Roll (9+Int/5)    : 11-
16º   | PD   | x1   |    8         Ego Roll (9+Ego/5)    : 11-
16º   | ED   | x1   |    9         Percep Roll (9+Int/5) : 11-
3     | Spd  | x10  |    6         
12    | Rec  | x2   |    2         Phases : 4, 8, 12
46    | End  | x1/2 |    0         
47    | Stun | x1   |    0         º Including Density Increase    
             | Total|  117         

Powers / Talents / Skills                                     | Pts
2 Levels Density Increase, 0 End (+1/2),                      |  13
  Persistent (+1/2), Always On (-1/2)                         |
    [Giving +10 Str, +2 PD, +2 ED, x4 mass (400Kg), -2" KNB]  |
8rPD, 8rED Damage Resistance                                  |   8
LS : Immune to Disease                                        |   3
+1" Running (7" total); 1 End per Phase                       |   2
-2" Swimming (cannot swim)                                    |  -2
IR Vision                                                     |   5
UV Vision                                                     |   5
Lightsleep                                                    |   3
+4 with HTH Combat                                            |  20
Survival 14-                                                  |   9
Interrogation 14-                                             |   3
Stealth 12-                                                   |   3
Concealment 11-                                               |   3
Animal Handler 11-                                            |   3
Seduction 8-                                                  |   1
WF : Common Melee Weapons                                     |   2
WF : Common Missile Weapons                                   |   2
Total                                                         |  83

Disadvantages                                                 | Pts
Watched (Tribal Chief, more, NCI, 8-)                         |  10
Completely unfamiliar with technology (Infrequent, Greatly)   |  10
Physical Limitation - 400 Kg mass (Frequent, Slight)          |  10
Reputation 11- (Tribes greatest warrior)                      |  10
2 x DNPC's (mother and father, normal, 8-)                    |  20
Over-confident (Cmn, Str)                                     |  15
Likes to fight (Cmn, Str)                                     |  15
Professional Rivalry with Anna                                |  10
Total                                                         | 100

Total Points ( 100 + Disadvantages ) = 200


All equipment is made out of wood, bone and stone. Because of this it is more breakable than metal equivalents. This is represented by each piece of equipment suffering Burnout (the power disadvantage) on a roll of 16+, each time it is used.


The oldest of two children, with a brother suffering from the effects of a crippling deformity you are the best warrior in the Tribe and you know it. You became the tribes best warrior after besting your father Antin at the age of twelve and since then no-one has ever beaten you in single combat. For this reason you believe there is no problem you cannot solve with your fists, which leads you into many unnecessary fights. This attitude can also lead you to act rashly without thinking through the consequences first. You have lead many hunting parties and have become indispensable in helping the Tribe in its migrations. You only bow down before one thing - God, and are one of the Tribe's most fervent believers, having no time for anyone who doubts the power of the Lord and wishing to stamp out the taint of heresy wherever it may be found. Also, you think that you are God's gift to women, although for some reason most women seem not to agree with you...

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