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This game setting is intended as one in which the players play the role of evil characters, minions of the malevolent Undying Empire. It is a world that might best be described as Victorian magical steampunk. The setting is intended to work against clichés, glorify evil more than preach about it, and include infighting and politicking.

On a world somewhat like the Earth, named Dran, is a nation called the Undying Empire, which is ruled by the Undying Lord - an ancient mage who long ago sold his soul to Cthon, an ancient power of the Earth, one of the five deities of Dran. Cthon's power had faded over the years and it was revitalised by the Undying Lord in return for the vast power and immortality that Cthon granted him within Cthon's lands. Some whisper that he became the avatar of Cthon. Cthon gave the mage all of Dran, as well as the power to take it, in return for worship. However, the Undying Lord is strongest in his citadel at the Empire's capital of Umbra, with his power decreasing steadily away from there, so he is limited in the role he can take in the world, having to rely on minions.

It is 16896 years since the Accession of the Undying Lord.

Since his Ascension the Undying Lord has worked to expand, by conquest, the power of Cthon across the whole world of Dran. Over the millennia he has failed and failed, but never been defeated on his home ground. He has learnt from each defeat, improving his methods and so growing until, now, at last, nearly all of Dran is his. He is close to conquering the last stronghold of his final opponents, the Lunar Empire, the last free nation, after a long, slow war. They had become insular and other nations had weakened over time, allowing the Empire to slowly build its strength and eventually to win

The information on the Servants of the Empire setting is divided up into the following sections, on separate pages:


The notes from a short game run in this setting:


This game was originally run using a modified version of the Khaotic system. However, any 'realistic' game system where combat is realistic and dangerous would work for it, I think.

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Creative Commons License Copyright © Tony Jones, 2007.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.