
Non-Player Characters

From Campaign Segment 2

There were a number of non-generic non-player characters in this campaign segment. They are :

Click on the character names to return to the top of the page.

In all the character descriptions below, for powers 'F' means Frequent, 'V' means Versatile and 'M' means major; a 'x 4' or similar after one of the letters means that the power has that feature that many times (e.g. the 'M x 4' means the power is four times Major).

DR. V (Dr. Vivisector)

Real Name:Dr. Pavel Vasilievitch Vonomir
a.k.a. Dr. Viktor Xavierovitch Stregoi
Base of Operations:Mobile (currently Moscow)

Description :

He is tall and thin, in his early 60's, with silver hair, cold grey eyes and a large, sharp nose. He wears circular steel-framed spectacles and smart western-style suits.

He was a Russian army medic who became involved in military research programmes when his genius was discovered. He was involved in the Soviet super-solder programme, and the creation of (among others) Warwolf and the People's Commando. After a while his methods and goals began to worry even his superiors, and he was recruited by a highly secret branch of the government. They sent him on a 'sabbatical' of medical charity work with the UN in Africa, allegedly as a punishment. Unfortunately he just saw the people there as experimental subjects and continued his work, this time with no supervision from above. By the time he was discovered he was deeply into his monster-making and mutilating work. He was instantly sacked and sent back to Russia under arrest. Despite his government connections he was disgraced, fired, and struck off.

It was shortly after this that he was approached and recruited by Viper. Since then he has worked his way up in the Viper hierarchy to the point that he is now in charge of their domination of crime, first in Moscow, then in all of the former Soviet Union...

He uses the alias of Dr Stregoi and his work for the Afghanistan Veterans Foundation to find suitable subjects for his monster-making experiments. He is a good strategist, but not a good tactician; he has a second in command to do that, a former Spetznatz Colonel.

EARTH:4(Work Long Hours)
AIR:8(Experimental Surgery)
Also good at acting
WATER:6(Sense Lies)
VIRTUE:Dedicated to Science
FLAW:Sees People as Experimental Subjects;
Watched by Viper;
Hunted by Russian Government
GOAL:Have his Genius Recognised by All
Powers and Skills
Eidetic Memory  0 
+2 with Pistols (Use as Fire 6) 1
Total Points = 4 + 8 + 3 + 6 + 0 + 1 = 22


Real Name:Unknown
Base of Operations:Moscow

Description :

A female were-Siberian tiger. Short, broad and fairly muscular in human form. Slightly prettier than average looks. Dark straight hair. Dark eyes. Looks like an Eskimo. She speaks Russian accented by her tribal tongue.

As a were-tiger she seems to heal very quickly, and to gradually revert to human form if she is knocked out.

Note that as December is still at large this section only includes the information the player characters know about her...


Real Name:Melgis Viktorovitch Yegdrov
Base of Operations:Mobile (currently Moscow)

Description :

A former stage impressionist/impersonator from St Petersburg. He dresses in smart western-style suits, but is otherwise very average-looking and nondescript. He has a tendency to stare vacantly into space when not actually doing anything.

A clever but personality-less and nerdy child at school, he was picked on and bullied a lot, and became an impersonator and joker to fit in by making people laugh. This led him to a career of doing the same, as a stage impressionist/impersonator in the clubs of St Petersburg (Leningrad as it was then). He was pretty good, as he had little personality of his own. But he did get into gambling, and heavily into debt. When some mafioskis came to collect on the debt in blood, his powers came out and he was able to steal their strengths and run to western Europe. It was here that Viper, acting on rumours, recruited him...

EARTH:4(Work Long Hours)
FIRE:5(Touching Targets)
WATER:5(Blend Into Background)
Very little personality of his own;
Hunted by a Russian mafia group
Powers and Skills
Steal Powers (F, M x 8)
He can steal up to 8 points of each of a person's powers and statistics (statistics go to a maximum of 8) on touch. He has control of whether he takes the powers or not, but if he decides to take them he gets ALL powers. His doing this suppresses the victims powers, although they remain conscious. Powers are only stolen for a few minutes at a time per touch, then they revert to their 'owner'. When stealing powers his looks changes a little to resemble his victim. He can only steal one set of powers at a time; taking a new set 'overwrites' the old and lets the 'owner' of the old powers regain their powers. He uses many disguises. In combat his preference is to use disguise and blending into the background to sneak up on a target and then steal their powers for himself.
+2 with Blending Into Background (use as Water 8) 1
+2 with Disguise (use as Air 7) 1
Light Body Armour 1
Total Points = 4 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 30


Real Name:Gendar Yurivich Sarkisyan
Base of Operations:Moscow

Description :

The appears to be in his forties, with thin brown hair streaked with grey. He is of an average height and build, but a bit plump and flabby. He wears metal-rimmed spectacles.

He appears to have the psychic power to control living minds at range.

Note that as The Operator is still at large this section only includes the information the player characters know about him...


Real Name:Unknown
Base of Operations:Moscow

Description :

Solstice appears as a beautiful blonde girl in a white and gold costume.

She appears to have some kind of light powers. Certainly she appears capable of flight, intangibility, laser beam generation, image generation (holograms), flash attacks, microwave attacks, the interception of mobile phone calls and placing her mind elsewhere to the place she appears in. She also has no scent.

Solstice speaks fluent Russian with an American accent.

Note that as Solstice is still at large this section only includes the information the player characters know about her...


Real Name:Unknown
Nationality:South African?
Base of Operations:Moscow

Description :

A tall and athletic angular black metal woman. She appears to be very strong, very fast, essentially invulnerable, and doesn't seem to need to breathe.

She speaks fairly good Russian with a strong South African accent.

Note that as Tungsten is still at large this section only includes the information the player characters know about her...


Real Name:The Rose (no other name)
Age:96 in this form
Sex:Appears male
Nationality:Russian by Default
Base of Operations:Siberia

The Rose is based on the character of the same name in the section on DEMON
in the 'Classic Organisations' sourcebook from Hero Games.

Description :

The Rose appears to be a teenage boy, with shaggy dark hair, green eyes and pale skin. He dresses in a white jumpsuit/overalls with a red rose at the breast. His scent (to those who can tell such things) is plant-like, not animal.

The Rose is a Russian nature spirit. Like the spirits which gave Mother Bear and General Winter their powers, the spirit was supposed to join with or possess a human host. It was discovered asleep in a mound in Siberia (not too far from Yakutsk) in 1901, by a gold prospector. But the prospector was weakened by hunger and disease, and died when the spirit tried to merge with him. Thus The Rose, essentially instinctively, made his own body in the image of the prospector and used it to move among people. But his prospective host's death, and the lack of a human soul to balance the spirit's power drove him slowly insane. The damage done to Siberia, its environment, by humankind's destructive activities there, has made it even more insane.

He hates man, and all his works. He wants to erase them both, no matter what the cost. Even destroying the world in order to save it would not be out of the question.

As he began to work against man he became more human to understand and stop them and in doing so, coming to understand why man does these things, he has become even more insane.

It was during these investigations that he and DEMON found one another, and he joined them, becoming their chief agent in Siberia and the eastern lands to work with them and destroy mankind from within. They do not know his true intentions...

He sensed the same magical 'spikes' as drew Nut to Siberia, and sees in them a step towards his ends...

He lives in a mansion outside of Yakutsk.

Before he met the Moscow Superheroes he had been heard of by rumour alone, the rumours having him as a mage and/or crimelord in the area of Yakutsk.

EARTH:6(Resist Magic)
FIRE:6(Use Powers)
VIRTUE:Loves and Protects Nature
FLAW:Tied to Siberia and the Northern Woods
SECRET:Hates and Despises Humankind
GOAL:Destroy Man and All His Works
Powers and Skills
Nature/Woodland Magics and Plant Body
This gives 'him' a variety of powers and abilities which include:
  • Control of plants. He can animate plants around him, and control their growth to generate entangling thickets, walls of thorns, blasts of 'thrown' thorns, blinding or choking pollen clouds and mobile animated plants. He can also enhance or stunt plant growth in an area.
  • Movement through plants. He can move through the most dense and tangled plants without hindrance, teleport himself and others with him via plants by being absorbed by one and growing out of another. He never leaves tracks.
  • Enhanced senses. He can sense the state of the environment around him, has an enhanced sense of smell and sees into the UV as well as normal light.
  • His plant-based body is hard to hurt with things other than fire, and he has a plant-based metabolism which needs carbon dioxide rather than sunlight, and ignores animal-affecting poisons but is vulnerable to herbicides. His skin and clothes are petals; his bones are wood; his flesh is soft plant tissue (polluted, reflecting the state of the land), and he bleeds sap.
+2 with Using Magic (Use as Fire 9) 1
Total Points = 6 + 7 + 6 + 9 + 9 + 1 = 38


Real Name:Dr Vasiliy Nicolaiovitch Baburkan
Base of Operations:Siberia

Description :

Average-looking with long-fingered surgeon's hands. He wears a cheap grey suit, with black leather gloves, plus a long black overcoat.

Vasiliy was a surgeon at a prestigious hospital in Vladivostok with a hobby in the occult, particularly in its relationship with death. He experimented with re-animating the dead, and succeeded in doing so, out of curiosity rather than for any particular end. Unfortunately he was found out, killed the nurse who discovered him, then re-animated her to cover his tracks. He realised his career was over, and that he had, without his noticing, turned evil. So he fled. And before too long he was recruited into DEMON.

EARTH:4(Resist Magic)
FIRE:5(Use Magic)
WATER:5(Diagnose Illness/Injury)
VIRTUE:Loyal to Leaders
FLAW:Loyalty to and Fear of Leaders;
Hates Other Doctors
GOAL:Rise Up The Power Structure of DEMON
Powers and Skills
Necromantic Magic
He can animate corpses and parts of corpses to his own end, as well as preserving them so they rot much more slowly. He can also control the rot of other corpses.
Animated corpses have Earth 5, Air 1, Fire 5 (but Speed 2), Water 1. They have no initiative, doing only what Baburkan tells them. They cannot be stunned or stopped short of complete destruction or Baburkan's telling them to stop; even severed parts will carry on attacking.
Total Points = 4 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 25


Real Name:Sviaton Beskovitch Nogavski
Base of Operations:Siberia

Description :

A tall thin old man who dresses in an old-looking black suit, somewhat ill-fitting.

He was a professor of anthropology, particularly religions and the occult, at the University of Kiev in the 1950's. But some of his conclusions about religion went against the party line (they were 'inappropriate') and so he was arrested and sent to a Siberian gulag. Once there he figured out fairly quickly that he was going to die here. Desperate, he used his knowledge of religion and arcane matters to bargain with the powers of darkness for his survival. They gave him, in return for his soul, the power to summon demons of darkness (shadow demons) to do his bidding. He used these powers to escape the gulag, and not long later was recruited into DEMON, his soul irretrievably corrupted from having used his powers.

He took the pseudonym Dalstroy after the NKVD administration responsible for taking prisoners destined for the Gulag and diverting them to build the mining town of Magadan, and doing actual mining work.

EARTH:5(Resist Magic)
FIRE:5(Use Magic)
WATER:5(Sense Magic)
VIRTUE:Loyal to Leaders
FLAW:Loyalty to and Fear of Leaders;
Serves Dark Forces (darker even than DEMON)
GOAL:Rise Up The Power Structure of DEMON
Powers and Skills
Summoning Magics
He can summon demons of darkness (shadow demons) to do his bidding; their statistics vary, but none of them are nice...
-2 to Strength (use as Fire 3)  -1/2 
+1 to Use Magic (use as Fire 7) 1/2
Total Points = 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 -1/2 + 1/2 = 25


Real Name:'Old Wolf' (no other name)
Base of Operations:Siberia

Description :

An Aleut, the last of his tribe after the rest died off by drink, suicide and pollution derived from social and ecological problems caused by Soviet 'development' of the area where they lived. He swore revenge on the people who destroyed his tribe. After he started his revenge crusade he was contacted by DEMON and now works for them in exchange for more power to carry out his revenge.

He is middle-aged, but very tough-looking, short, stocky and grizzled. He wears traditional furs and the like, and carries a bow, knife and spear.

His magic powers are related to arctic survival and hunting. He can summon and control arctic animals to do his bidding, everything from wolves down to insect swarms (these last he can summon almost instantly).

EARTH:5(Resist Magic)
FIRE:5(Use Magic)
WATER:5(Sense Magic)
VIRTUE:Loyal to Leaders
FLAW:Loyalty to and Fear of Leaders;
Wants to Avenge His People
GOAL:Rise Up The Power Structure of DEMON
Powers and Skills
Shamanistic Magic
This magic is related to arctic survival and hunting. It can summon and control arctic animals to do his bidding, everything from wolves down to insect swarms (these last can be summoned almost instantly).
Total Points = 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 25


Real Name:Inessa Burianovitch Zivienskya
Base of Operations:Siberia

Description :

A dark-haired, dark-eyed, swarthy hard-faced woman in her 40s. Her hair is cut short and she has a fairly muscular build. She wears an Soviet Air Force uniform but with the medals and symbols of rank replaced by the DEMON symbol.

Both she and her husband were in the Soviet air force, she as ground crew, he as a fighter pilot. She was of old gypsy stock and used the magic powers her grandmother had taught her to help and protect her husband, both in the air and in his career. But they couldn't protect him from the fall of communism and the end of the old ways. He was let go by the air force, and had very little pension. They had to struggle to survive, and he took to drink. He drank himself to death, and she wanted revenge. She was using her powers to this end when DEMON recruited her...

She wears her air force uniform in memory of her husband and how things were.

EARTH:5(Resist Magic)
FIRE:4(Use Magic)
WATER:5(Sense Magic)
VIRTUE:Loyal to Leaders;
Honours Memory of Husband
FLAW:Loyalty to and Fear of Leaders;
Wants Revenge for Husband
GOAL:Rise Up The Power Structure of DEMON;
Restore the old ways of communism
Powers and Skills
Gypsy Magics
Luck (good or bad), protection, healing and influencing magic, by means of rituals, amulets and potions.
Total Points = 5 + 6 + 4 + 5 + 5 = 25

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